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Everything posted by Storm-Hanma

  1. iam not giving it for vips its for all players who join server,if they enalble minigun mode they will not get killed by minigun that was my plan bro @TheMOG i didnt remove heavy weapons in my server so if i make this script work then player will enable mod and be protected by minuguns and rpg
  2. hello all i need a help a help i want o disable minigun kills , for ex ;1 fire with minigun to 2,if 2 has enable minigun mode then 2 cant be killed & if 2 has disable minigun mode then he can get killed by 1 !! i scripted cilent.lua but not working instead there is no errors too, help me if you can client code; addCommandHandler("minigun", function () if ( getElementData(localPlayer, "Anti-minigun") ) then setElementData(localPlayer, "Anti-minigun", false) outputChatBox("Anti-minigun Disabled") else setElementData(localPlayer, "Anti-minigun", true) outputChatBox("Anti-minigun Enabled") end end ) function stopMinigunDamage ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) if ( weapon == 38 ) then if (getElementData(localPlayer, "Anti-minigun")) then cancelEvent() end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), stopMinigunDamage )
  3. how can i add this in freeroam panel?pls its only for on mode how can i make for off mode? for example if i type peace no one can kill me by knife same when i type peace now i can get killed my knife i want this for only a particular player not for all if i typed peace and only i must be in safe not whole server players below is my code i just want to make it for players who enable disable knife mode addCommandHandler("kinfe", function() if not kinfeKill then outputChatBox("#00ff0Server: disableknife mode On!", 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox("#00ff00Server: disableknife mode Off!", 255, 0, 0, true) end kinfeKill = not kinfeKill end) function stopKnifeKill() if kinfeKill then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, stopKnifeKill) addCommandHandler("disableknife", function() if not kinfeKill then outputChatBox("#00ff0Server: disableKnife mode On!", 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox("#00ff00Server: disableKnife mode Off!", 255, 0, 0, true) end kinfeKill = not kinfeKill end) function stopKnifeKill() if kinfeKill then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, stopKnifeKill) this is code
  4. CONTROL_MARGIN_RIGHT = 5 LINE_MARGIN = 5 LINE_HEIGHT = 16 g_Root = getRootElement() g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_Me = getLocalPlayer() server = createServerCallInterface() guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") --------------------------- -- Set skin window --------------------------- function skinInit() setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', getElementModel(g_Me)) end function showSkinID(leaf) if leaf.id then setControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid', leaf.id) end end function applySkin() local skinID = getControlNumber(wndSkin, 'skinid') if skinID then server.setMySkin(skinID) fadeCamera(true) end end wndSkin = { 'wnd', text = 'Set skin', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='skinlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='Skin', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='skins.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemclick=showSkinID, onitemdoubleclick=applySkin }, {'txt', id='skinid', text='', width=50}, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applySkin}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = skinInit } function setSkinCommand(cmd, skin) skin = skin and tonumber(skin) if skin then server.setMySkin(skin) fadeCamera(true) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) closeWindow(wndSetPos) end end addCommandHandler('setskin', setSkinCommand) addCommandHandler('ss', setSkinCommand) --------------------------- --- Set animation window --------------------------- function applyAnimation(leaf) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndAnim, 'animlist') if not leaf then return end end server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, leaf.parent.name, leaf.name, true, true) end function stopAnimation() server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, false) end addCommandHandler("stopanim", stopAnimation) bindKey("lshift", "down", "stopanim") wndAnim = { 'wnd', text = 'Set animation', width = 250, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='animlist', width=230, height=290, columns={ {text='Animation', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='animations.xml', attrs={'name'}}, expandlastlevel=false, onitemdoubleclick=applyAnimation }, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applyAnimation}, {'btn', id='stop', onclick=stopAnimation}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } addCommandHandler('anim', function(command, lib, name) server.setPedAnimation(g_Me, lib, name, true, true) end ) --------------------------- -- Weapon window --------------------------- function addWeapon(leaf, amount) if type(leaf) ~= 'table' then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeapon, 'weaplist') amount = getControlNumber(wndWeapon, 'amount') if not amount or not leaf then return end end server.giveMeWeapon(leaf.id, amount) end wndWeapon = { 'wnd', text = 'Give weapon', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weaplist', width=230, height=280, columns={ {text='Weapon', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='weapons.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=function(leaf) addWeapon(leaf, 500) end }, {'br'}, {'txt', id='amount', text='500', width=60}, {'btn', id='add', onclick=addWeapon}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } function giveWeaponCommand(cmd, weapon, amount) weapon = tonumber(weapon) or getWeaponIDFromName(weapon) if not weapon then return end amount = amount and tonumber(amount) or 500 server.giveMeWeapon(math.floor(weapon), amount) end addCommandHandler('give', giveWeaponCommand) addCommandHandler('wp', giveWeaponCommand) --------------------------- -- Fighting style --------------------------- addCommandHandler('setstyle', function(cmd, style) style = style and tonumber(style) if style then server.setPedFightingStyle(g_Me, style) end end ) --------------------------- -- Clothes window --------------------------- function clothesInit() if getElementModel(g_Me) ~= 0 then errMsg('You must have the CJ skin set in order to apply clothes.') closeWindow(wndClothes) return end if not g_Clothes then triggerServerEvent('onClothesInit', resourceRoot) end end addEvent('onClientClothesInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientClothesInit', resourceRoot, function(clothes) g_Clothes = clothes.allClothes for i,typeGroup in ipairs(g_Clothes) do for j,cloth in ipairs(typeGroup.children) do if not cloth.name then cloth.name = cloth.model .. ' - ' .. cloth.texture end cloth.wearing = clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type] and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].texture == cloth.texture and clothes.playerClothes[typeGroup.type].model == cloth.model or false end table.sort(typeGroup.children, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) end bindGridListToTable(wndClothes, 'clothes', g_Clothes, false) end ) function clothListClick(cloth) setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', cloth.wearing and 'remove' or 'add') end function applyClothes(cloth) if not cloth then cloth = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndClothes, 'clothes') if not cloth then return end end if cloth.wearing then cloth.wearing = false setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'add') server.removePlayerClothes(g_Me, cloth.parent.type) else local prevClothIndex = table.find(cloth.siblings, 'wearing', true) if prevClothIndex then cloth.siblings[prevClothIndex].wearing = false end cloth.wearing = true setControlText(wndClothes, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addPedClothes(g_Me, cloth.texture, cloth.model, cloth.parent.type) end end wndClothes = { 'wnd', text = 'Clothes', x = -20, y = 0.3, width = 350, controls = { { 'lst', id='clothes', width=330, height=390, columns={ {text='Clothes', attr='name', width=0.6}, {text='Wearing', attr='wearing', enablemodify=true, width=0.3} }, rows={ {name='Retrieving clothes list...'