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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Iggy

  1. Yes, I understand that you don't want to and it's a pain in the arse. BUT....try reinstalling Gta: VC.
  2. Stop the warez talk bitches! I have the authori-tay to lock this topic. DONT PUSH ME!
  3. Iggy

    My SIG ownz you all

    your sig is.....lame HA! It rhymed!
  4. No I didnt bother looking at the forums because I thought the mod had died and passed away.....
  5. did you make the signiture in paint or is it just me?
  6. Iggy


    ffs take your advertsing, and by the way, i've seen way better hosts then that that give alot more for the prices you have there. Locked
  7. omg.....ggm is SO OLD....it was better then mta at the time it was released...but mta .3 for gta3 kicked its ass, what made you think this was new? look at its last post in the news...... EDIT: i took a look on the forums...it looks like there still working on it.... http://www.guardians.ch/cgi-bin/ib/ikon ... ;f=3;t=351 http://www.guardians.ch/cgi-bin/ib/ikon ... =347;top
  8. Iggy

    My SIG ownz you all

    Wrong. MY sig owns you all.
  9. Iggy


    He found it of the internet, and his name is ransom, dont post spam topics like this. This is a perfect example of what that little pm function that forums have is used for. USE IT. Thats what its made for. Locked
  10. Iggy

    IRC Network

    Well whos hosting the other one then? Isn't it IJs?
  11. Iggy


    Its to hard to tell even if its text..could just be something from the game, to hard to see.
  12. Iggy

    IRC Network

    ACTUALLY we use mtairc.no-ip.info , but nobody seems to care and no one is barely there, WHY?
  13. Iggy

    New SA Pics

    Yay, finally some pictures of him swimming!
  14. Thanks for the fancy new desktop!
  15. Don't worry, i used to do the same thing I'm just a moderator now.
  16. Your not able to see the 's? Must be your browser if not...
  17. Uh oh.....it was a little to late by the time I read that legal notice..
  18. Dont post useless shit like that volken or whatever you name was...cant see the post anymore, thats a warning.
  19. Happy birthday bump! Maybe you can be EXTRA happy today.
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