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Everything posted by Dimos7
if you have samp map editor the windows that is easy removed and you can remove them by scripting
addVehicleSirens(car, 1, 2, false, true, true, false) if getVehicleSirensOn then setVehicleSirensOn(car, false) else setVehicleSirensOn(car, true) end local boolv = setVehicleSirens (car, 1, 0, 0, 10, 145, 0, 0, 200, 150) car its not defind in here but there you go
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if (source == mywind[18]) then local selectedTime = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[2]) local selectedPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1)) if (selectedTime and selectedPlayer) then theselectedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(selectedPlayer) if (not isElement(theselectedPlayer)) then return end muteTime = (selectedTime == 0 and 60*1000 or selectedTime == 1 and 120*1000 or selectedTime == 2 and 180*1000 or selectedTime == 3 and 240*1000 or selectedTime == 4 and 300*1000 or selectedTime == 5 ) triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, theselectedPlayer, muteTime) return end elseif (source == mywind[17]) then local selectedPlayer = guiGridListGetItemText(mywind[16], guiGridListGetSelectedItem(mywind[16], 1)) if (selectedPlayer) then theselectedPlayer = getPlayerFromName(selectedPlayer) if (not isElement(theselectedPlayer)) then return end triggerServerEvent("onAdminMute", root, theselectedPlayer) end end end ) dont put player and again player its confused try it like this its better
can you give the code post it in code button so see what you have
for your information the lights coming from that setVehicleSirens(vehicle, point, x, y, z, red, green, blue, alpha, minaplha)
you need to put that function too getVehicleSirensOn setVehicleSirensOn
because the light are from that function setVehicleSirens
press e then click f and go to remove world object and done
you have other script with blips maybe its something bugged with that script or be better if you put the blip same with marker but not attach it just a idea
what exacly happening when you driving after some meter the blip its dissapear?
in mysql not connect now idk why
addCommandHandler("group", function(source) if exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "admin") or exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "subadmin") then triggerClientEvent(source, "createWindow", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillagrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillcgrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillugrid", getRootElement()) end end ) function addGroup(clientname, group) local client=getAccountPlayer(getAccount(clientname)) if isElement(client) then local playerToAdd = getPlayerAccount(client) if not exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group)then exports.Qacl:addAccountToGroup(playerToAdd,group) exports.Qcommands:sendMessage("You've been added to: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0, client) end end end addEvent("addPlayerToGroup", true) addEventHandler("addPlayerToGroup", resourceRoot, addGroup) function removeGroup(client, group) local playerToRemove = getPlayerAccount(client) if exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group) then exports.Qacl:removeAccountFromGroup(playerToRemove,group) exports.Qcommands:sendMessage("You've been removed from: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0, client) end end addEvent("removePlayerFromGroup", true) addEventHandler("removePlayerFromGroup", resourceRoot, removeGroup) client.lua uniongroups = {"unionrecruit", "unionsoldier" } confedgroups = {"confedrecruit", "confedsoldier"} rpgroups = {"ssmember", "nsamember", "aramember", "lsfdmember", "usocmember"} window = guiCreateWindow(555, 381, 220, 288, "Q:RPG - Group management", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) groupGrid = guiCreateGridList(10, 70, 201, 176, false, window) guiGridListAddColumn(groupGrid, "Groups:", 0.9) addButton = guiCreateButton(10, 254, 95, 25, "Add", false, window) remButton = guiCreateButton(110, 254, 95, 25, "Remove", false, window) closeButton = guiCreateButton(184, 31, 27, 23, "X", false, window) name = guiCreateEdit(0.05, 0.09, 0.75, 0.11, "Enter account name", false, window) function openWindow() showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(window,true) end addEvent("createWindow", true) addEventHandler("createWindow", root, openWindow) function fillUnionGrids() for i,v in ipairs(uniongroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillugrid", true) addEventHandler("fillugrid", root, fillUnionGrids) function fillConfGrids() for i,v in ipairs(confedgroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillcgrid", true) addEventHandler("fillcgrid", root, fillConfGrids) function fillAdminGrids() for i,v in ipairs(rpgroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillagrid", true) addEventHandler("fillagrid", root, fillAdminGrids) function close() if (source == closeButton) then guiSetVisible(window, false) showCursor(false) elseif source==name then guiSetText(source,'') end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, close) function addThePlayer(thePlayer) if (source==addButton) then triggerServerEvent("addPlayerToGroup", getRootElement(), guiGetText(name), guiGridListGetSelectedItem(groupGrid)) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, addThePlayer) function removeThePlayer(thePlayer) if (source==remButton) then triggerServerEvent("addPlayerFromGroup", getRootElement(), guiGetText(name), guiGridListGetSelectedItem(groupGrid)) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, removeThePlayer)