} }, onitemclick=clothListClick, onitemdoubleclick=applyClothes }, {'br'}, {'btn', text='add', id='addremove', width=60, onclick=applyClothes}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = clothesInit } function addClothesCommand(cmd, type, model, texture) type = type and tonumber(type) if type and model and texture then server.addPedClothes(g_Me, texture, model, type) end end addCommandHandler('addclothes', addClothesCommand) addCommandHandler('ac', addClothesCommand) function removeClothesCommand(cmd, type) type = type and tonumber(type) if type then server.removePlayerClothes(g_Me, type) end end addCommandHandler('removeclothes', removeClothesCommand) addCommandHandler('rc', removeClothesCommand) --------------------------- -- Player gravity window --------------------------- function playerGravInit() triggerServerEvent('onPlayerGravInit', resourceRoot) end addEvent('onClientPlayerGravInit', true) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerGravInit', resourceRoot, function(curgravity) setControlText(wndGravity, 'gravval', string.sub(tostring(curgravity), 1, 6)) end ) function selectPlayerGrav(leaf) setControlNumber(wndGravity, 'gravval', leaf.value) end function applyPlayerGrav() local grav = getControlNumber(wndGravity, 'gravval') if grav then server.setPedGravity(g_Me, grav) end closeWindow(wndGravity) end function setGravityCommand(cmd, grav) grav = grav and tonumber(grav) if grav then server.setPedGravity(g_Me, tonumber(grav)) end end addCommandHandler('setgravity', setGravityCommand) addCommandHandler('grav', setGravityCommand) wndGravity = { 'wnd', text = 'Set gravity', width = 300, controls = { { 'lst', id='gravlist', width=280, height=200, columns={ {text='Gravity', attr='name'} }, rows={ {name='Space', value=0}, {name='Moon', value=0.001}, {name='Normal', value=0.008}, {name='Strong', value=0.015} }, onitemclick=selectPlayerGrav, onitemdoubleclick=applyPlayerGrav }, {'lbl', text='Exact value: '}, {'txt', id='gravval', text='', width=80}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyPlayerGrav}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = playerGravInit } --------------------------- -- Warp to player window --------------------------- function warpStatus(player,cmd) if player then if (getElementData(player,"warp.status") == false) then setElementData(player, "warp.status", true) outputChatBox("You have enabled your warping", player) else setElementData(player, "warp.status", false) outputChatBox("You have disabled warping", player) end end end addCommandHandler("warpstatus", warpStatus) function warpMe(targetPlayer) if (getElementData(targetPlayer,"warp.status") == false) then if isPedDead(source) then spawnMe() end end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) if not vehicle then -- target player is not in a vehicle - just warp next to him local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer) clientCall(source, 'setPlayerPosition', x + 2, y, z) else -- target player is in a vehicle - warp into it if there's space left if getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) then --removePlayerFromVehicle(source) outputChatBox('Get out of your vehicle first.', source) return end local numseats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) for i=0,numseats do if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) then if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) spawnMe(x + 4, y, z + 1) end warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle, i) return end end outputChatBox('No free seats left in ' .. getPlayerName(targetPlayer) .. '\'s vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0) end local interior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) end --------------------------- -- Stats window --------------------------- function initStats() applyToLeaves(getGridListCache(wndStats, 'statslist'), function(leaf) leaf.value = getPedStat(g_Me, leaf.id) end) end function selectStat(leaf) setControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval', leaf.value) end function maxStat(leaf) setControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval', 1000) applyStat() end function applyStat() local leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndStats, 'statslist') if not leaf then return end local value = getControlNumber(wndStats, 'statval') if not value then return end leaf.value = value server.setPedStat(g_Me, leaf.id, value) end wndStats = { 'wnd', text = 'Stats', width = 300, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='statslist', width=280, columns={ {text='Stat', attr='name', width=0.6}, {text='Value', attr='value', width=0.3, enablemodify=true} }, rows={xml='stats.xml', attrs={'name', 'id'}}, onitemclick=selectStat, onitemdoubleclick=maxStat }, {'txt', id='statval', text='', width=60}, {'btn', id='set', onclick=applyStat}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = initStats } --------------------------- -- Bookmarks window --------------------------- local bookmarkList local bookmarks function initBookmarks () bookmarkList = wndBookmarks.controls[1].element if bookmarks then return end loadBookmarks () addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick",bookmarkList,gotoBookmark) end function loadBookmarks () bookmarks = {} local xml = xmlLoadFile("bookmarks.xml") if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("bookmarks.xml","catalog") end guiGridListClear(bookmarkList) for i,child in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(xml) or {}) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(bookmarkList) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1,tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"name")),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2,tostring(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"zone")),false,false) bookmarks[row+1] = {tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"x")),tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"y")),tonumber(xmlNodeGetAttribute(child,"z"))} end end function saveBookmarks () if fileExists("bookmarks.xml") then fileDelete("bookmarks.xml") end local xml = xmlCreateFile("bookmarks.xml","catalog") for row=0,(guiGridListGetRowCount(bookmarkList)-1) do local child = xmlCreateChild(xml,"bookmark") xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"name",guiGridListGetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1)) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"zone",guiGridListGetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2)) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"x",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][1])) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"y",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][2])) xmlNodeSetAttribute(child,"z",tostring(bookmarks[row+1][3])) end