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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. You are making a script which does nothing?
  2. Then maybe do a command that can call dependent?
  3. And what should call the dependent function?
  4. What calls the dependent function? Does it even get called?
  5. Use debugscript 3. What error do you get?
  6. I'm a Poot-butt, not a maister.
  7. Jees @TheMOG, that comment doesn't look very nice .
  8. Try sending the hour variable to the chat. outputChatBox(hour)
  9. You'll have to search the script which handles the respawning.
  10. Line nr. 4 if hour = 30 then change to if hour == 30 then
  11. I'm gonna test it, wait a minute @Extinction. Replace addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), function(cK, cS) if cS then if cK == "mouse_wheel_up" then if moveY > 0 then moveY = moveY - 1 end elseif cK ==" mouse_wheel_down" then moveY = moveY + 1 end end end) with addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), function(cK, cS) if cS then if cK == "mouse_wheel_up" then outputChatBox(moveY) if moveY < 0 then moveY = moveY + 1 end elseif cK == "mouse_wheel_down" then moveY = moveY - 1 end end end) I just misplaced a space and actually inverted the moving ways. @Extinction.
  12. Do you have a resource called lses-system?
  13. If you are searching for respawning in the hospital, then lses-system, under s_lves_system.lua, and line nr. 147 spawnPlayer(thePlayer, x, y, z, 134, theSkin, 0, 0, theTeam) Change x, y and z to the position you want.
  14. Ignore that, it's not in the SQL table. if (transport==1) then x, y, z = 1742.1884765625, -1861.3564453125, 13.577615737915 r = 0.98605346679688 lastarea = "Unity Bus Station" else x, y, z = 1685.583984375, -2329.4443359375, 13.546875 r = 0.79379272460938 lastarea = "Los Santos International" end Search for something like this in your account-system under s_account_system.lua.
  15. Here you are. I think it should work, not tested tho. local renderTarget = dxCreateRenderTarget(500, 15, true) -- Creating the renderTarget, 500 width and 50 height, with alpha enabled. local drawText = [[This is a multi-line text. 2nd line 3rd line]] local moveY = 0 addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() if (renderTarget) then -- Checking if we have the renderTarget. dxSetRenderTarget(renderTarget, true) -- Setting the renderTarget, and clearing it every frame. dxDrawText(drawText, 0, moveY, 500, 15, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, "default-bold", nil, nil, true) -- Drawing the text on moveY Y pos dxSetRenderTarget() -- Setting the renderTarget nil, so we are out of the renderTarget dxDrawImage(500, 200, 500, 15, renderTarget) -- Drawing the renderTarget end end) addEventHandler("onClientKey", getRootElement(), function(cK, cS) if cS then if cK == "mouse_wheel_up" then if moveY > 0 then moveY = moveY - 1 end elseif cK ==" mouse_wheel_down" then moveY = moveY + 1 end end end)
  16. And which roleplay mode? Can you do a screenshot of your resources?
  17. I think DayZ mode has mappings by default, so you should search it out.
  18. Are you using freeroam?
  19. I think it cannot be copied because the file is in use.
  20. Replace return items[foundItem][1] with triggerClientEvent(source, "setJunkItem", getRootElement(), items[foundItem][1]) And then client side: addEvent("setJunkItem", true) addEventHandler("setJunkItem", getRootElement(), function(itemID) foundItemImage = itemID end) I think this one should work.
  21. It worked fine for me. Watch out for capital. @Aaron97
  22. Alright, you quoted me, but didnt write anything. @Aaron97
  23. My bad. serialList = { ["yourserailhere"] = true, ["anotherserialhere"] = true } addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() local autoBan = serialList[getPlayerSerial(source)] if (autoBan) then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, getRootElement ( ), 'Wypierdalaj kurwo!' ) end end) This one works totally fine.
  24. And whats wrong with it?
  25. Whats not working with it? Working for me:
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