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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. You put it as clientside ?
  2. Could you show us your code?
  3. regandLogin won't work. Since that will be triggered only if the player uses /login command. So better use onClientResourceStart on the client-side and trigger to the server.
  4. It doesn't play cuz the URL is a Website, you need the specific url of the radio station. You could find them like that: Go on your radio-station which you like, search for Windows Media Player icon , or Winamp,etc.. click on it. Then youll be downloading a name.pls , just open that .pls and theres the ip/website +port of the radio.
  5. Alright , thanks ill give it a try
  6. dbQuery doesn't return datas, you have to use dbPoll for that. So you can check. You could make it like this if you want to check it : function login_func ( username, password ) query = dbQuery(connect, "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE nickname= '"..account.."'") result = dbPoll(query, -1) Btw how do you trigger the regandLogin function? and the local connect = connectDB() is useless. Since you didn't made your connection local in the function you can just use dbQuery(con,.....)
  7. I think i didn't explained it very well, i just have a map(TDM-Map), which i want to set to a different dimension.
  8. You cant use dbQuery Clientside. and for an INSERT use dbExec and try to use one query.
  9. You can also use a shader to do that.
  10. Hey Guys, So i'm trying to put a map to the dimension 38 and tried that using the dimension argument in the meta.xml like that: "apartment_dm.map" dimension="38" /> But i just don't see the objects, and yes i am in the dimension 38. Do i have to do something else to put the map to that dimension ?
  11. onMarkerHit-- dont forget to ask for the source. givePlayerMoney outputChatBox -- for a message in the chatbox.
  12. Thanks Sam1ler Will it use as a base for the spawnings
  13. Ah! Never come to that idea! Thank you. Going to do it with teams
  14. Thank you! And how should i remove a player which has left the lobby ? Like: Set the element data to true if hes in the lobby, and set it to false if he leaves? And then just do table.remove?
  15. Hey Guys, i'm trying myself in a lobby script and i want to count how much players are in this lobby. I'm setting an element data to those players. So is there a possibility to count the players which have this element data ? Didn't found anything related to that. Thank you for your help.
  16. You can make a gui edit box, get the input via guiGetText and trigger it to the server
  17. Es ist sehr offensichtlich was dein Problem ist. Du benennst deine gui elemente nach einer tabelle , obwohl du gar keine hast? Probier das mal aus, und sag mir was debugscript 3 sagt falls es nicht geht. function showgaertner_func () gaertner_window1 = guiCreateWindow(352, 291, 476, 303, "Gaertner", false) guiWindowSetSizable(gaertner_window1, false) guiWindowSetMovable(gaertner_window1, false) gaertner_label1 = guiCreateLabel(10, 28, 456, 45, "Gaertner", false, gaertner_window1) guiSetFont(gaertner_label1, "clear-normal") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(gaertner_label1, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(gaertner_label1, "center") gaertner_label2 = guiCreateLabel(12, 80, 454, 90, "Der Beruf Gaertner \n \nFahre verschiedene Checkpoints ab um Geld zu verdienen. \nWillst du Feierabend machen, steige einfach vom Rasenmaehrer ab. \n \n**ES WIRD KEIN FUEHRERSCHEIN BENOETIGT**", false, gaertner_window1) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(gaertner_label2, "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(gaertner_label2, "center") gaertner_button1 = guiCreateButton(20, 205, 158, 61, "JOB \nANNEHMEN", false, gaertner_window1) guiSetProperty(gaertner_button1, "NormalTextColour", "FF42FD01") gaertner_button2 = guiCreateButton(298, 205, 158, 61, "VERLASSEN", false, gaertner_window1) guiSetProperty(gaertner_button2, "NormalTextColour", "FFFF0B0B") addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gaertner_button2 ) function () destroyElement ( gaertner_window1 ) showCursor ( false ) end end end addEvent ( "showgaertner", true ) addEventHandler ( "showgaertner", getRootElement (), showgaertner_func ) guiSetVisible(gaertner_window1,false) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gaertner_button2 , function () guiSetVisible(gaertner_window1,false) showCursor ( false ) end)
  18. I dunno why you use the mysql module, i prefer the mta intern db functions. I'm not sure but you have to use smth like a dbPoll, which gets the data. I do it like that: query = dbQuery(connect, "SELECT * FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '"..username.."'") result = dbPoll(query, -1) datas = result[1] --and then i just use the datas variable. --like : local money = datas.money or 0 local playtime = datas.playtime or 0 --for example. //edit: I think its called mysql_fetch_assoc , same as i did. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mo ... etch_assoc Im not sure how its with the mysql module.
  19. Karuzo

    The last reply

    I like boob.. wait what?
  20. No, that doesn't mean that it will show to everyone. That will only show the player which hit the marker.
  21. Karuzo

    Stat ids

    Yes. MICRO_UZI 0 0 1 50 2 999 TEC9 0 0 1 50 2 999 MP5 0 0 1 250 2 999 MP5,Uzi and Tec9 are one group. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/We ... ill_levels
  22. Vectorworks Design File :3 PRJ
  23. I'm not sure but that won't make any sense since you just don't have a variable to add the 1. So you should do it like you said with the oldValue+1 .
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