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Everything posted by Arnold-1

  1. Arnold-1


    it will work, if "runrun" element data is changing every second. but you may want to change the variable with a very cool function called interpolateBetween, but personally, i use my own ways. such as decreasing and increasing the numbers by myself.
  2. I gave him the script, no actual need for onGamemodeMapStart, but anyway, it's a map manager event, and almost every scripter includes it in his gamemode.
  3. This is bullshit, please learn more before teaching other people. just use onGamemodeMapStart, but, if you want it to output who changed the map, you must make some extra scripting. add to the function of the button you're using for map set this: check the map name variable and replace it with mapName variable in the script. triggerServerEvent("mapChangeOutput",localPlayer,mapName) and add this anywhere serverside: function outputMapChange(name) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).."Changed the map to: "..name..".",root,200,100,100) end addEvent("mapChangeOutput",true) addEventHandler("mapChangeOutput",root,outputMapChange)
  4. ok, i will tell you how to fix it, just so you can learn XML, by try using setAccountData xml = xmlLoadFile("file.xml") children = xmlNodeGetChildren(xml) for i,v in ipairs(children) do name = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"name") if name == getPlayerName(thePlayer) then local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"spawnX") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"spawnY") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute(v,"spawnZ") spawnPlayer(thePlayer,x,y,z) end end But i highly recommend using Account data.
  5. Arnold-1