i didn't change the client for textbox omg no memo name = guiCreateEdit(0.05, 0.09, 0.75, 0.11, "Enter account name", false, window)
addCommandHandler("group", function(source) if exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "admin") or exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(source, "subadmin") then triggerClientEvent(source, "createWindow", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillagrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillcgrid", getRootElement()) triggerClientEvent(source, "fillugrid", getRootElement()) end end ) function addGroup(clientname, group) local client=getAccountPlayer(getAccountName(clientname)) if isElement(client) then local playerToAdd = getPlayerAccount(client) if not exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group)then exports.Qacl:addAccountToGroup(playerToAdd,group) exports.Qcommands:sendMessage("You've been added to: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0, client) end end end addEvent("addPlayerToGroup", true) addEventHandler("addPlayerToGroup", resourceRoot, addGroup) function removeGroup(client, group) local playerToRemove = getPlayerAccount(client) if exports.Qacl:isPlayerInGroup(playerToAdd, group) then exports.Qacl:removeAccountFromGroup(playerToRemove,group) exports.Qcommands:sendMessage("You've been removed from: " ..group.. "!", 0, 150, 0, client) end end addEvent("removePlayerFromGroup", true) addEventHandler("removePlayerFromGroup", resourceRoot, removeGroup) client.lua uniongroups = {"unionrecruit", "unionsoldier" } confedgroups = {"confedrecruit", "confedsoldier"} rpgroups = {"ssmember", "nsamember", "aramember", "lsfdmember", "usocmember"} window = guiCreateWindow(555, 381, 220, 288, "Q:RPG - Group management", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) groupGrid = guiCreateGridList(10, 70, 201, 176, false, window) guiGridListAddColumn(groupGrid, "Groups:", 0.9) addButton = guiCreateButton(10, 254, 95, 25, "Add", false, window) remButton = guiCreateButton(110, 254, 95, 25, "Remove", false, window) closeButton = guiCreateButton(184, 31, 27, 23, "X", false, window) name = guiCreateMemo(0.05, 0.09, 0.75, 0.11, "Enter account name", false, window) function openWindow() showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(window,true) end addEvent("createWindow", true) addEventHandler("createWindow", root, openWindow) function fillUnionGrids() for i,v in ipairs(uniongroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillugrid", true) addEventHandler("fillugrid", root, fillUnionGrids) function fillConfGrids() for i,v in ipairs(confedgroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillcgrid", true) addEventHandler("fillcgrid", root, fillConfGrids) function fillAdminGrids() for i,v in ipairs(rpgroups) do guiGridListSetItemText(groupGrid, guiGridListAddRow(groupGrid), 1, v, false, false) end end addEvent("fillagrid", true) addEventHandler("fillagrid", root, fillAdminGrids) function close() if (source == closeButton) then guiSetVisible(window, false) showCursor(false) elseif source==name then guiSetText(source,'') end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, close) function addThePlayer(thePlayer) if (source==addButton) then triggerServerEvent("addPlayerToGroup", getRootElement(), guiGetText(name), guiGridListGetSelectedItem(groupGrid)) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, addThePlayer) function removeThePlayer(thePlayer) if (source==remButton) then triggerServerEvent("addPlayerFromGroup", getRootElement(), guiGetText(name), guiGridListGetSelectedItem(groupGrid)) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, removeThePlayer) try like that idk if it will work
the localPlayer not needed on blipattach aslo any error or warning from debugscript?
you mean like health bar with line close rectangle ? if yes then DxDrawBorderedRectangle its a useful function
what is there errors also post the code with code button
function Tags (mensaje, tipo) local cuenta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local nombre = getPlayerName(source) local rojo, verde, azul = getPlayerNametagColor(source) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam(source) local teamName = getTeamName(playerTeam) if teamName == your team name here and isObjectInACLGroup("user."..cuenta, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then cancelEvent() local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) outputChatBox("[Dueño] "..getPlayerName(source)..": #FFFFFF"..getPlayerNametagColor(source)..message, root, rojo, verde, azul, true ) outputServerLog("[^Admin^] "..nombre..": "..mensaje)
you can create a gun same with it and replace with the txd you want
so all i need is that 5 functions? set not get?
function makeZombie() if getPlayerTeam(source) == "Infected" then setElementData(source, "zombie", true) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), makeZombie) function removeZombie() if getElementData(source, "zombie") == true then removeElementData(source, "zombie") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), removeZombie)
Hello guyes i just wander what function need for make a cruise cotnrol i guess need what else? getElementVelocity setTimer bindKey