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Everything posted by Karuzo

  1. Karuzo

    GTA SA Nodes

  2. huh, that's weird. Is there anything to do against that?
  3. Hey Guys, I wanted to create a small object-builder, but i just dunno why i can't see the created object. It outputs "object" but i don't see one. Hope you can help me. local opened function open() opened = not opened if opened == true then addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, GetCursor) showCursor(true) else showCursor(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, GetCursor) end end bindKey("m","down",open) local worldx,worldy,worldz function GetCursor() if isCursorShowing() then posx, posy, worldx, worldy, worldz = getCursorPosition() local obj = createObject(17950,worldx, worldy, worldz+5) if obj then outputChatBox("object") end end end
  4. Karuzo


    function onChat(player,_,...) local msg = table.concat({...}," ") local nick = getPlayerName(player) --[[[local account = getPlayerAccount(player) local Language = getAccountData(account,"Language")--]] local lang = getElementData(player,"Language") if lang == 1 then outputChatBox("[spanish]"..nick..": #ffffff"..msg,player,255,255,255,true) -- only to players with getAccountData(account,"Language",1) end end addCommandHandler("Language",onChat) --just set the elementdata somewhere , like in the login for example. function Login() setElementData(player,"Language",1) end
  5. That won't help him since he search for a specific ID.
  6. Just use a picture and that's it ^^
  7. use root as the forelement..
  8. Make a variable which you just set to true if label should be black , and then just add that variable in the staticimageloadimage function.
  9. Just reading the wiki handles it. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scoreboard
  10. You should learn the basics of SQL to start with mysql in lua. B2T: You need to have smth like a id/name in your database of your player to save the money to the specific player. I'll write you smth when i got home.
  11. Karuzo


    You have to use triggerClientEvent(source,"onPlayerLoginPanel",source)
  12. dbConnect("sqlite",file.db") This will create a file called file.db if it doesn'te xist. And what are you trying to do with that code?
  13. text = {} function getCharacter(character) for i,ebox in ipairs(youreditbox) do table.insert(text[i], character) end end addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", getRootElement(), getCharacter) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() dxDrawText(table.concat(text[i],""),.......) end) --and to remove it just use bindKey("backspace", "down", function () table.remove(....) end) Like that? It's just an example.
  14. Karuzo

    Web thinga....

    And ugly. Sorry but i don't like that website.
  15. checking if the player has a ping higher than 200 on resourcestart isn't efficient. You should use a timer.
  16. Ah, yeah just tested it with a blank image, seems to don't work with black pictures, thanks guys.
  17. Hey Guys, I wanted to know what the color argument in the dxDrawImage function really does, i know i can handle the alpha with it, but is it possible to set the color of the existing image? lets say i have an image which is white, and i want it green, is that possible ?
  18. Just use sql. And it depends on which side you create the xml, client or server.
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