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Lord Henry

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Everything posted by Lord Henry

  1. WARNING: editor_test\portaoilhaFAs.lua:8: Bad argument @ 'getAccountName' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] ERROR: editor_test\portaoilhaFAs.lua:8: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
  2. This worked by foot, but not with vehicle. The vehicle needs to be freezed too.
  3. ERROR: editor_test\portaoilhaFAs.lua:8: attempt to call global 'getLocalPlayer' (a nil value)
  4. I know it, but I tried it on clientside and nothing happened...
  5. Well...I need to freeze a player during 3 seconds when he collides a ColCuboid, independent if he is in a vehicle or not. After this time, the player is unfreezed and will be only freeze again if he goes out the collider and enters it again. The collider is on a serverside script, but I read at the "Wiki MTA" an information that Freeze commands are only clientside... I tried to make all the script clientside but when I did, the script simply doesn't work and don't show any error. Reason: The player must wait the gate's movement ending so he can pass. The gate's movement lasts 3 seconds. PS: The gate is already working fine with the collider. Here is the serverside script working well without the freeze commands: gateilhaFA1 = createObject ( 968, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 270, 270 ) ZonailhaFA1 = createColCuboid ( -3356.7001953125, 459.89999389648, 9.6999998092651, 15.0, 5, 5.0 )--Zona em cubo de colisão. function GateIlha1Open (source) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("MapEditor")) then moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 90, 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Acesso permitido.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Acesso negado.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Open ) function GateIlha1Close () moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, -90, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Close ) And here is the script with the freeze command and timer: gateilhaFA1 = createObject ( 968, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 270, 270 ) ZonailhaFA1 = createColCuboid ( -3356.7001953125, 459.89999389648, 9.6999998092651, 15.0, 5, 5.0 )--Zona em cubo de colisão. function GateIlha1Open (source, player) local player = getLocalPlayer() if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("MapEditor")) then outputChatBox ( "Acesso permitido.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, 90, 0 ) setElementFrozen( player, true ) toggleAllControls( player, false ) setTimer ( function( source ) setElementFrozen( player, false ) toggleAllControls( player, true ) end, 3000, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "Aguarde o portão se abrir.", source, 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Acesso negado.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Open ) function GateIlha1Close () moveObject ( gateilhaFA1, 3000, -3341.7001953125, 458.5, 10.5, 0, -90, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ZonailhaFA1, GateIlha1Close ) How to create a Freeze with collider and timer?
  6. Oh... Thanks by the information, even if I could change that blip, it will show only to me, but I need to show to all players. I will search a tutorial about creating my own radar.
  7. Hello everyone. I programmed a script that create VIP houses and when it does, it creates a green house blip on the map where the house was created. When this house is bought out by someone, the blip is changed to red house blip. But I want to keep an Yellow House blip instead of the green house blip. The blips only appear on the map when I hold the key " i " (example of how it should appear) The script calls the blips with this: bindKey( 'i', 'both', function( key, keyState ) if keyState == 'down' then for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' ) and getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' )[7] then if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' )[7] ~= '' then createBlipAttachedTo( v, 32 ); --Red house blip else createBlipAttachedTo( v, 31 ); --Green house blip --createBlipAttachedTo( v, 64 ); --Yellow house blip end; end; end; else for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do if getElementData( v, 'HSV_INFO' ) then for k, elem in ipairs( getAttachedElements( v ) ) do if getElementType( elem ) == 'blip' then destroyElement( elem ); end; end; end; end; end; end ); I tried to create a new blip and call him, but the MTA doesn't recognize it and send a white square instead of my new blip. Any idea?
  8. I think it solved the problem, but now appears another problem: ERROR: [admin]\sistema-home\coreh_server.lua:56: attempt to call field 'Query' (a nil value) coreh_server.lua: local sqly = { Query = executesqlQuery }; addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function() sqly.Query( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS house_data (\ ID INTEGER, en_X REAL, en_Y REAL, en_Z REAL,\ en_tX REAL, en_tY REAL, en_tZ REAL,\ ex_X REAL, ex_Y REAL, ex_Z REAL,\ ex_tX REAL, ex_tY REAL, ex_tZ REAL,\ int INTEGER, dim INTEGER, cost INTEGER, owner TEXT, key TEXT )" ); for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do setElementData( v, 'k_len', tonumber( get( 'keyLength' ) ) ); local acc = getPlayerAccount( v ); if not isGuestAccount( acc ) then setElementData( v, 'HSV_accountName', getAccountName( acc ) ); end; setElementData( v, 'mrk_in', nil ); end; local hr = sqly.Query( "SELECT * FROM house_data" ); for i = 1, #hr do createHouseVip( false, hr[i].ID, hr[i].owner, hr[i].key, hr[i].en_X, hr[i].en_Y, hr[i].en_Z, hr[i].en_tX, hr[i].en_tY, hr[i].en_tZ, hr[i].ex_X, hr[i].ex_Y, hr[i].ex_Z, hr[i].ex_tX, hr[i].ex_tY, hr[i].ex_tZ, hr[i].int, hr[i].dim, hr[i].cost ); end; end ); addEventHandler( 