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Everything posted by Fist

  1. Why? If there is Arma 2 Mod then for gta it can be done too. Rockstar Games isn't the best company to deal with when it comes down to mods. If they had some problems with MTA then they would already take down MTA.
  2. Why? If there is Arma 2 Mod then for gta it can be done too.
  3. Fist


    local components = { "weapon", "ammo", "health", "clock", "money", "breath", "armour", "wanted","radar" } function removeHud() for _, component in ipairs( components ) do setPlayerHudComponentVisible(component ,false) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", root, removeHud)
  4. Fist


    script is fine, try to use script what i gave u, or tell me what resource you use for hud replacer. (that new hud what u use)
  5. Fist


    Probably in your gamemode is function that sets default hud back when u die or "something". Try to find that line and delete it or try use this script below. its client side script. local components = { "weapon", "ammo", "health", "clock", "money", "breath", "armour", "wanted" } function removeHud() for _, component in ipairs( components ) do setPlayerHudComponentVisible(component ,false) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn", root, removeHud)
  6. Fist

    Decompile lua.

    ur funny bruh. help you? why anyone should help you, if you know only how to beg? If you would go learn it by ur self and had some problems, then anyone in this forum would help you, but just like this "hey can u give me full code of working best gamemode possible with best fixes for free and open source?" it will not gonna work.
  7. Fist


    yes ik, i wanted to say how i can make radar it self like it will draw world image in radar image and will rotatate/follow when player moves.
  8. Fist


    Hello! I want to make DX Drawing Radar but which functions i should use? Because in wiki there is no info about it, atleast i couldnt find or im totally blind.
  9. Fist

    Gridlist updating.

    it works fine, but when it updates it just resets scrollbar too, but i dont want that. guiGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition guiGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition or guiGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition and guiGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition what u mean by them?
  10. Fist

    Gridlist updating.

    it works fine, but when it updates it just resets scrollbar too, but i dont want that.
  11. Hello! I just wanted to ask how i can make so gridlist constantly gets updated without being cleared using this guiGridlistClear() ?
  12. well my friend, that script above is fine. Probably you missed something to add to your DayZ gamemode when u was adding new weapon.
  13. #Solved! For those who are interested too use this function to set player weapon skill to 999, then it will work. setPedStat
  14. Fist

    Vehicle shop

    i dont understand why you make seprate function that spawns vehicle for car that was bought? It can easily be made all in 1 function and reduce lines of script.
  15. So could anyone give me code that sets that weapon aiming style? Cause its like on every server. Wtf?
  16. oh, that. I already did it, cause it gave me warnings. But still nothing.
  17. declare? What you mean?
  18. it doesnt give any effect.
  19. I think this "flag_anim_crouch" nope, or im doing something wrong. Can anyone give example?
  20. but which one i should use? i dont understand. -.-
  21. Hello! I just wanted to ask how i can change for every weapon aiming animation from old to this http://prntscr.com/8kvbav ? Tried reading wiki but still couldnt find it.
  22. local varPlayer = getPlayerFromName(source) try this
  23. Fist

    Killed by

    yes myb, but havent tested it cause i was making script only wanted to help.
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