xmlSaveFile(xml) xmlUnloadFile(xml) end function saveLocation () local name = getControlText(wndBookmarks,"bookmarkname") if name ~= "" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(g_Me) local zone = getZoneName(x,y,z,false) if x and y and z then local row = guiGridListAddRow(bookmarkList) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,1,name,false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(bookmarkList,row,2,zone,false,false) bookmarks[row+1] = {x,y,z} setControlText(wndBookmarks,"bookmarkname","") saveBookmarks() end else outputChatBox("Please enter a name for the bookmark") end end function deleteLocation () local row,column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(bookmarkList) if row and row ~= -1 then table.remove(bookmarks,row+1) guiGridListRemoveRow(bookmarkList,row) saveBookmarks() end end function gotoBookmark () local row,column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(bookmarkList) if row and row ~= -1 then fadeCamera(false) if isPedDead(g_Me) then setTimer(server.spawnMe,1000,1,unpack(bookmarks[row+1])) else setTimer(setElementPosition,1000,1,g_Me,unpack(bookmarks[row+1])) end setTimer(function () fadeCamera(true) setCameraTarget(g_Me) end,2000,1) end end wndBookmarks = { 'wnd', text = 'Bookmarks', width = 400, x = -300, y = 0.2, controls = { { 'lst', id='bookmarklist', width=400, columns={ {text='Name', attr='name', width=0.3}, {text='Zone', attr='zone', width=0.6} } }, {'txt', id='bookmarkname', text='', width=225}, {'btn', id='save current location', onclick=saveLocation, width=150}, {'btn', id='delete selected location', onclick=deleteLocation, width=225}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true, width=150} }, oncreate = initBookmarks } --------------------------- -- Jetpack toggle --------------------------- function toggleJetPack() if not doesPedHaveJetPack(g_Me) then server.givePedJetPack(g_Me) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), true) else server.removePedJetPack(g_Me) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), false) end end bindKey('j', 'down', toggleJetPack) addCommandHandler('jetpack', toggleJetPack) addCommandHandler('jp', toggleJetPack) {'chk', id='togglewarptme', text='Disable Warping', onclick=togglewarptome, width=1000, height = 20}, {'br' }, --------------------------- -- Fall off bike toggle --------------------------- function toggleFallOffBike() setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'))) end -- Client Side -- addCommandHandler("kinfe", function() if not kinfeKill then outputChatBox("#00ff0Server: Knife Godmode On!", 0, 255, 0, true) else outputChatBox("#00ff00Server: Knife Godmode Off!", 255, 0, 0, true) end kinfeKill = not kinfeKill end) function stopKnifeKill() if kinfeKill then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerStealthKill", localPlayer, stopKnifeKill) --------------------------- -- Set position window --------------------------- do local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_MapSide = (screenHeight * 0.85) end function setPosInit() local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Me) setControlNumbers(wndSetPos, { x = x, y = y, z = z }) addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updatePlayerBlips) end function fillInPosition(relX, relY, btn) if (btn == 'right') then closeWindow (wndSetPos) return end local x = relX*6000 - 3000 local y = 3000 - relY*6000 local hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) setControlNumbers(wndSetPos, { x = x, y = y, z = hitZ or 0 }) end function setPosClick() setPlayerPosition(getControlNumbers(wndSetPos, {'x', 'y', 'z'})) closeWindow(wndSetPos) end function setPlayerPosition(x, y, z) local elem = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) local distanceToGround local isVehicle if elem then if getPlayerOccupiedSeat(g_Me) ~= 0 then errMsg('Only the driver of the vehicle can set its position.') return end distanceToGround = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(elem) + 3 isVehicle = true else elem = g_Me distanceToGround = 0.4 isVehicle = false end local hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) if not hit then if isVehicle then server.fadeVehiclePassengersCamera(false) else fadeCamera(false) end setTimer(setCameraMatrix, 1000, 1, x, y, z) local grav = getGravity() setGravity(0.001) if g_TeleportTimer then killTimer(g_TeleportTimer) end g_TeleportTimer = setTimer( function() local hit, groundX, groundY, groundZ = processLineOfSight(x, y, 3000, x, y, -3000) if hit then local waterZ = getWaterLevel(x, y, 100) z = (waterZ and math.max(groundZ, waterZ) or groundZ) + distanceToGround if isPedDead(g_Me) then server.spawnMe(x, y, z) else setElementPosition(elem, x, y, z) end setCameraPlayerMode() setGravity(grav) if isVehicle then server.fadeVehiclePassengersCamera(true) else fadeCamera(true) end killTimer(g_TeleportTimer) g_TeleportTimer = nil end end, 500, 0 ) else if isPedDead(g_Me) then server.spawnMe(x, y, z + distanceToGround) else setElementPosition(elem, x, y, z + distanceToGround) if isVehicle then setTimer(setElementVelocity, 100, 1, elem, 0, 0, 0) setTimer(setVehicleTurnVelocity, 100, 1, elem, 0, 0, 0) end end end end function updatePlayerBlips() if not g_PlayerData then return end local wnd = isWindowOpen(wndSpawnMap) and wndSpawnMap or wndSetPos local mapControl = getControl(wnd, 'map') for elem,player in pairs(g_PlayerData) do if not player.gui.mapBlip then player.gui.mapBlip = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 9, 9, elem == g_Me and 'localplayerblip.png' or 'playerblip.png', false, mapControl) player.gui.mapLabelShadow = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, 100, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, 255, 255, 255) player.gui.mapLabel = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, labelWidth, 14, player.name, false, mapControl) guiSetFont(player.gui.mapLabel, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetColor(player.gui.mapLabel, 0, 0, 0) for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow'}) do addEventHandler('onClientGUIDoubleClick', player.gui[name], function() server.warpMe(elem) closeWindow(wnd) end, false ) end end local x, y = getElementPosition(elem) x = math.floor((x + 3000) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 y = math.floor((3000 - y) * g_MapSide / 6000) - 4 guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapBlip, x, y, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, x + 14, y - 4, false) guiSetPosition(player.gui.mapLabel, x + 13, y - 5, false) end end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerChangeNick', g_Root, function(oldNick, newNick) if (not g_PlayerData) then return end local player = g_PlayerData[source] player.name = newNick if player.gui.mapLabel then guiSetText(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, newNick) guiSetText(player.gui.mapLabel, newNick) local labelWidth = guiLabelGetTextExtent(player.gui.mapLabelShadow) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabelShadow, labelWidth, 14, false) guiSetSize(player.gui.mapLabel, labelWidth, 14, false) end end ) function closePositionWindow() removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updatePlayerBlips) end wndSetPos = { 'wnd', text = 'Set position', width = g_MapSide + 20, controls = { {'img', id='map', src='map.png', width=g_MapSide, height=g_MapSide, onclick=fillInPosition, ondoubleclick=setPosClick}, {'txt', id='x', text='', width=60}, {'txt', id='y', text='', width=60}, {'txt', id='z', text='', width=60}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=setPosClick}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true}, {'lbl', text='Right click on map to close'} }, oncreate = setPosInit, onclose = closePositionWindow } function getPosCommand(cmd, playerName) local player, sentenceStart if playerName then player = getPlayerFromName(playerName) if not player then errMsg('There is no player named "' .. playerName .. '".') return end playerName = getPlayerName(player) -- make sure case is correct sentenceStart = playerName .. ' is ' else player = g_Me sentenceStart = 'You are ' end local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'in a ' .. getVehicleName(vehicle), 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'on foot', 0, 255, 0) end outputChatBox(sentenceStart .. 