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Everything posted by Arnold-1

  1. Add a little delay, like 5 seconds, maybe the player is removed from the alive player list a little bit after onPlayerWasted is triggered.
  2. You showed us the useless part, we need the event, and the event triggering function.
  3. ^^^ this guy isn't looking for help, he is looking for scripts, please have this topic locked.
  4. just use this as client side: local greenzone = createColRectangle ( -1997, 239, 110, 80 ) local greenzonemaparea = createRadarArea (-1997, 239, 110, 80, 0, 255, 0, 120) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerDamage',root, function () if isElementWithinColshape(source,greenzone) then cancelEvent() end ) you don't need anything else
  5. Arnold-1


    just add a little delay dude (with setTimer)
  6. put the things that set the stuff in the gridlist in a function, and execute it onEditboxUpdate with an if statement checking if X is in the editbox
  7. show me your code, i can't help you this way dear sir.
  8. move onClientRender event to the function above it.\ Also you didn't end the function edit: just make it like this: addEvent("horariodesaida",true) addEventHandler("horariodesaida",root, function() seconds = 70 setTimer(function () seconds = seconds - 1 if seconds = 0 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root, drawing) end end end ,1 ,seconds) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, drawing) end ) function drawing() dxDrawText(seconds.." Seconds left", 198, 158 ,1003, 90, 3,1) end
  9. i noticed that many people don't compile their scripts
  10. seconds = 70 setTimer(function () seconds = seconds - 1 if seconds = 0 then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root, drawing) end end ,1 ,seconds) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, drawing) function drawing() dxDrawText(seconds.." Seconds left", x,y,h,w,--[[put your own dimensions]] ,1) end
  11. That resource creates a custom miniradar as far as i know.
  12. Do you understand that a client can't affect another client at all?
  13. it should work, did you test it with multiple people?
  14. Arnold-1


    u guyz wot? i will help anbhav on skype.
  15. I have more than 10 people on skype who are being taught by me. I never ask for money actually, and i have no problem with time, actually, if i'm busy, i just tell the person i'm teaching that i'm busy currently and we can talk later. You can contact me on skype to tell you where to start.
  16. Arnold-1

    One code.

    It's still the same, someone would PM you as he want to help you and he just leak the script. Anyway, if you need help, contact me in skype, bshr.ara Note: you have to be fast, i'm travelling in 2 days.
  17. addEventHandler("onVehicleLeave", root, cancelEvent) EDIT: btw, i wonder how could you make a multi-gamemode if you don't even know how to do this?
  18. i think that i have a good idea. it will be an optional feature, every server will be able to make their own key generator, adding some random data to the serial and encrypting it several times, which makes it no way possible to decrypt. And in this way, every client will have a different key in every server, which makes the number of keys = servers * clients, i guess that i have some logic in my post.
  19. Thank you MTA Team, i think we should also thank the contributors for their work.
  20. Yes, every human does so, we like to not face the truth if it is not what we thought is true. Dear Dealman, Putting a glass of water into ocean has nothing to do with what i'm saying. Putting a glass of water into ocean wont make it more perfect, and not doing so will also not make it less perfect. Which means: no logic was found in your reply. Ofcourse no one would loop getRootElement 10k times in his script. But what i want you to understand is, that getRootElement will actually get the root element (it will do something), while root, wont "get" root element, the root is stored inside it, this is why it is better. Also, why would you write all of that, i really like it when i write root only, it's just....easy, i mean really, what is easier to write, resourceRoot or getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ? i mean really this is 23 more letters.
  21. @Et-win You're free if you want to make your script unperfect, but in general, i was just correcting his script, no need for all of that.
  22. How about explaining why it does matter instead of just throwing an argument like this? i never thought it may need that much of thinking to understand it. i actually can't stop laughing after i read Spajk's reply. Ofcourse you will end up on top if you say that small things doesn't matter (sarcasm) A real scripter always try to make his script more perfect, not just say 13 ms doesn't matter....
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