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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. Even if off by default with a warning? What's the point in putting so much effort into a menu that we have to turn off by default? Why not aim for something that's practical and shiny, that everyone can see?
  2. I began a rewrite of the main menu already, with the loading screen happening while on the main menu - this would mean we could present real scenes in the main menu just like HL2. However, I encountered some problems along the way on that front. I am strongly against the reintroduction of the 3D scene, just because of the massive amounts of problems it caused on so many departments. It is just simply not worth going through all of that again. eAi has designed some very nice new backgrounds, and I briefly investigated adding a twitter feed onto the main menu as well. As for GUI, we've had some very nice community designs:
  3. We recently hit 3000 simultaneous players. Things are growing rapidly, and I hope that 1.1 will only catalyse things further.
  4. MX_Master pretty much pioneered the entire development for unicode branch. I'm certain it's appearance in 1.1 would have been doubtful if it were not for his initiative (thanks!). It's not complete just yet though.
  5. Good topic idea, this kind of stuff is a useful set of statistics for scripters.
  6. It appears the uploaded version's meta.xml may have been invalid. Try typing "info rcg"
  7. Small tweaks? Are you kidding? Did you just miss posts by myself and eAi This isnt a matter of opening up the vcproj on a Mac machine, and setting a flag to "For Intel Macs".
  8. darkdreamingdan

    I miss this

    As soon as i heard "Let the bodies hit the floor" i closed my tab. That's not to say I don't miss MTAVC
  9. I believe SAAC has extra functionality like force feedback, though i'm not sure. Could you perhaps clarify what you'd like SAAC for?
  10. Before you continue on this, it's worth noting that there is already a resource that immitates peds like in single player, it's just not publically available (available on request). We're looking into making this available to public. I'm sure there are videos of it on youtube already. It uses complete GTA paths and an A* algorithm. There's also a seperate taxi driver resource made by arc_, which is a fully functional resource in which a ped drives to a desired location.
  11. In the mean time, here is an offline backup: http://dan.bastage.net/mta/mtawiki_taxi.rar It's a few months old, but should do the job
  12. I'm using a PS2 controller fine in MTA. It sounds like you have not properly bounded your controls. Go to the Binds tab and assign each control a controller key.
  13. The Editor, by default, will not check for modified files. Ensure this is turned off by accessing the following file: MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\editor.conf Set the following value to 0: <!-- This parameter specifies what types of checks the clients should make to ensure there has been no tampering with certain settings. Values: 0 - disabled , -1 - everything. default value: -1. --> [b]<verifyclientsettings>0</verifyclientsettings>[/b]
  14. Well any suggestions as to *how* this would work would be nice.
  15. There are multiple hotring racer cars in GTASA.
  16. The problem is, MTASA is massively reliant on Windows API, and the whole hack is designed around the Windows Executable for GTASA. Mac has a more limited API when it comes to reverse engineering (from what i've read) for security reasons, making coding any sort of hack of the scale of MTASA much harder to do. Ignoring the capabilities of OS X, Porting it would essentially mean a large rewrite from the ground up, and redoing massive amounts of research for the Mac's executables. It would be nice, but we have troubles running on windows executables other than 1.00 (i.e. 1.01,2.00,3.00) which would be more worth looking into first, before delving into something as different as Mac.
  17. Hi Roy This sounds really cool, but over the past few months we've seen an odd shift in development from a very much USA-based team to one that's almost entirely situated around Europe, which obviously makes this more difficult to busier contributors. Nevertheless, I'll see if i can get word to some of our older contributors who are based relatively nearby to see if they can lend a hand.
  18. This will not give him the results that he wants.. He'll still have to use dxGetTextWidth. If you turn clipping off, then set identical left & right, and top & bottom parameters, you can use alignment easily.
  19. 1.1 already has a number of measures to make the knife much more balanced, according to suggestions in this topic.
  20. Hey there, any luck in trying to get dxDrawText to work with unicode characters? You'd need to look at dxGetTextWidth and such too.
  21. Note, that the arg table is deprecated in favour of {...} in Lua 5.1.2. It may be removed in future versions so it's not advisable to use it.
  22. Doable, though I'm sure there will be messiness i have not anticipated. GTA has it's own built-in directional blips (used on the local player, and on peds during stealth missions) that would be much better to use, if we could hack them in.
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