'at (' .. string.format("%.5f", px) .. ' ' .. string.format("%.5f", py) .. ' ' .. string.format("%.5f", pz) .. ')', 0, 255, 0) end addCommandHandler('getpos', getPosCommand) addCommandHandler('gp', getPosCommand) function setPosCommand(cmd, x, y, z, r) -- Handle setpos if used like: x, y, z, r or x,y,z,r local x, y, z, r = string.gsub(x or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(y or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(z or "", ",", " "), string.gsub(r or "", ",", " ") -- Extra handling for x,y,z,r if (x and y == "" and not tonumber(x)) then x, y, z, r = unpack(split(x, " ")) end local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(g_Me) local pr = getPedRotation(g_Me) -- If somebody doesn't provide all XYZ explain that we will use their current X Y or Z. local message = "" if (not tonumber(x)) then message = "X " end if (not tonumber(y)) then message = message.."Y " end if (not tonumber(z)) then message = message.."Z " end if (message ~= "") then outputChatBox(message.."arguments were not provided. Using your current "..message.."values instead.", 255, 255, 0) end setPlayerPosition(tonumber(x) or px, tonumber(y) or py, tonumber(z) or pz) if (isPedInVehicle(g_Me)) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if (vehicle and isElement(vehicle) and getVehicleController(vehicle) == g_Me) then setElementRotation(vehicle, 0, 0, tonumber(r) or pr) end else setPedRotation(g_Me, tonumber(r) or pr) end end addCommandHandler('setpos', setPosCommand) addCommandHandler('sp', setPosCommand) --------------------------- -- Spawn map window --------------------------- function warpMapInit() addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updatePlayerBlips) end function spawnMapDoubleClick(relX, relY) setPlayerPosition(relX*6000 - 3000, 3000 - relY*6000, 0) closeWindow(wndSpawnMap) end function closeSpawnMap() showCursor(false) removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updatePlayerBlips) for elem,data in pairs(g_PlayerData) do for i,name in ipairs({'mapBlip', 'mapLabelShadow', 'mapLabel'}) do if data.gui[name] then destroyElement(data.gui[name]) data.gui[name] = nil end end end end wndSpawnMap = { 'wnd', text = 'Select spawn position', width = g_MapSide + 20, controls = { {'img', id='map', src='map.png', width=g_MapSide, height=g_MapSide, ondoubleclick=spawnMapDoubleClick}, {'lbl', text='Welcome to freeroam. Double click a location on the map to spawn.', width=g_MapSide-60, align='center'}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = warpMapInit, onclose = closeSpawnMap } --------------------------- -- Interior window --------------------------- function setInterior(leaf) server.setElementInterior(g_Me, leaf.world) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle then server.setElementInterior(vehicle, leaf.world) for i=0,getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) do local player = getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) if player and player ~= g_Me then server.setElementInterior(player, leaf.world) server.setCameraInterior(player, leaf.world) end end end setCameraInterior(leaf.world) setPlayerPosition(leaf.posX, leaf.posY, leaf.posZ + 1) closeWindow(wndSetInterior) end wndSetInterior = { 'wnd', text = 'Set interior', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='interiors', width=230, height=300, columns={ {text='Interior', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='interiors.xml', attrs={'name', 'posX', 'posY', 'posZ', 'world'}}, onitemdoubleclick=setInterior }, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } --------------------------- -- Create vehicle window --------------------------- function createSelectedVehicle(leaf) if not leaf then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndCreateVehicle, 'vehicles') if not leaf then return end end server.giveMeVehicles(leaf.id) end wndCreateVehicle = { 'wnd', text = 'Create vehicle', width = 300, controls = { { 'lst', id='vehicles', width=280, height=340, columns={ {text='Vehicle', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='vehicles.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=createSelectedVehicle }, {'btn', id='create', onclick=createSelectedVehicle}, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true} } } function createVehicleCommand(cmd, ...) local vehID local vehiclesToCreate = {} local args = { ... } for i,v in ipairs(args) do vehID = tonumber(v) if not vehID then vehID = getVehicleModelFromName(v) end if vehID then table.insert(vehiclesToCreate, math.floor(vehID)) end end server.giveMeVehicles(vehiclesToCreate) end addCommandHandler('createvehicle', createVehicleCommand) addCommandHandler('cv', createVehicleCommand) --------------------------- -- Repair vehicle --------------------------- function repairVehicle() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle then server.fixVehicle(vehicle) end end addCommandHandler('repair', repairVehicle) addCommandHandler('rp', repairVehicle) --------------------------- -- Flip vehicle --------------------------- function flipVehicle() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle then local rX, rY, rZ = getElementRotation(vehicle) server['set' .. 'VehicleRotation'](vehicle, 0, 0, (rX > 90 and rX < 270) and (rZ + 180) or rZ) end end addCommandHandler('flip', flipVehicle) addCommandHandler('f', flipVehicle) --------------------------- -- Vehicle upgrades --------------------------- function upgradesInit() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then errMsg('Please enter a vehicle to change the upgrades of.') closeWindow(wndUpgrades) return end local installedUpgrades = getVehicleUpgrades(vehicle) local compatibleUpgrades = {} local slotName, group for i,upgrade in ipairs(getVehicleCompatibleUpgrades(vehicle)) do slotName = getVehicleUpgradeSlotName(upgrade) group = table.find(compatibleUpgrades, 'name', slotName) if not group then group = { 'group', name = slotName, children = {} } table.insert(compatibleUpgrades, group) else group = compatibleUpgrades[group] end table.insert(group.children, { id = upgrade, installed = table.find(installedUpgrades, upgrade) ~= false }) end table.sort(compatibleUpgrades, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) bindGridListToTable(wndUpgrades, 'upgradelist', compatibleUpgrades, true) end function selectUpgrade(leaf) setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', leaf.installed and 'remove' or 'add') end function addRemoveUpgrade(selUpgrade) -- Add or remove selected upgrade local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then return end if not selUpgrade then selUpgrade = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndUpgrades, 'upgradelist') if not selUpgrade then return end end if selUpgrade.installed then -- remove upgrade selUpgrade.installed = false setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', 