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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. What ? Could you please be more specific, or just use a good english-turkish translator. Or if that doesn't help just ask in your location Board.
  2. Just found this post from IIYAMA, should be that what i tried to say.
  3. lal, he didn't said anythin about selling/buying his script.
  4. I didn't mean that, i said that if he uses root as the element the chat will be spammed if someone tries to change his password. and btw, why should loops be more efficient if there is a root visibility argument lal.
  5. To the second "tutorial" , you will be just spamming the whole chat since you used root as visibility element.
  6. I would recommened you German hosts and those servers are quite in the middle of Europe. For example ByServ.
  7. Or you can just change the images which you find on MTA/cgui/images
  8. set a timer for 30 seconds and then just set the visibility of that element to false.
  9. Hey Guys, presenting you my v1.1 of the ER MTA Menu Theme. Hope you like it. v1.0: http://er-mta.net/topic/101-er-multi-th ... 1-by-krzo/ v1.1: Download: Mediafire.com Screenshot: Full image: http://i.imgur.com/mSIiIeX.png Regards, KRZO.
  10. Looks really impressive. But i don't like the window design, could be better
  11. It won't work , since you wrote outputChatBox("You have $"money..,) instead of outputChatBox("You have $"..money) -sent from my phone.
  12. If you would pay the scripters, the chance would be bigger to find one. but Good Luck.
  13. Karuzo


    You're creating the sound after you check it. local sound = ... should be above isElement.
  14. Karuzo


    I didn't understand anything, sorry. Use Google Tranlator if you're english is not good.
  15. huh sorry i meant maximum_clip_ammo.
  16. Roxx vol.3 - Different Side Song: 1st - Pendulum - Fasten Your Seatbelt (PrototypeRaptor Bootleg Remix) 2nd - Avicii - Addicted To You (Sick Individuals Remix) Soure: www.er-mta.net
  17. Karuzo


    How do you mean that ?
  18. Karuzo


    @WhoAmI: Yeah, since isElement returns true. @Nikolai96: Clientside. Because playSound is a client - side function.
  19. Karuzo


    That because your client file is loaded before serverside file. Make it like that in the meta: server.lua client.lua
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