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Everything posted by Simple0x47

  1. Developers who code for the satisfaction and enjoyment of programming still exist because all developers must feel satisfaction and enjoyment programming but the money it's an important field when working for someone.
  2. @Dizzle How many RPs have you created dude? Because it feel's like every month there's an upcoming OWL like roleplay coming from your part.
  3. Explanation: The program you run is not an error fixer just a program that logs the status of your PC so the MTA Team can discover the source of the problem, so post the pastebin url that shows up.
  4. local vehicles = { [1] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Barracks {433, 2611.8000488281, 237.5, 59.5, 65, 2}, {433, 277.7998046875, 2024.19921875, 18.200000762939, 65, 2}, -- Bobcats {422, -2051.8000488281, 144.19999694824, 28.89999961853, 20, 2}, {422, -237.19999694824,2812.5,61.799999237061, 20, 2}, -- Sanchez {468, -2039.5, 1108.69921875, 53, 8, 2}, {468, -1813.8994140625, -1598.7998046875, 22.799999237061, 8, 2}, -- Mesa {500, 1552.4000244141, -2088, 25.700000762939, 25, 2}, {500, 2786.69921875, 2244.2998046875, 11.199999809265, 25, 2}, -- Dodo {593, -1238.5999755859, -652.09997558594, 14.699999809265, 25, 2}, {593, 290.60000610352, 2538.6999511719, 17.39999961853, 25, 2}, -- QuadBike {471, 1931.6999511719, -587.79998779297, 27.200000762939, 10, 2}, {471, -386.2998046875, 1976.69921875, 92, 10, 2},, -- Freeway {541, -701, 945, 12, 8, 2}, {541, 2903.69921875, 1586, 10.39999961853, 8, 2}, }, -- [2] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Camper {483, 1527.5, -661.5, 94.5, 12, 2}, {483, 1318.19921875, -641.69921875, 108.90000152588, 12, 2}, }, -- [3] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Buffalo {402, -106.8994140625, -1573.2998046875, 2.5, 12, 2}, {402, -2137.8000488281, 1219.4000244141, 47.099998474121, 12, 2}, -- Bandito {456, -2304.69921875, -1643.099609375, 483.70001220703, 15, 5}, {456, -482.20001220703, -2026.4000244141, 50.400001525879, 15, 5}, }, -- [4] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- COACH {437, -271.29998779297, -2162.1000976563, 30, 190, 5}, }, } addCommandHandler("spawncars", function(p, cmd, n) if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) ) then n = tonumber( n ) if ( n ) and ( vehicles[ n ] ) then for i, k in ipairs(vehicles[n]) do local v = createVehicle(k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]) local c = createColSphere(k[2], k[3], k[4], k[6]) -- attachElements(c, v, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(c, "parent", v) setElementData(v, "parent", c) setElementData(c, "vehicle", true) setElementData(c, "MAX_Slots", k[5]) setElementData(c, "fuel", 5) -- local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(k[1]) if ( not tonumber(tires) ) then tires = math.random(0, 4) end if ( not tonumber(engine) ) then engine = math.random(0, 1) end if ( not tonumber(parts) ) then parts = math.random(0, 4) end setElementData(c, "Rueda_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)) setElementData(c, "Motor_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)) setElementData(c, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)) setElementData(c, "spawn", {k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]}) -- outputChatBox("¡Has respawneado todos los vehiculos!.", p, 0, 255, 120, true) end else outputChatBox("Error Syntax: /spawncars [1-4]", p, 255, 50, 0, true) outputChatBox("Ejemplo: /spawncars #ffffff1", p, 255, 50, 0, true) end end end )
  5. function policeStationHit ( thePlayer ) local setnivel = setPlayerWantedLevel ( thePlayer, 1 ) -- set the player's wanted level to 6 stars outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) .. " Agora está sendo procurado!", root ) if setnivel < 1 then return outputChatBox( "Este jogador já estar procurado", thePlayer ) end end addCommandHandler ( "a", policeStationHit )
  6. I've got imagination but that thing wouldn't work out.
  7. Como siempre, un servidor como todos deberían ser, muy buen trabajo. Una pregunta, ¿piensas sacar algún beneficio del servidor? Ya que el tiempo que le habras dedicado ( supongo que mucho ) tendrás que recompensarlo.
  8. Well, you would decrease the actual ping of your client but there's another problem. The frames you will receive per second will be affected by your internet speed, image quality could be affected and getting a VPS with GPU it's a non-common order ( they are mostly reserved for AI related services ). The option you could try is to make use of a VPN ( but I'm sure it will make the experience even worst ). So best option: play servers that are located near to you or get used to 90-150 ping.
  9. Well, if you want to customize all the messages' colors you would have to think about creating your own chat system, or just create some global variable which can be accessed by a exported function and then just make use of that variable for all the "outputChatBox" calls.
  10. Wrote it fast and since I haven't been coding in Lua for a while made those comments in C++.
  11. One thing you could do is save the player's serial and then mute him when he connects.
  12. Simple0x47

    Switching MTA

    Could you post a screenshot?
  13. // SERVER function nickHandler( playerNick ) if ( playerNick and ( #playerNick <= 3 ) ) then // DO SOMETHING cancelEvent() // KICK end end addEventHandler( 'onPlayerConnect', root, nickHandler )
  14. Just look for that gamemode on google.
  15. Do you guys make use of your own scripts or got them from somewhere else? If you got them from somewhere else please mention the name of the gamemode in order to be able to help you. PD: Do you make use of any kind of modules?
  16. If you want to create a gamemode full OOP, don't try it due to lack of optimization in the methods used for the creation of the OOP style. Better take C++ and write as much as possible with it for the server side.
  17. Diría que todos los que llegaron a interesarse por Lua a un nivel alto.
  18. Well that's a good idea that could fit right in MTA. But since I cannot offer any kind of service related to MTA, I could help you with C++ programming if there's any need of it for conversion or smth.
  19. I was looking to do something like this: https://github.com/rwengine/openrw But since there's already something like I was thinking, is no sense to start another project that does exactly the same.
  20. Didn't know China laws were that hard with gaming. We could discuss more about the project if you are interested in having me as the developer on Discord. ( Simple01#1106 )
  21. I'm not looking for filling my Discord with useless stuff, so if you are looking for a scripter why don't you tell the names of the gamemodes.
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