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Everything posted by darkdreamingdan

  1. Try entering the following command in console (open it up by pressing F8): hud 1
  2. Because it accepts a Lua pattern, which means you'll need to escape it. Either way, you can save yourself a lot of code by simply doing this: addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", gButtons.bet_input, function(element) local text = guiGetText(element) if not tonumber( text ) then local changedText = string.gsub(text,"%D","") if changedText ~= text then guiSetText ( element, changedText ) end end end )
  3. This is what script debug is for. It would have easily picked it up. Make sure you activate debugscript and you'll save yourself a lot of time.
  4. It works fine till a player streams in (whcih sort of invalidates it)
  5. Sigh http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _correctly
  6. There isn't really one, but there's a limit on how many elements (vehicles, objects, etc) you can have in a server, which is 65 535 elements. There is - the object limit is the same as Race, but the streamer is MUCH improved (and tbh could still do with a rewrite ). This means you'll find you can place much more objects than you could in Race. You'll still have the same amount of objects on-screen as race, but the streamer means it'll priorities closer ones first which is much more effective than race.
  7. I saw the video but it kind of makes it hard to tell whether itd make a good stealth map or not.
  8. Please ensure you have installed the latest Data files. You can find the stages for installation here: http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... htlyBuilds
  9. Strange - you should be able to use the original disc after you've downgraded. At least you've got it working.
  10. So where's this encrypted version of the 7 char length password, that you want us to decrypt?
  11. You need to ensure you've installed the latest DirectX March Updates, and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Redistributables.
  12. This is a temporary issue. Please downgrade to r725 until it is fixed.
  13. It sounds like you're on Windows Vista (or higher), you need to remvoe the Client.dll found in your mods/race/ directory for it to work.
  14. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... .22_button
  15. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... _correctly
  16. Ur doin it wrong Had to be done. Sorry
  17. Not to mention the other two servers automatically update the MTA server every night, and their resources to be in sync with the resources SVN.
  18. OH I WONDER WHAT IT COULD BE. But yeah, i already have one for myself .
  19. Before you delve into doing all this manually, there are various resources already available that make the task much simpler. For example, 50p has already made one (that is released on community) that does a lot of the work for you. Make sure you search out for available libraries before spending a long time with these very raw commands.
  20. Positions are relative by default (there's a relative param). Use TXT = dxText:create( txt, 0.5, 0.5 )
  21. I'm not sure if i understand you correctly, but if i got it right, you want to allow shooting rockets from 3rd person view. createProjectile allows you to create custom rockets. You could use this to create them, and if you're scripting on 1.0 you could apply an animation on top.
  22. huh, since when is jpg also suported. i though that you can use only png. You can use jpg,png,bmp and other common image formats. Its just that all the default resources use PNG (and imo its better than jpeg)
  23. http://code.google.com/p/multitheftauto ... htlyBuilds for info on how to install developer builds. Remember to grab the latest directx runtimes. You can install it simultaneously with previous versions as long as you install it to a seperate directory.
  24. It would be easy to add this to the scoreboard rather than a "status" script
  25. You don't have the latest directx. Download (google) the March 2009 "DirectX redistributables" (they're pretty new) and the VS2008 SP1 redistributables.
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