[03:00pm] [CurIy] change your nick to curly
[03:00pm] [CurIy]fun
[03:00pm] nick changeAlex3305 ([email protected]) changes nick to "curly"
[03:00pm] quitcurly [[email protected]] ( Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by CurIy)) )
[03:00pm] (notice) NickServ: Ghost with your nickname has been killed.
[03:01pm] join Alex3305 ([email protected]) [Netherlands]
[03:01pm] half-op ChanServ half-ops Alex3305 in #mta
[03:01pm] [Alex330] that was fun
i dont have the quote but i remember the time i killed blocker of irc for switching to my user name and come to thing of it no 1 has probably did that in a wile so i might pass by to trick u people again
is it just me or dose gta 1 gta london gta 2 gta 3 gta vice city al sux and now gta san andrayus is geting boaring
let sleping dogs lie and rest in peace
i remeber last year for new year we got a new version of mta but this year we get avatars back WHICH I STILL HAVENT GOT
o welll
all the best and shit like that