'add') server.removeVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, selUpgrade.id) else -- add upgrade local prevUpgradeIndex = table.find(selUpgrade.siblings, 'installed', true) if prevUpgradeIndex then selUpgrade.siblings[prevUpgradeIndex].installed = false end selUpgrade.installed = true setControlText(wndUpgrades, 'addremove', 'remove') server.addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, selUpgrade.id) end end wndUpgrades = { 'wnd', text = 'Vehicle upgrades', width = 300, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='upgradelist', width=280, height=340, columns={ {text='Upgrade', attr='id', width=0.6}, {text='Installed', attr='installed', width=0.3, enablemodify=true} }, onitemclick=selectUpgrade, onitemdoubleclick=addRemoveUpgrade }, {'btn', id='addremove', text='add', width=60, onclick=addRemoveUpgrade}, {'btn', id='ok', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = upgradesInit } function addUpgradeCommand(cmd, upgrade) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle and upgrade then server.addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, tonumber(upgrade) or 0) end end addCommandHandler('addupgrade', addUpgradeCommand) addCommandHandler('au', addUpgradeCommand) function removeUpgradeCommand(cmd, upgrade) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle and upgrade then server.removeVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, tonumber(upgrade) or 0) end end addCommandHandler('removeupgrade', removeUpgradeCommand) addCommandHandler('ru', removeUpgradeCommand) --------------------------- -- Toggle lights --------------------------- function forceLightsOn() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then return end if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson')) then server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 2) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff'), false) else server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 0) end end function forceLightsOff() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then return end if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff')) then server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson'), false) else server.setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 0) end end --------------------------- -- Color --------------------------- function setColorCommand(cmd, ...) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then return end local colors = { getVehicleColor(vehicle) } local args = { ... } for i=1,6 do colors[i] = args[i] and tonumber(args[i]) or colors[i] end server.setVehicleColor(vehicle, unpack(colors)) end addCommandHandler('color', setColorCommand) addCommandHandler('cl', setColorCommand) function openColorPicker() editingVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if (editingVehicle) then colorPicker.openSelect(colors) end end function closedColorPicker() local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 = getVehicleColor(editingVehicle, true) server.setVehicleColor(editingVehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) local r, g, b = getVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle) server.setVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle, r, g, b) editingVehicle = nil end function updateColor() if (not colorPicker.isSelectOpen) then return end local r, g, b = colorPicker.updateTempColors() if (editingVehicle and isElement(editingVehicle)) then local r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 = getVehicleColor(editingVehicle, true) if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor1)) then r1, g1, b1 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor2)) then r2, g2, b2 = r, g, b end if (guiCheckBoxGetSelected(checkColor3)) then setVehicleHeadLightColor(editingVehicle, r, g, b) end setVehicleColor(editingVehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateColor) --------------------------- -- Paintjob --------------------------- function paintjobInit() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if not vehicle then errMsg('You need to be in a car to change its paintjob.') closeWindow(wndPaintjob) return end local paint = getVehiclePaintjob(vehicle) if paint then guiGridListSetSelectedItem(getControl(wndPaintjob, 'paintjoblist'), paint+1, 1) end end function applyPaintjob(paint) server.setVehiclePaintjob(getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me), paint.id) end wndPaintjob = { 'wnd', text = 'Car paintjob', width = 220, x = -20, y = 0.3, controls = { { 'lst', id='paintjoblist', width=200, height=130, columns={ {text='Paintjob ID', attr='id'} }, rows={ {id=0}, {id=1}, {id=2}, {id=3} }, onitemclick=applyPaintjob, ondoubleclick=function() closeWindow(wndPaintjob) end }, {'btn', id='close', closeswindow=true}, }, oncreate = paintjobInit } function setPaintjobCommand(cmd, paint) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) paint = paint and tonumber(paint) if not paint or not vehicle then return end server.setVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, paint) end addCommandHandler('paintjob', setPaintjobCommand) addCommandHandler('pj', setPaintjobCommand) --------------------------- -- Time --------------------------- function timeInit() local hours, minutes = getTime() setControlNumbers(wndTime, { hours = hours, minutes = minutes }) end function selectTime(leaf) setControlNumbers(wndTime, { hours = leaf.h, minutes = leaf.m }) end function applyTime() local hours, minutes = getControlNumbers(wndTime, { 'hours', 'minutes' }) server.setTime(hours, minutes) closeWindow(wndTime) end wndTime = { 'wnd', text = 'Set time', width = 220, controls = { { 'lst', id='timelist', width=200, height=150, columns={ {text='Time', attr='name'} }, rows={ {name='Midnight', h=0, m=0}, {name='Dawn', h=5, m=0}, {name='Morning', h=9, m=0}, {name='Noon', h=12, m=0}, {name='Afternoon', h=15, m=0}, {name='Evening', h=20, m=0}, {name='Night', h=22, m=0} }, onitemclick=selectTime, ondoubleclick=applyTime }, {'txt', id='hours', text='', width=40}, {'lbl', text=':'}, {'txt', id='minutes', text='', width=40}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyTime}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = timeInit } function setTimeCommand(cmd, hours, minutes) if not hours then return end local curHours, curMinutes = getTime() hours = tonumber(hours) or curHours minutes = minutes and tonumber(minutes) or curMinutes setTime(hours, minutes) end addCommandHandler('settime', setTimeCommand) addCommandHandler('st', setTimeCommand) function toggleFreezeTime() local state = guiCheckBoxGetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime')) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime'), not state) server.setTimeFrozen(state) end function setTimeFrozen(state, h, m, w) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'freezetime'), state) if state then if not g_TimeFreezeTimer then g_TimeFreezeTimer = setTimer(function() setTime(h, m) setWeather(w) end, 5000, 0) setMinuteDuration(9001) end else if g_TimeFreezeTimer then killTimer(g_TimeFreezeTimer) g_TimeFreezeTimer = nil end setMinuteDuration(1000) end end --------------------------- -- Weather --------------------------- function applyWeather(leaf) if not leaf then leaf = getSelectedGridListLeaf(wndWeather, 'weatherlist') if not leaf then return end end server.setWeather(leaf.id) closeWindow(wndWeather) end wndWeather = { 'wnd', text = 'Set weather', width = 250, controls = { { 'lst', id='weatherlist', width=230, height=290, columns = { {text='Weather type', attr='name'} }, rows={xml='weather.xml', attrs={'id', 