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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. You use addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() end ) for functions which you don't call anymore in your script , i call those functions just anonymouse functions.
  2. Karuzo


    viewtopic.php?f=148&t=38203 Just scroll down where the db functions start
  3. Hey Guys, I've started to make my userpanel but i just got a problem with the triggering . I just want to trigger the selected item from my gridlist(it's a dx gridlist) It outputs me "Triggered" but it just doesn't do the code after the outputChatBox, i dunno why. Could you help me out please? Here's my server-side file : addEvent("Fun_Shop",true) function Fun_Shop_s(resgrid) outputChatBox("Triggered") local username = getElementData ( source, "username" ) local query = dbQuery(connect, "SELECT * FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '"..username.."'") local result = dbPoll(query, -1) local datas = result[1] local rainbow = datas["rainbow"] local money = datas["money"] if rainbow == 1 then outputChatBox("Du besitzt dieses Item bereits!",source, 125,0,0,false) elseif rainbow == nil then if money > 200000 then money = datas.money - 200000 dbExec(connect,"UPDATE wcf1_user SET rainbow=?,money=? WHERE username=?",1,money,name) setElementData(source,"rainbow",1) else outputChatBox("Du hast nicht genügend Geld!(200,000$)",source,125,0,0,false) end end end addEventHandler("Fun_Shop",root,Fun_Shop_s) And the client-side part: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", f_g_btn, function() if resgrid == nil then outputChatBox("Bitte wähle etwas aus!") elseif resgrid then triggerServerEvent( "Fun_Shop" ,localPlayer, tostring( resgrid ) ) end end) btw , no debug errors.
  4. Karuzo

    My Request

    Oh ofcourse i will do it sir, something else? A cup of tea ? Seriously, this is not a requesting board.
  5. Karuzo


    Does this happen on all server?
  6. Karuzo


    it's obviously a bind which you've made ( if this happens on all servers) . Just type unbind j in the console(f8)
  7. Karuzo

    The last reply

    or better, you get high :3
  8. Is it normal that if i open MTA again after minimizing it , that the video has stopped ?
  9. You can animate only GUI Elements with that resource. If you want to interpolate dx elements too, use this useful function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawAnimWindow
  10. Karuzo

    Class chat

    What is a class chat ?
  11. Works , thank you !
  12. Karuzo

    Money hack

    How are you saving your money ?
  13. you can use interpolatebetween .
  14. I didn't wanted that someone will do it for me. I just wanted an advice how i could make this circle. How do you mean that that the lines start higher ? Could you explain that please ?
  15. I know that function. But that just draws an outlined circle, but i want it to fill it. How should i do that ? I don't want to draw a new circle every new scale.
  16. Hey Guys, So i wanted to ask how i can draw a circle which will be completeley filled out. Regards,
  17. Karuzo

    The last reply

    How bout suicide ? Heard that's good against boring situations
  18. Karuzo

    Paid Scripter

    Can you proof that those were made by you ?
  19. Karuzo

    Hide Hud

    Try to put it in an onClientRender Event so it's going to be disabled every frame.
  20. Karuzo


    try [/code] --[code=lua]
  21. Karuzo

    FPS delay

    What is the advantage of an delay between two frames ? I don't know pretty much bout that, could you explain it to me ?
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