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Everything posted by Mr.Loki

  1. After creating the weapon attach it to the Hydra with attachElements
  2. Mr.Loki

    VIP panel

    Please use the code button when pasting your code.
  3. Mr.Loki

    create timer

    You can use getRealTime() and store a date to the player's account. If you want to manually count the time the player has been in the group you can use getRealTime().timestamp to get the current date in seconds and store it to his account so in the future you can use it to calculate the time he has been in the group.
  4. What's wrong with the default "/report" function for the admin panel?
  5. Mr.Loki


    "(" can only be closed by another ")" function( ) can only be closed by an end You can't do: (end Or function ( ))
  6. Nope, only removeElementData. removeAccountData is just a useful function which sets the value of the data in a key to false, which is what pa3ck mentioned.
  7. Here u go... for i = 1, 7 do local r,g,b = i == 4 and 0,0,255 or 255,0,0 guiGridListSetItemColor(listatodoslosgrupos, row, i, r,g,b) end
  8. How are you setting the skin? Is it a shader or TXD?
  9. Can you post an image of how it looks?
  10. Mr.Loki

    Request 2

    This is the wrong section. Post in the scripting section next time. local vehicleDamageTable = { -- vehicle ID and damage multiplier [427] = 5,-- Enforcer [416] = 2 -- Ambulance } addEventHandler( "onClientVehicleDamage", root, function ( _,_, loss ) if isElement(source) then -- Checks if the vehicle still exists if getElementHealth(source) > 0 then -- Checks if it's health isn't 0 (blown up) local damage = vehicleDamageTable[getElementModel(source)] if damage then setElementHealth( source, getElementHealth(source)+(loss)-(loss/sp))-- Damage that was set in the table else setElementHealth( source, getElementHealth(source)+(loss)-(loss/3)) -- Default damage modifier if vehicle not in the table end end end end)
  11. How are you defining the classes? ACL,data,XML etc....?
  12. Use inspect with dxDrawText or textCreateTextItem to see a table.
  13. Try adding this, after the check. It should print the numbers in the table as a single string of text. local string = table.concat(randomNumbers,", ") outputChatBox(string)
  14. Mr.Loki


    dxDrawTextOnElement You should show us how the VIP system is set for the players, for example, account data, database etc...
  15. Won't that only work for client sided markers? @Fist
  16. getDistanceBetweenPoints3D use this to check if the marker is <, for example, 1m or 0.5m away from where the mouse was clicked in the world. Markers have no collisions so you cannot click them.
  17. Mr.Loki


    To make it look more like a hose they just use 2 lines on top of each other a white line then a grey line on top with a smaller width
  18. Mr.Loki


    A video would be a better way of showing this but it's simply just dxDrawLine3D
  19. Stop spawning vehicles with the admin panel it corrupts the database. Look in the community or in the resources section for a dayz admin panel that spawns vehicles
  20. No prob. It checks for a driver when someone exits. if there isn't a driver it will delete the vehicle but you need to add the getVehicleType function again so u won't delete other cars.
  21. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(theVehicle, towedBy) local thePlayer = getVehicleController(source) if not thePlayer then destroyElement(trailer) destroyElement(trailer2) destroyElement(trailer3) outputChatBox("#FFffFFElhagytad a mozdonyt. A vagonok törlődtek!", source, r,g,b, true) end end ) Try this.
  22. Check if the train has a driver getVehicleController
  23. You can't check if the player is in a vehicle if he has just exited it. Change player in line 2 to theVehicle and remove isPedInVehicle and getPedOccupiedVehicle.
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