'onResourceStop', resourceRoot, function() for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do setElementData( v, 'k_len', nil ); setElementData( v, 'HSV_accountName', nil ); end; end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function() setElementData( source, 'k_len', tonumber( get( 'keyLength' ) ) ); end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function( _, acc ) setElementData( source, 'HSV_accountName', getAccountName( acc ) ); end ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerLoout', root, function( _, acc ) setElementData( source, 'HSV_accountName', nil ); end ); addCommandHandler( 'home', function( player ) if isObjectInACLGroup( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( player ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Console' ) ) or hasObjectPermissionTo( player, 'function.banPlayer', false ) then if not getElementData( player, 'HPV_Opened' ) and not getElementData( player, 'mrk_in' ) then triggerClientEvent( player, 'HPV_SetVisible', root, true ); end; else outputChatBox( 'Acesso negado para este comando!', player, 255, 36, 51 ); end; end ); addEvent( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouseVip', true ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouseVip', root, function( rt ) createHouseVip( true, #sqly.Query( "SELECT * FROM house_data" ) + 1, '', '', unpack( rt ) ); outputChatBox( 'A casa VIP foi criada com sucesso!', client, 255, 255, 0 ); end );
  9. I can't find an error in this script, what's wrong here? The message says that the event is not added serverside... coreh_client.lua local tableToSendVip = { [1] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_ec_X'] ), [4] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_etc_X'] ), [2] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_ec_Y'] ), [5] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_etc_Y'] ), [3] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_ec_Z'] ), [6] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_etc_Z'] ), [7] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_exc_X'] ), [10] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_extc_X'] ), [8] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_exc_Y'] ), [11] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_extc_Y'] ), [9] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_exc_Z'] ), [12] = guiGetText( hc_edith['edith_extc_Z'] ), [13] = guiGetText( hc_guih['edith_intID'] ), [14] = guiGetText( hc_guih['edith_dim'] ), [15] = guiGetText( hc_guih['edith_cost'] ) }; for i, v in ipairs( tableToSendVip ) do tableToSendVip[ i ] = tonumber( tableToSendVip[ i ] ); end; triggerServerEvent( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouseVip', me, tableToSendVip ); triggerEvent( 'HPV_SetVisible', me, false ); end, false ); coreh_server.lua addEvent( 'onPlayerAttemptcreateHouseVip', true ); addEventHandler( 'onPlayerAttemptcreateHouseVip', root, function( rt ) createHouseVip( true, #sqly.Query( "SELECT * FROM house_data" ) + 1, '', '', unpack( rt ) ); outputChatBox( 'A casa VIP foi criada com sucesso!', client, 255, 255, 0 ); end ); Any ideas?
  10. Because I do not want the player to know who kicked him for safety. I am thinking of cases where the server was hacked and the hackers changed the ACLs. So I must do it without being in the server and without any player realizes what I'm doing.
  11. Hello everyone. I was testing some commands on Console, and I can use normally this to make the player User#ff00ffname logout from the server. aexec User#ff00ffname logout BUT If I try this below, it doesn't work. aexec User#ff00ffname disconnect or aexec User#ff00ffname quit Can someone explain a way to make it? Or it is not possible anyway?
  12. But I need to change the object size inside the Map Editor. I don't use mod's objects, I only use original objects.
  13. Olá a todos. Recentemente um servidor chamado BRASIL VIDA REAL 2.0 - by Brasileiros For Fun está fazendo uso indevido de nome e imagem de outro servidor com este mesmo nome que foi fechado por motivos de segurança. O servidor original sofria diversos ataques ao console, de hackers que foram "contratados" por outros servers concorrentes. Além disso o servidor tinha aproximadamente 70 players online, muita organização e disciplina. Era o server pioneiro em fazer o sistema Gangs e Corporações funcionar sem bagunça, atraindo cada vez mais os jogadores de outros servers de modos parecidos. Infelizmente, após o fechamento do servidor original, surgiu outro servidor com o mesmo nome se passando pelo oficial e usando a mesma imagem do servidor original. O servidor Fake é bem parecido com o original, vários Mods iguais e maneira de funcionar. Mas eles não tem alguns Mapas que foram desenvolvidos exclusivamente pelos desenvolvedores originais, e também não possuem qualquer relação com os Donos do servidor original. Os Donos do servidor original já derrubaram duas vezes o servidor Fake mas ele voltou a funcionar com o mesmo nome e se passando pelo oficial. Eles estão pensando em entrar com uma ação judicial contra o dono do servidor Fake. Este por sua vez já foi notificado pelo uso não autorizado de nome e marca da Brasileiros For Fun mas não tomou qualquer atitude para mudar a situação. Página do servidor oficial no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brasileirosforfun/ RaidCall do servidor oficial: 10484463 IP: Desativado Página do servidor Fake no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mta-Br-Brasil- ... 497863088/ RaidCall do servidor Fake: 7580936 IP: mtasa://
  14. Hello. This problem is very old but it wasn't solved yet. When I gonna change the scale of a object, the collision keeps the same size, so the character can only cross by half the object. I think the collider should also change its scale together with the object, this way, the character can't (or can, if the user disable collisions) cross all the object.
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