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Everything posted by Fist

  1. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/221946820
  2. im having problems within running MTA. After i run it, it opens game and after GTA splash screen ends and loads menu, it instantly close's and doesnt say anything not even error and nothing in Dumps folder aswell.
  3. No, it's a shared function yes it is, but if you will create vehicle from client side then you cant enter in it and only that person can see for which was vehicle created. Also then 'warpPedIntoVehicle' wont work either and car will disappear after u reconnect.
  4. maybe you just made bad code? I have happend to my self exact same thing but between client and server side's. I remaded bit code and it fixed a problem.
  5. Hello! If i will use a lot gui elements, does it will make client to lag? If so how i can avoid that if i will use a lot gui elements?
  6. TOP-GTA Ultimate DayZ Best dayz servers out there, just open server browser ingame and search up for one of those names and you will find ip for those servers.
  7. i would like to see Latvian section.
  8. tak varbūt tas int() ir vainīgs vajag tieši ciparu, paņem vnk outPutChatBox(atkariba) izdari un čatā redzēsi ja būs false vai int(11) tad tāpēc tā vaina ir.
  9. nejau skripts ir nepareizs bet gan pats variable 'ATKARIBA' viņā ietur BOOLEANS kas ir TRUE vai FALSE bet tu BOOLEAN samēri ar CIPARU, tāpēc tāds errors ir.
  10. problēma ir tāda ka 'atkarība' ir boolean vērtība (true vai false), varbūt informāciju nepareizu esi aizsūtijis vai arī tev kaut kas ar to sistēmu nav kārtībā.
  11. Iedod error'a message.
  12. use the template arguments local pos1, pos2, pos3 = 1468.8785400391, -919.25317382813, 100.153465271 local pos4, pos5, pos6 = 1468.388671875, -918.42474365234, 99.881813049316 setCameraMatrix(source/localplayer, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5, pos6 ) omg, its same thing. Pls dont post anymore.
  13. so, there is kinda solution for this ?
  14. Why the heck i should use same thing only from server side?
  15. Fist

    cancel bind

    my attempt was this. but it did not work function test(thePlayer, command) toggleControl("sprint", false) outputChatBox ( "test1" ) end addCommandHandler ( "test", test ) sprint is running, it will only stop running, but if u want to stop walk u can use theese. toggleControl("forwards", false) toggleControl("backwards", false) toggleControl("left", false) toggleControl("right", false)
  16. is this even your script?
  17. i did use 5000, but still it rotated like 20 or 10, not full 180 angle.
  18. Hello. When i use setCameraMatrix it works all fine, but i want rotate angle to 180 and when i put in code in rotation 180 it only rotates like 10 or 20 not full 180. Is there solution for this? code setCameraMatrix (-1443.1142578125,-1509.5010986328,102.61036682129,180)
  19. You need make when player writes command /rampdown, it goes trough server side and goes back to client side and then only executes command it should work then.
  20. You are totally wrong here, i use it a lot times in my own scripting. [quote name=..&G:..] What do you mean...? I don't get it He meant that when u trigger server side event, you need get info back from server side event to client side event by using triggerClientEvent. So that is the reason why it outputs NO on client side but on server side outputs YES, because Client side doesnt know that information because you havent returned that correct info back to client side from server side.
  21. no i needed to use it, i just made it work with my friends help, he explained me how it works. and btw your code what u gave me about triggering client event, was wrong either. So please learn first by your self scripting before helping others.
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