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Everything posted by cheez3d

  1. local hospitals = { {2036.1735839844,-1413.0563964844,16.9921875,0}, {-2656.12,631.01,14.45,0}, {1607.07,1825.3,10.83,0} } addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function() local x,y = getElementPosition(source) local nearest = {} for k,position in ipairs(hospitals) do nearest[k] = {["distance"] = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x,y,position[1],position[2]),["position"] = position} end table.sort(nearest,function(a,b) return a["distance"]<b["distance"] end) setTimer(spawnPlayer,1000,1,source,nearest[1]["position"][1],nearest[1]["position"][2],nearest[1]["position"][3],0,getPedSkin(source),nearest[1]["position"][4],0,getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget,1250,1,source,source) end) Not tested.
  2. You can create a table with the original San Andreas color codes: local colors = { [0] = {0,0,0}, [1] = {245,245,245}, [2] = {42,119,161} -- and so on until 126 } I suggest Instant Eyedropper for finding out the RGB color codes of those colors fast as I did with these three colors above. http://instant-eyedropper.com/
  3. cheez3d

    dxDraw Help

    Use something like this to calculate the position relative to the screen size: _dxDrawText = dxDrawText -- keep original function as we'll need it; function dxDrawText(text,left,top,relative,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY,clip,wordBreak,postGUI,colorCoded,subPixelPositioning,fRotation,fRotationCenterX,fRotationCenterY) local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local left = relative and left*sx or left local top = relative and top*sy or top local right = relative and right and right*sx or not relative and right or left local bottom = relative and bottom and bottom*sy or not relative and bottom or top local color = color or tocolor(255,255,255) local scale = scale or 1 local font = font or "default" local alignX = alignX or "left" local alignY = alignY or "top" local clip = clip or false local wordBreak = wordBreak or false local postGUI = postGUI or false local colorCoded = colorCoded or false local subPixelPositioning = subPixelPositioning or false local fRotation = fRotation or 0 local fRotationCenterX = fRotationCenterX or 0 local fRotationCenterY = fRotationCenterY or 0 return _dxDrawText(text,left,top,right,bottom,color,scale,font,alignX,alignY,clip,wordBreak,postGUI,colorCoded,subPixelPositioning,fRotation,fRotationCenterX,fRotationCenterY) end The new function. bool dxDrawText ( string text, float left, float top, bool relative [, float right=left, float bottom=top, int color=white, float scale=1, mixed font="default", string alignX="left", string alignY="top", bool clip=false, bool wordBreak=false, bool postGUI=false, bool colorCoded=false, bool subPixelPositioning=false, float fRotation=0, float fRotationCenterX=0, float fRotationCenterY=0 ] ) And now you can just use dxDrawText with the relative argument just like in GUI functions.
  4. There are at least 3 more topics about this. Use the search button.
  5. local convert = function(bytes) return bytes*(9.53674316*10^-7) end
  6. fileDelete if it is an SQLite file or DbExec(connection,"DROP `database`") if it is a MySQL database.
  7. Try /svp. Make sure you are an admin.
  8. addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage",root,function(loss) --local player = getVehicleOccupant(source,0) //no need to use this local _,_,vz = getElementVelocity(source) if vz>0 and not isVehicleOnGround(source) and loss >=350 then blowVehicle(source) end end)
  9. The event "onVehicleDamage" has the loss parameter. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnVehicleDamage
  10. Add this client-side and use /dump to dump the camera coordinates. They will be copied to your clipboard so you just use CTRL+V somewhere. addCommandHandler("dump",function() local x,y,z,lx,ly,lz = getCameraMatrix() setClipboard(tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z)..","..tostring(lx)..","..tostring(ly)..","..tostring(lz)) end)
  11. "onClientCursorMove" "onClientKey"
  12. local x,y,z,amount = --[[x coordinate of marker]],--[[y coordinate of marker]],--[[z coordinate of marker]],--[[amount of money to give]] addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",createMarker(x,y,z),function(element,dimension) if getElementType(element) == "player" and dimension then givePlayerMoney(element,amount) end end)
  13. Maybe the resource uses a client -> server -> client path for changing settings. Example: you click on a button to change a value of a setting -> the client sends your data to the server and then if successful triggers a callback client event that will output in the chatbox that message (as it is only visible to you if it is used clientside).
  14. local seconds = 6 setTimer(function() seconds = seconds-1 exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage(string.format("#FF0000You will die in #00FF00%d#FF0000 seconds",seconds),255,255,255,true) if seconds<=0 then -- kill the ped end end,1000,seconds)
  15. I guess you'll have to deal with some DirectX functions.
  16. Firstly, you must have the source code. Secondly, you must understand the code to modify it.
  17. addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage",root,function(attacker,weapon,part) if attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" and attacker ~= source then if weapon == 8 and part == 9 then setPedHeadless(source,true) killPed(source,attacker,weapon,part) end end end)
  18. guiCreateStaticImage() guiStaticImageLoadImage() "onClientMouseEnter" "onClientMouseLeave" "onClientGUIClick"
  19. local mine_pos = { {271.94140625, 1350.1923828125, 10.5859375}, {275.94140625, 1350.1923828125, 10.5859375} } local n = math.random(1,#mine_pos) local mineplace = createMarker(mine_pos[n][1],mine_pos[n][2],mine_pos[n][3])
  20. I put the px,py,sx,sy variables outside onClientRender, otherwise you declare those variables every frame and the position of the picture will be different everytime. I tought you declared px and py as the start position of the animation.
  21. setWorldSoundEnabled() -- disable default engine sound playSound3D() -- play your own sound attachElements() -- attach it to the vehicle getElementVelocity() -- adjut sound properties depending on speed createColSphere() -- for playing the engine sound for all the other players that are near the car
  22. local px,py = guiGetPosition(pic,false) local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local function render_handler() local nx,ny = interpolateBetween(px,py,0,px,(py)/3+475,0,getProgress(7500),"OutElastic",2,2,2) guiSetPosition(pic,nx,ny,false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render_handler)
  23. addCommandHandler("handbrake",function() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local sound = playSound3D("handbrake.mp3",0,0,0,false) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,50) setSoundVolume(sound,1) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) attachElements(sound,vehicle) end)
  24. for _,label in ipairs(getElementsByType("gui-label",resourceRoot)) do -- your code end This function also has a startat parameter. It defaults to the root element so it changes all the resources' fonts but you can specify resourceRoot to change only the resource's labels.
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