'name'}}, onitemdoubleclick=applyWeather }, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyWeather}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} } } function setWeatherCommand(cmd, weather) weather = weather and tonumber(weather) if weather then setWeather(weather) end end addCommandHandler('setweather', setWeatherCommand) addCommandHandler('sw', setWeatherCommand) --------------------------- -- Game speed --------------------------- function gameSpeedInit() setControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed', getGameSpeed()) end function selectGameSpeed(leaf) setControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed', leaf.id) end function applyGameSpeed() speed = getControlNumber(wndGameSpeed, 'speed') if speed then server.setMyGameSpeed(speed) end closeWindow(wndGameSpeed) end wndGameSpeed = { 'wnd', text = 'Set game speed', width = 220, controls = { { 'lst', id='speedlist', width=200, height=150, columns={ {text='Speed', attr='name'} }, rows={ {id=3, name='3x'}, {id=2, name='2x'}, {id=1, name='1x'}, {id=0.5, name='0.5x'} }, onitemclick=selectGameSpeed, ondoubleclick=applyGameSpeed }, {'txt', id='speed', text='', width=40}, {'btn', id='ok', onclick=applyGameSpeed}, {'btn', id='cancel', closeswindow=true} }, oncreate = gameSpeedInit } function setGameSpeedCommand(cmd, speed) speed = speed and tonumber(speed) if speed then server.setMyGameSpeed(speed) end end addCommandHandler('setgamespeed', setGameSpeedCommand) addCommandHandler('speed', setGameSpeedCommand) --------------------------- -- Main window --------------------------- function updateGUI(updateVehicle) -- update position local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Me) setControlNumbers(wndMain, {xpos=math.ceil(x), ypos=math.ceil(y), zpos=math.ceil(z)}) -- update jetpack toggle guiCheckBoxSetSelected( getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), doesPedHaveJetPack(g_Me) ) if updateVehicle then -- update current vehicle local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) if vehicle and isElement(vehicle) then setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', getVehicleName(vehicle)) else setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', 'On foot') end end end function mainWndShow() if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) then hideControls(wndMain, 'repair', 'flip', 'upgrades', 'color', 'paintjob', 'lightson', 'lightsoff') end updateTimer = updateTimer or setTimer(updateGUI, 2000, 0) updateGUI(true) end function mainWndClose() killTimer(updateTimer) updateTimer = nil colorPicker.closeSelect() end function onEnterVehicle(vehicle) setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', getVehicleName(vehicle)) showControls(wndMain, 'repair', 'flip', 'upgrades', 'color', 'paintjob', 'lightson', 'lightsoff') guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightson'), getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) == 2) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'lightsoff'), getVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle) == 1) end function onExitVehicle(vehicle) setControlText(wndMain, 'curvehicle', 'On foot') hideControls(wndMain, 'repair', 'flip', 'upgrades', 'color', 'paintjob', 'lightson', 'lightsoff') closeWindow(wndUpgrades) closeWindow(wndColor) end function killLocalPlayer() server.killPed(g_Me) end function alphaCommand(command, alpha) alpha = alpha and tonumber(alpha) if alpha then server.setElementAlpha(g_Me, alpha) end end addCommandHandler('alpha', alphaCommand) addCommandHandler('ap', alphaCommand) addCommandHandler('kill', killLocalPlayer) wndMain = { 'wnd', text = 'FR GUI', x = 10, y = 150, width = 280, controls = { {'lbl', text='Local player'}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='kill', onclick=killLocalPlayer}, {'btn', id='skin', window=wndSkin}, {'btn', id='anim', window=wndAnim}, {'btn', id='weapon', window=wndWeapon}, {'btn', id='clothes', window=wndClothes}, {'btn', id='playergrav', text='grav', window=wndGravity}, {'btn', id='warp', window=wndWarp}, {'btn', id='stats', window=wndStats}, {'btn', id='bookmarks', window=wndBookmarks}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='jetpack', onclick=toggleJetPack}, {'chk', id='falloff', text='fall off bike', onclick=toggleFallOffBike}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Pos:'}, {'lbl', id='xpos', text='x', width=45}, {'lbl', id='ypos', text='y', width=45}, {'lbl', id='zpos', text='z', width=45}, {'btn', id='setpos', text='map', window=wndSetPos}, {'btn', id='setinterior', text='int', window=wndSetInterior}, {'br'}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Vehicles'}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Current:'}, {'lbl', id='curvehicle'}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='createvehicle', window=wndCreateVehicle, text='create'}, {'btn', id='repair', onclick=repairVehicle}, {'btn', id='flip', onclick=flipVehicle}, {'btn', id='upgrades', window=wndUpgrades}, {'btn', id='color', onclick=openColorPicker}, {'btn', id='paintjob', window=wndPaintjob}, {'br'}, {'chk', id='lightson', text='Lights on', onclick=forceLightsOn}, {'chk', id='lightsoff', text='Lights off', onclick=forceLightsOff}, {'br'}, {'br'}, {'lbl', text='Environment'}, {'br'}, {'btn', id='time', window=wndTime}, {'chk', id='freezetime', text='freeze', onclick=toggleFreezeTime}, {'btn', id='weather', window=wndWeather}, {'btn', id='speed', window=wndGameSpeed} }, oncreate = mainWndShow, onclose = mainWndClose } function errMsg(msg) outputChatBox(msg, 255, 0, 0) end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() fadeCamera(true) setTimer(getPlayers, 1000, 1) bindKey('f1', 'down', toggleFRWindow) createWindow(wndMain) hideAllWindows() guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'jetpack'), doesPedHaveJetPack(g_Me)) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'falloff'), canPedBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me)) setJetpackMaxHeight ( 9001 ) triggerServerEvent('onLoadedAtClient', g_ResRoot) end ) function showWelcomeMap() createWindow(wndSpawnMap) showCursor(true) end function showMap() createWindow(wndSetPos) showCursor(true) end function toggleFRWindow() if isWindowOpen(wndMain) then showCursor(false) hideAllWindows() colorPicker.closeSelect() else showCursor(true) showAllWindows() end end addCommandHandler('fr', toggleFRWindow) function getPlayers() g_PlayerData = {} table.each(getElementsByType('player'), joinHandler) end function joinHandler(player) if (not g_PlayerData) then return end g_PlayerData[player or source] = { name = getPlayerName(player or source), gui = {} } end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', g_Root, function() if (not g_PlayerData) then return end table.each(g_PlayerData[source].gui, destroyElement) g_PlayerData[source] = nil end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerWasted', g_Me, function() onExitVehicle(g_Me) end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerVehicleEnter', g_Me, onEnterVehicle) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerVehicleExit', g_Me, onExitVehicle) addEventHandler('onClientResourceStop', g_ResRoot, function() showCursor(false) setPedAnimation(g_Me, false) end ) {
  5. its not working i need to edit server.lua or cilent.lua i edited same in cilent.lua but f1 menu is not shown and in console no errors too
  6. OK thank you bro. this mistakes will teach me a lessons as well I request you to have a look on community once there are some resources related to groam !! I will not repeat this mistakes again !!
