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Everything posted by FlyingSpoon

  1. Your prices are way too high, the pricing that we have is much cheaper. $10 for 2 GB RAM with 1v Core? That's too much, for so little.
  2. I don't know if this is right, but I assume you want to keep the CJ Skin when a player dies? So what you'd do is, use on when they respawn after they die assuming it's onPlayerWasted, then set their skin to 0 using setElementModel.
  3. I think their Discord Link is broken, use the one below - https://discord.gg/kxsqSfx
  4. Looks great! Can't wait for the opening. I played on the BETA Tester, all I can say is that I am really shocked and surprised at what you guys have come up with. I'd definitely check it out if I was you. A lot of new features are available as well and the interface system is also really nice and smooth. Some positive factors from my side, Amazing Community, caring and humorous. Members are really experienced. Server is just amazing, a lot of features and gameplay feels flawless. Dedicated Members, and they know what they are doing. Can't wait for this Saturday! Good luck!
  5. Stop randomly bumping your post if it's not getting any interaction, one bump is more than enough.
  6. @Jockeyzz It's not their name, Velo Gaming belonged to someone else they just took the name and used a horribly edited Owl Gaming Copy.
  7. There's more information if you join their Discord; you'll be able to find all sorts of stuff there.
  8. Server name was previously used, but I have to give it to you for the login -
  9. Wrong section to post this, use scripting next time. Change setElementPosition( player, 0, 0, 3 ) -- teleport player to the centre of SA TO setElementPosition(thePlayer, 0, 0, 3 ) -- teleport player to the centre of SA
  10. @Anarchia Can you explain it in a little more detail?
  11. Here's a test of the latest streamer - (JStreamer v3)
  12. That's not the problem, already tried to mess around with that function.
  13. Found this script on the net for Custom Nametags, what's wrong with it since it outputs no errors and I can't see the nametags either. addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),function() local px,py,pz,tx,ty,tz,dist px,py,pz = getCameraMatrix() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (v==getLocalPlayer()) then tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition(v) dist = math.sqrt((px-tx)^2 + (py-ty)^2 + (pz-tz)^2) if dist > 30.0 then if isLineOfSightClear(px,py,pz,tx,ty,tz,true,false,false,true,false,false,getLocalPlayer()) then local sx,sy,sz = getPedBonePosition(v,5) local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(sx,sy,sz+0.3) if x then dxDrawText(getPlayerName(v),x,y,x,y,tocolor(150,50,0),0.85+(15-dist)*0.02,"default-bold") end end end end end end)
  14. Can you delete this? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=15342 It's not letting me remove it. DONE
  15. Thanks for mentioning my resource Ea7gign, I just updated it today, so feel free to check it out.
  16. Bump, Added new script, released to public.
  17. Amazing videos, very informative. My personal favourite was the tables one. Keep it up dude!
  18. Say if I made an external site and I update something via PHP to the database, (e.g. UPDATE users SET rank=? WHERE username=?, 4, Light); And in-game is there a way to detect this change has been made? Like, it detects the change and outputs, "[Web] You rank has been updated". I know I can do this using setTimer, but I don't want it to be an endless loop, I just want it to be so that if a SQL Data has changed or been updated, it will detect it.
  19. Say if I have a number like, 1519257600 How can I convert it to MM:DD:YYYY (22/02/2018)
  20. If you scroll to my first post I made, I used data within the function of callRemote as an argument. I don't know if the same scenario applies to fetchRemote, I've tried it but sadly it doesn't work.
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