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Everything posted by Storm-Hanma

  1. Easy way is map ur base add gate make password for gate to open and close then forward this password to clan leader ! Second medthod; Map base +give code of getteam give weapon,give skin or setskin ,using this now u don't need password when they corresponding team members hit gate the gate will open they can enter
  2. He asking for vehicle or player ? I thought for player when in case for player he need to use toggle control for rhino Idk how to
  3. It will not work I already tried for hydra,rhino instead u can stop the fire from vehicles by using toggle control and this too will not work if the server have godmode resource working !
  4. U can't stop damage instead u can stop the rhino fire when player enter it use toggol control go to MTA wiki
  5. There is a resource called chatballons by dutuchman download it And run u can edit the image u want to
  6. I want to help u I too have freeroam server so let me help ur server to come pm we discuss
  7. I still have /mods resources which was made by johnflower
  8. Did u given separate code for countries ? All country flags ?
  9. [BAN player] Name - anuj2017 dont know why he joined mta he posted all outside links under comments section at my resource https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=15010 SPAMBOT, THANKS FOR REPORTING
  10. u say it easy>? not so easy for starter who is newbie,when u start coding u will know how good it will be to script something !dont waste money
  11. how that what iam asking how can i code this? and this code must attached with objects like gate to move ,pls tell me how can i code it give me example!
  12. some what like that only bit like a password thing,for example : player will need to type any 1-4 numbers like 1234 if this number get selected by server the gates or objects will open and the player enter the base and take all money for next time the same number 1234 will be not selected has password got what i need?
  13. Bro @CodyJ(L) can u convert one drift map for me ? Pls I need it like hell
  14. Hello guys I need some information in how to make a code for random numbers ?or random gates actually I am scripting a bank crack resources for example when a player reach the bank he need to type a 1-4 numbers to crack the password so that the gates will open and he will enter and take money ! Can anyone pls suggest me how can be? @IIYAMA @TheMOG pls how can I?
  15. Simple way is go to gamemode /play folder open it look for file some like bou...I forget the name check them by editing u will see all local spawns with. Vehicles spawn too edit the local spawn to ur required spawn ! This will only work on play mode(free roam)
  16. So he just bullied resource well I will make one and release it again thank you for suggesting this I too looking to remaster something's wait till my resource out
  17. U can go through community and u will find it do search name tags ,and start searching in last 2 pages it is old resource and u get it in last 3-2 pages I too seen it long ago but forget it
  18. What u mean when panel is close still the functions r triggered in other panel too? Detail it clearly try to fix ur code look on add event handler weather u given it right code root etc..
  19. fake - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14826he used my resource and rename it has hhh(NFClockvehcile) original my resource - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14811 and i dont want this resource to be public anymore its my resource so delete it pls - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14926 Thankyou!! DONE
  20. This guy uploaded resources 2times ,uploaded some scripts like atmmachine,hospital respawn,random scripts ,team save , all these resources were already uploaded by other users ! Fake - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14969 - https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14579 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=14968 DENIED: It was his own code that he started with in Scripting section, it just got improved upon by others, uploading that isn't wrong just because he received help writing it. Also there's no such ''duplicate'' or same resources already existing on community, if you believe so please provide links of where it's allegedly copied from, it's your gut feeling saying so. All these guy resources r title wrong +no description Total resources with no description some titles are :~ too take a look too then delete ! https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=profile&id=416326 Nearly 13 resource r here so take a look staffs DENIED: Having no resource description is no violation, especially not when the type of resource is very clear from the resource titles. (usually with maps) only the 'get_rekt' upload was deleted.
  21. hello all i create a code which take money from player by command ,but problem is iam creating this for my duel system ! so i want it like won player must take loss player money and lost player can take money of won player by command /betcash playername! for example ; corey vs amazingcasino corey won the duel and amazing lost the duel,now corey will do /betcash amazingcasino [corey will get 5000 and amazingcasino will lost 5000] i dont want to put code here if u can help i will pm u code! thank you!!
  22. It not gonna work dude better ignore ur try
  23. Better to use a resource fro. Community GUI editor which is essay to create a GUI panel with window,button etc..
  24. Well reupload ur resource folder or gameplay folder and check it will works
  25. Well if r well scripter and u have own server try to make own scripts ,use some community scripts to give u better experience in ur server take help for ur codes from MTA mbers ,to get players pay top 14 positions good luck
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