  7. Thank you @Dutchman101 but the above shop you are showing is not even linked with my resource I compiled them because I don't want someone to break my rigjts and https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=720 is not matching with my shop and more thing is check on community already a user added all clones of groam scripts he mention description also that he is a loner of groam and will leak all scripts have a look on them all resources named ass grafuroam HUD,grafuroam name tags etc..it will be help full if all groam scripts delted asap from community Indeed if its wrong you can delete buyshop I am not against you can delete it
  8. Show me proof that its groam ones then report here without proof don't post :~ reports
  9. Add full code has it says error on Menu_client.lua:721 you need to go 721 line and check the errors and fix it
  10. Add end on last line so that script will be ended and enclosed in client and it may works ,show me the errors you got by running this resource as I think you just need to add end below 61 and line 61 what you mean by quit? You mean when player quit is stats,weapons etc.. Would saved ? Show me errors and I will fix it !code have many errors ,show me client and server side luafiles too! You must add showgui not give GUI,I will fix this later now I am in CLG
  11. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14814 please delete this resources it was wrongly uploaded by me so delte it please and thankyou!! DONE
  12. Yea 1 year even its not solved for me instead of commenting 1year or 2year etc.. Try to help loll
  13. Can you describe your problem in detain details? Are you asking for private cars skins?,or private vehicles for gangs? If you are looking for vehicles for team or gangs then use this resources which works fine with team,group etc.. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=10589
  14. Bhai koi help karega muje ye turf system fix karna hai Pls help kardo koi
  15. hello i need a help in creating a guibutton in freeroampanel, same like jetpack and fall of bike option! code is working fine but i need to add it has gui in freeroam panel here is the code; function warpStatus(player,cmd) if player then if (getElementData(player,"warp.status") == false) then setElementData(player, "warp.status", true) outputChatBox("You have enabled your warping", player) else setElementData(player, "warp.status", false) outputChatBox("You have disabled warping", player) end end end addCommandHandler("warpstatus", warpStatus) function warpMe(targetPlayer) if (getElementData(targetPlayer,"warp.status") == false) then if isPedDead(source) then spawnMe() end end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) if not vehicle then -- target player is not in a vehicle - just warp next to him local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer) clientCall(source, 'setPlayerPosition', x + 2, y, z) else -- target player is in a vehicle - warp into it if there's space left if getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) then --removePlayerFromVehicle(source) outputChatBox('Get out of your vehicle first.', source) return end local numseats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) for i=0,numseats do if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) then if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) spawnMe(x + 4, y, z + 1) end warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle, i) return end end outputChatBox('No free seats left in ' .. getPlayerName(targetPlayer) .. '\'s vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0) end local interior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) end any suggest please??
  16. type refresh after upload resources in gameplayfolder ,even not works then do check files+meta.xml
  17. he need to register first then login and make sure the he didnt added is name in mtasa config file then it works
  18. i added on cilent side but nothing happen no errors and no freeroam panel i cant spawn freeroam panel
  19. still the code have errors; function warpStatus(player,cmd) if player then if (getElementData(player,"warp.status") == false) then setElementData(player, "warp.status", true) outputChatBox("You have enabled your warping", player) else setElementData(player, "warp.status", false) outputChatBox("You have disabled warping", player) end end end addCommandHandler("warpstatus", warpStatus) function warpMe(targetPlayer) if (getElementData(targetPlayer,"warp.status") == false) then if isPedDead(source) then spawnMe() end end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) if not vehicle then -- target player is not in a vehicle - just warp next to him local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer) clientCall(source, 'setPlayerPosition', x + 2, y, z) else -- target player is in a vehicle - warp into it if there's space left if getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) then --removePlayerFromVehicle(source) outputChatBox('Get out of your vehicle first.', source) return end local numseats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(vehicle) for i=0,numseats do if not getVehicleOccupant(vehicle, i) then if isPedDead(source) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) spawnMe(x + 4, y, z + 1) end warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle, i) return end end outputChatBox('No free seats left in ' .. getPlayerName(targetPlayer) .. '\'s vehicle.', source, 255, 0, 0) end local interior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer) setElementInterior(source, interior) setCameraInterior(source, interior) end need to add end at function and its does not create any gui in freeroampanel how can i make gui of disable warp so that it can work same like the code
  20. hello all i used community resources turf system-https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5606 problems: i added turfs zones and areas too problem is the time to capture turf is 10minutes but i edited it with 5min,but it taking 10min to capture turf! when someone enter the turf the notifications are popup on my screen also and when i enter to turfs same with others! when turfs are capture it give outmessage has turfs capture by ballas,but again when i leave turf it says turf owned by no-one! this system runned perfectly when my developer edited it 3 years ago for my server MTA maze!now when iam doing it again its not working at all please tell me solution below are pics:https://imgur.com/5kITPzz see in the ss this is the pic taken while turf was captured by ballas gang :https://imgur.com/NMk6Nb2 this one is the pic one my friend enter the turf and notifications pop up:https://imgur.com/esE6cp4 these is lua code: local pCuboid1 = createColCuboid(2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 10, 197.5, 92, 30) local pArea1 = createRadarArea( 2130, 630, 200, 100, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) setElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy", "-No one-") messages = { [1] = {"#00ff00[MAZETurfSystem]:#C86f6f Wait 6 minutes to capture the turf.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [2] = {"#00ff00[MAZETurfSystem]:#C86f6f Entered friendly turf.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [3] = {"#00ff00[MAZETurfSystem]:#C86f6f You need to be in a group to start capturing the turf.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [4] = {"#00ff00[MAZETurfSystem]:#C86f6f Turf captured, well done.