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Everything posted by Dimos7

  1. well in that case i think you need make a loop for every player but i am not 100 precent sure it will work
  2. you want apear only to player has press t for speak?
  3. you want the vehicle light be lower close to road?
  4. that is vehicle lights so what about them ? if you want the function for turn off etc setVehicleOverrideLights
  5. what do you mean i don't understand you want change the color of lights ?
  6. first you can't put client and server functions together lesson 1 people
  7. the problem i think will be at your mysql
  8. what its the problem any error or warning from debugscript also please post all code related with that part of script not just few code oh i didn't see you want to not apear your name yes its possible for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if getPlayerName(v) ~= getPlayerName(localPlayer) then guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]), 1, string.gsub(getPlayerName(v), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), false, true) end end
  9. for i,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do local row = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1]) guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1, string.gsub(getPlayerName(v), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), false, true) guiGridListSetItemData(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], row, 1, getPlayerName(v)) end
  10. function getPlayersTrainSpeed () if ( isPedInVehicle ( localPlayer ) ) then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( getVehicleType ( veh ) == "Train" ) then local speed = getTrainSpeed ( veh ) outputChatBox ( "Viteza ta: " .. speed, 255, 0, 0 ) setTrainDerailable(tren, false) outputChatBox("Test.", 255, 255, 0) warpPedIntoVehicle(localPlayer , tren) setTrainSpeed(tren, 1) else end else outputChatBox ( "You must be in a train to use this command.", localPlayer , 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, getPlayersTrainSpeed )
  11. yes because you have wrong you can't have two = for that also try mine
  12. what errors [9] = { vehicles = { { 538, "Tren" }, }, vehiclesColor = { 6, 6, 6, 6 }, local myTrain = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setTrainDerailable(myTrain, false), executeCommandHandler("speed", source), setTrainSpeed(myTrain, 1), spawnLocation = { 2864.8310546875, 1291.5625, 10.8203125, 356, 9 },
  13. in that code mytrain no t seems be defind
  14. setTrainSpeed getTrainSpeed
  15. Dimos7

    Remaining Time

    yes after you need to remove the remain time with the current time so if have give 10 hours local time= getRealTime() local timestamp = time.timestamp local vhours = executeSQLQuery("Select hours from vip WHERE account =?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(target))) if tonumber(vHours) > 0 then vhours - timestamp else setElementData(target, "VIP", "NO") end
  16. Dimos7

    Remaining Time

    for example if you want 10 h someone have vip you can have it like this local time = getRealTime() local timestamp = time.timestamp timestamp+10*3600 ofc you put that when you add them to vip
  17. Dimos7

    Remaining Time

    well you can use local time = getRealTime() local timestamp = time.timestamp or getTickCount() setTime
  18. Dimos7

    Auto Respawn

    the player is not defind in that script so its nil
  19. Dimos7

    Wasted script

    function drawText dxDrawText() end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawText) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", root, function() drawText() end )
  20. createWeapon engineLoadTXD engineLoadDFF engineImportTXD engineReplaceModel
  21. they are create weapons and have shades or different models mod
  22. Dimos7

    Send Money

    addCommandHandler("sendmoney",function(player,cmd,sendToName,money) money = tonumber(money) and math.floor(tonumber(money)) or nil if not (sendToName) or not (money) then outputChatBox(syntax.." /" .. cmd .. " [Player] [Amount]",player,255,0,0,true) else local targetPlayer = getPlayerFromName (sendtoName) local sourcename = getPlayerName (source) if targetPlayer then if (targetPlayer==player) then outputChatBox(" You cant give money to yourself.",player,255,0,0,true) elseif money <= 0 then outputChatBox(" Minimum ammount is 0.",player,255,0,0,true) elseif getPlayerMoney(player) >= money then takePlayerMoney(player,money) givePlayerMoney(targetPlayer,money) outputChatBox ( "You gave " .. targetPlayer .. " " .. money .. "$", source, 0, 255, 0, true) -- LINE outputChatBox ( "" .. sourcename .. "gave you " .. money .. "$", targetPlayer, 0, 255, 0, true ) -- LINE else outputChatBox(" You dont have enough money.",player,177,9,45,true) end end end end)
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