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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. If you want to fade through various resources, you'll want to start by looking at either guiCreateStaticImage or dxDrawImage on the Wiki. In order to do fade animations, the easiest way is probably to use arc's animation library, which comes with the Race gamemode. If you take out the animation script, i believe it has some built-in fade functions. You may also want to check the new easing functions such as interpolateBetween https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/InterpolateBetween
  2. Are you sure you've waited long enough for the server to boot? The server will print a message saying it's ready, then you'll be able to type inside.
  3. Delete any default MTA resources you have, and install the resources for 1.1. Note, if you've made any modifications to a default MTA resource, be sure to keep that resource. MTA 1.1 now allows for resource subdirectories in the format of [resourceSubdirectory]. E.g. server/mods/deathmatch/[gamemodes]/race This means you need to be careful to ensure you don't have two lots of the same resource, so delete any old ones you may have.
  4. darkdreamingdan

    Black Screen

    Try pressing the Windows button on your keyboard to minimize, then maximizing MTA again. Give it a try a few times.
  5. Save as UTF-8 without BOM and you will be able to compile later.
  6. Please make sure we are aware of these issues instead of just waiting. Well, sorry for actually telling just CCW, I guess he's not someone who should know about them >> CCW should have the mapfile and take a look at it, but we need a reply from him before anything else. The issues have all been reported, and they are major issues, and you need to take care of them ASAP. I understand it's hard, but if all of you would concentrate on the crashing and bandwidth issues, MTA 1.1 would be playable for everyone. I understand you're frustrated, but you will have to be patient while issues are looked over. You will notice my comment said 'please make sure we aware of these issues'. If you've made sure we are aware of the issues, then good. However, Beatty's forum post was extremely vague and mentioned problems he has 'encountered involving scripting', which doesn't tell us a lot. If they are on Mantis, and as long as we're aware of the issues and they can be acted upon, we can look to resolve issues.
  7. This may be due to the 'precise movement' setting. You can disable it in options
  8. Please make sure we are aware of these issues instead of just waiting.
  9. To compile your non-english scripts, save in UTF-8 Without BOM in your editor, then compile. Many editors such as Notepad++ are capable of this. As for the chat issue, could you please post a screenshot
  10. .zip File maps should go into [gamemodes]/[race]/[maps]. Don't extract the .zip file, just put it in as is in zip format.
  11. Could you please be more descriptive and detail the actual issue here? Are the objects loading? What do you mean by 'slowly'? Low FPS? Objects Not Appearing? What do your scripts actually do, and what isn't working?
  12. Hi Deltanyne The look left/right driveby is disabled in MTA due to the fact that when it was first introduced, it was too unbalanced because of the autoaim. Instead, players freeaim like in gta4. This can be enabled by starting the 'realdriveby' resource, and pressing the Right Mouse Button to go into aim mode. Experimental support for classic drivebys was once added, but it was unstable so we've stuck to free-aim drivebys for both passengers and drivers.
  13. We already find it difficult to sustain the volume of Lua scripting support to give, mIRC is risky. More importantly however, mIRC scripting has and is likely to confuse new users to Lua. It gets particularly complicated when you think of MTA:mA for MTA:Race.
  14. I wonder if this is to do with the amount of streaming memory set in your settings window. Can you guys check what the amount of available streaming memory is in Settings, and what it is set to? Also quote your real VRAM if you know it.
  15. I was thinking the exact same thing, MX_Master. It should be possible to precache before the tabs are created, i'll look into that when i can.
  16. Thanks gaemil From your screenshot and as far as I understand, there are two issues here (please correct me if I'm wrong): 1) Korean chat input is not working when typing 2) outputChatBox works fine, but it does not appear in server console. For the first one, it will need to be investigated but hopefully it can be fixed. We are aware of problems in the server console (http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6376), and it is likely that this issue can be fixed for the next MTA patch. Until then you can open up your chat log file, and decide it into UTF-8 without BOM to read what's going on.
  17. Can you please paste a screenshot of the console output and the chatbox output, and maybe type here what it was actually meant to say. Thanks
  18. What appears in the game console (F8)?
  19. Can you please open up your MTA San Andreas installation, and open MTA\cegui.log and put it on www.pastebin.com after this happens. Thanks
  20. Hi jadeskyee, what's the name of the .exe that comes with D2D? If you install a 1.0 no-cd, you should only use it for MTA, and use your original D2D for single player.
  21. After a very much positive beta test, we are pleased to announce the release of Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.1! Our latest release brings a wide array of new features, bug fixes and tweaks which makes version 1.1 the best multiplayer product for San Andreas. You’ll be sure to enjoy some of our latest additions: Custom Handling: It is now possible to modify controls, steering and behaviour of your favourite cars and bikes through our elaborate handling scripting support. Custom Fonts: At long last, you’re no longer stuck with the default fonts that ship with MTA. You can now import and create text for any .ttf through Lua. Unicode support: After heavy demand, we are excited to bring Unicode support. Along with it comes natural support for Chinese, Russian, Indic, Arabic texts and many more. This applies to chat, and to GUI. Cutscene player skins: Big Smoke? Ryder? Sweet? Wu Zi Mu? They all join the cast of player skins available along with other familiar faces. New BASS sound library: Shoutcast radio - yes please! You can now stream music from the web as part of your server, and can apply special sound effects to a wider range of sound file formats. Custom shaders: Enhance your visual experience with ENB-like scripts that are cooler than the other side of the pillow. Voice Chat: Keep your hands on the wheel and off the chatbox with all new Voice chat support! Servers with voice enabled will allow you to communicate with other players using the Z key. Increased player count: Push your RPG server to the max. The MTA server has an increased cap of 1024 players. Furthermore, expect to see RGB support for vehicles, fully synchronised traffic lights, new diverse weather effects, shiny GUI revamps amongst hundreds of bug fixes, security additions and gameplay improvements! For a full list, please go ahead and check the changelog page compiled by Arran. Download now from our homepage Now what the hell ya suppose is eating’ you guys?
  22. Can you please provide a resource/script so i can reproduce this? Thanks
  23. You can find programs on the web that can hide applications to tray, you could try one of those
  24. We're doing a voice test soon: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 30&t=35054
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