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [5] = {"#00ff00[MAZEturfSystem]:#C86f6f Enter turf without a vehicle.",p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [6] = {"#00ff00[MAZETurfSystem]:#C86f6f Entering a turf owned by: "..getElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy"),p, 255, 255, 255,true}, [7] = {"#00ff00[MAZEturfSystem]:#C86f6f Leaving a turf owned by: "..getElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy"),p, 255, 255, 255,true} } function NeedMsg(p,n,getOwnedBy) if (n) then outputChatBox(unpack(messages[n])) end end --[[ ZONE CREATION ]]-- addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid1, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea1 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid1, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid1, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea1, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid1, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea1, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) -- [[ -- ]] -- local pCuboid2 = createColCuboid( 2486.5935058594, 678.20172119141, 9.5689830780029, 245, 133, 30 ) local pArea2 = createRadarArea( 2488.8793945313, 680.78289794922, 250, 130, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) setElementData(pCuboid2, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid2, "ownedBy", "-No one-") addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid2, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea2 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid2, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid2, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid2, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea2, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid2, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) local pArea3 = createRadarArea( 1858, 623, 140, 165, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid3 = createColCuboid( 1856.2864990234, 627.07629394531, 9, 138.25, 152.75, 30 ) setElementData(pCuboid3, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid3, "ownedBy", "-No one-") addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid3, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea3 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid3, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid2, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid2, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea3, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid3, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) local pArea4 = createRadarArea( 1577, 663, 180, 130, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid4 = createColCuboid( 1576.8956298828, 662.84362792969, 9.671875, 181, 120.5, 30 ) setElementData(pCuboid4, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid4, "ownedBy", "-No one-") addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid4, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea4 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid3, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid4, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid4, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea4, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid4, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) local pArea5 = createRadarArea( 2778, 834, 110, 190, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid5 = createColCuboid( 2777.4248046875, 833.88018798828, 9.6484375, 113.5, 188, 30 ) setElementData(pCuboid4, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid4, "ownedBy", "-No one-") addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid5, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea5 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid5, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid5, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid5, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea5, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid5, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea5, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) local pArea6 = createRadarArea( 253.6764, -1834.5588, 3.63115, 190, 255, 255, 255, 125 ) local pCuboid6 = createColCuboid( 252.6764, -1833.5588, 2.63115, 255, 255, 255 ) setElementData(pCuboid6, "friendly", "no") setElementData(pCuboid6, "ownedBy", "-No one-") addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', pCuboid5, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( pArea6 ) local data = getElementData(pCuboid6, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea6, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(pCuboid6, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(pCuboid6, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( pArea6, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea6, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', pCuboid6, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea6, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) --[ HOW TO MAKE NEW ZONES?? ]]-- --[[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Copy the code below *Paste it above 'how to make new zones' comment *Rename colCuboidNameHere with col cuboid name *Rename areaNameHere with area name *Change x,y,z,width,depth,height with the details you want *Change leftX,bottomY,sizeX,sizeY,R,G,B,A with the details you want *Done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local colCuboidNameHere = createColCuboid(x, y, z, width, depth, height) local areaNameHere = createRadarArea( leftX, bottomY, sizeX, sizeY, R, G, B, A ) setElementData(colCuboidNameHere, "friendly", "no") setElementData(colCuboidNameHere, "ownedBy", "-No one-") ]]-- --[ HOW TO MAKE NEW ZONES WORK?? ]]-- --[[ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Copy the code below *Paste it above 'how to make new zones' comment *Rename colCuboidNameHere with col cuboid name *Rename areaNameHere with area name *Done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ addEventHandler('onColShapeHit', colCuboidNameHere, function(p) NeedMsg(p,6) if (getPlayerTeam(p)) then NeedMsg(p,1) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) local rR, gG, bB = getRadarAreaColor( areaNameHere ) local data = getElementData(colCuboidNameHere, "friendly") if ( iR == rR ) and ( iG == gG ) and ( iB == bB ) and ( data == "yes" ) then NeedMsg(p,2) else setRadarAreaFlashing( areaNameHere, true ) capturing = setTimer( function( ) setElementData(colCuboidNameHere, "friendly", "yes") setElementData(colCuboidNameHere, "ownedBy", getTeamName(pTeam)) givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ) NeedMsg(p,4) setRadarAreaColor( areaNameHere, iR, iG, iB ) setRadarAreaFlashing( areaNameHere, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else NeedMsg(p,3) end if (getPedOccupiedVehicle( p )) then NeedMsg(p,5) end end ) addEventHandler('onColShapeLeave', colCuboidNameHere, function(p) setRadarAreaFlashing( areaNameHere, false ) if isTimer(capturing) then killTimer(capturing) end NeedMsg(p,7) end ) ]]-- help me please i need this like hell!!
  21. see bro iam not a pro to tell you how to script but some times auto save scripts will work like from community do search autoteam , groups it will work ignore me if you dont like thank you it iwll be good if someone help you and it will helpfull for me too !!
  22. mines vps is protected one only idont think vps will effect with scripts i seen some post on mta forum some suggesting to give code of cache =false dont know it works or not but i complied my scripts with luacompiler even iam in doubt of cache files thank you for your suggesting !but iam not so pro too !!
  23. Hello community mates and staff can you tell how to protect my scripts from stealing and cache flow files sometime even compiling lua file will not help sometimes users clown scripts by using cache files please suggest me how to give protection for my scripts!! thankyou
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