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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Wrong language, moved to Spanish section. And what you find is setPlayerHudComponentVisible.
  2. Patrick


    Ez nem a hiba, hanem a hibás kód, pontosabban ahol hibába ütközik a kód futás közben. Mert ez a sor szintaktikailag helyes, csak valamelyik változó értéke nem megfelelő. A hiba üzenet tartalma fontos, nem csak a sor-száma.
  3. text = text:gsub('\\','') -- don't work probably this is the good one, but your debug tests are wrong, because: local text = 'aaa\bbb' In this string \ is not a character, I mean its not a simple backslash. Because its "interact" with the next b. So \b this two character is "one" special character.
  4. Patrick


    Sorry this is a scripting topic, and not a "how to edit leaked gamemodes" one. I close this topic!
  5. probably the coordinates / model are incorrect
  6. Patrick


    Hi, @PedroFaria Please send the exact video link, instead of channel link!
  7. Wrong language, moved to Arabic section.
  8. It's not that simple. You can't get details from default transfer-box. You need to do your own download manager, with downloadFile.
  9. because onPlayerSpawn is a server-sided event, you can't use it on client-side.
  10. Just make a button, and when you click it, simply call a function what loop trough all players and give weapons for everybody. Don't deal with the gridlist, if you want to give something to everybody.
  11. Change back at onClientPlayerSpawn event. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", localPlayer, function() setPedWalkingStyle(source, 0) end)
  12. Patrick

    Radio Online

    Wrong language, moved to Spanish section.
  13. Wrong language, moved to Arabic section.
  14. Hi! You should open an issue on GitHub, and not here because it's a scripting related forum section. Link: https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/issues I'll close your post.
  15. Patrick


    Wrong language, moved to Spanish section.
  16. Wrong language, moved to Portuguese section.
  17. Patrick

    MTA DayZ

    Here is the original and latest DayZ Gamemode, use this: https://github.com/NullSystemWorks/mtadayz
  18. getElementsWithinColShape return every players who stay in the colshape in array, you should use isElementWithinColShape to check for a specific player.
  19. Cancel the onClientKey event.
  20. You should use it on server side, and you need to replace root to resourceRoot otherwise pickups are created when any resource started.
  21. I don't know exactly what do you mean, but you can remove shader from model with engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture
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