    make the size as a variable, then you can control it as you want.
  6. The actual problem is when you replace an object it gets replaced in the GTA world, being able to create an object without actually choosing an object to replace it with is something actually useful, which is something i was thinking to suggest when i was coming back house.
  7. it's basically this: when someone gets damaged, you check it in people clients who has a high FPS, and then set it serverside. it has many walk-arounds, and you can do it easily through a script, if you're not a scripter and want to apply this in the server you play, then simply suggest it to THEM, not MTA.
  8. Max, you're making many mistakes, don't help him if you're not good enough. He's making a SQL based account system. checkPlayerExists was saying nil value because you weren't passing a player element to it, search where you used it in your code and try to fix it. isGuestAccount will always return true as you're making a SQL based account system.
  9. Learn how to deal with Dx, it would take sometime but it's a very useful thing to make amazing interfaces.
  10. vehicle1 = createVehicle(487, 2798, 2548.900390625, 22.700000762939, 0, 0, 43.994750976563) -- This car can be toggleVehicleRespawn ( vehicle1 , true ) setVehicleRespawnDelay ( vehicle1 , 10000) -- Araç patladıktan kaç saniye sonra respawnlanacağını belirtir. setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay ( vehicle1 , 60000) -- vehicle = createVehicle ( modelID, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ ) state = setVehicleDoorState ( vehicle, 1, 1 ) setVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle, true ) -----car won't take damage (change it to false if you want to take damage) function lockPrivate( player, seat, jacked ) if ( source == vehicle1 ) then if ( seat ~= 0 ) then -- If the seat isn't '0' ( driver's seat ) return -- Stop the function from executing. end class = getElementData(player,"class") if ( class ~= "Admins" ) then cancelEvent ( ) exports.ORCcommands:sendMessage("Buna Binmen İçin Admin Olman Gerek.", 255, 190, 0, player) else exports.ORCcommands:sendMessage("Tekrar Hoşgeldin Admin Bey", 255, 255, 0, player) end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), lockPrivate )
  11. function setLevel(player,cmd,player2,level) if hasObjectPermissionTo(player,"function.kickPlayer") then if player2 and level then if tonumber(level) then local plyElement = getPlayerFromName(player2) if plyElement then setElementData(plyElement,"level",level) outputChatBox("You have successfuly changed the level of "..player2.." to "..level..".",player,200,100,100) outputChatBox("Your Level was changed to "..level.." By "..player..".",player2,200,100,100) else outputChatBox("Player Not Found.",player,200,100,100) end else outputChatBox("Invaild Level.",player,200,100,100) end else outputChatBox("setlevel: Syntax /setlevel ",200,100,100) end end end addCommandHandler("setlevel",setLevel)
  12. just replace getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)) with getElementData(player,"class")
  13. it's already existing: <NotepadPlus> <AutoComplete language="Lua"> <Environment startFunc="(" endFunc=")" paramSeparator="," terminal=";" additionalWordChar = "."/> <KeyWord name="aclCreate"/> <KeyWord name="aclCreateGroup"/> <KeyWord name="aclDestroy"/> <KeyWord name="aclDestroyGroup"/> <KeyWord name="aclGet"/> <KeyWord name="aclGetGroup"/> <KeyWord name="aclGetName"/> <KeyWord name="aclGetRight"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupAddACL"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupAddObject"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupGetName"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupList"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupListACL"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupListObjects"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupRemoveACL"/> <KeyWord name="aclGroupRemoveObject"/> <KeyWord name="aclList"/> <KeyWord name="aclListRights"/> <KeyWord name="aclReload"/> <KeyWord name="aclRemoveRight"/> <KeyWord name="aclSave"/> <KeyWord name="aclSetRight"/> <KeyWord name="addAccount"/> <KeyWord name="addBan"/> <KeyWord name="addCommandHandler"/> <KeyWord name="addDebugHook"/> <KeyWord name="addEvent"/> <KeyWord name="addEventHandler"/> <KeyWord name="addPedClothes"/> <KeyWord name="addResourceConfig"/> <KeyWord name="addResourceMap"/> <KeyWord name="addVehicleSirens"/> <KeyWord name="addVehicleUpgrade"/> <KeyWord name="areTrafficLightsLocked"/> <KeyWord name="assert"/> <KeyWord name="attachElements"/> <KeyWord name="attachTrailerToVehicle"/> <KeyWord name="banPlayer"/> <KeyWord name="base64Decode"/> <KeyWord name="base64Encode"/> <KeyWord name="bindKey"/> <KeyWord name="bitAnd"/> <KeyWord name="bitArShift"/> <KeyWord name="bitExtract"/> <KeyWord name="bitLRotate"/> <KeyWord name="bitLShift"/> <KeyWord name="bitNot"/> <KeyWord name="bitOr"/> <KeyWord name="bitRRotate"/> <KeyWord name="bitRShift"/> <KeyWord name="bitReplace"/> <KeyWord name="bitTest"/> <KeyWord name="bitXor"/> <KeyWord name="blowVehicle"/> <KeyWord name="breakObject"/> <KeyWord name="call"/> <KeyWord name="callRemote"/> <KeyWord name="canPedBeKnockedOffBike"/> <KeyWord name="cancelEvent"/> <KeyWord name="cancelLatentEvent"/> <KeyWord name="clearElementVisibleTo"/> <KeyWord name="cloneElement"/> <KeyWord name="collectgarbage"/> <KeyWord name="copyAccountData"/> <KeyWord name="copyResource"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.create"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.resume"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.running"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.status"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.wrap"/> <KeyWord name="coroutine.yield"/> <KeyWord name="countPlayersInTeam"/> <KeyWord name="createBlip"/> <KeyWord name="createBlipAttachedTo"/> <KeyWord name="createColCircle"/> <KeyWord name="createColCuboid"/> <KeyWord name="createColPolygon"/> <KeyWord name="createColRectangle"/> <KeyWord name="createColSphere"/> <KeyWord name="createColTube"/> <KeyWord name="createElement"/> <KeyWord name="createExplosion"/> <KeyWord name="createFire"/> <KeyWord name="createMarker"/> <KeyWord name="createObject"/> <KeyWord name="createPed"/> <KeyWord name="createPickup"/> <KeyWord name="createProjectile"/> <KeyWord name="createRadarArea"/> <KeyWord name="createResource"/> <KeyWord name="createSWATRope"/> <KeyWord name="createTeam"/> <KeyWord name="createVehicle"/> <KeyWord name="createWater"/> <KeyWord name="createWeapon"/> <KeyWord name="dbConnect"/> <KeyWord name="dbExec"/> <KeyWord name="dbFree"/> <KeyWord name="dbPoll"/> <KeyWord name="dbQuery"/> <KeyWord name="debug.debug"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getfenv"/> <KeyWord name="debug.gethook"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getinfo"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getlocal"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getmetatable"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getregistry"/> <KeyWord name="debug.getupvalue"/> <KeyWord name="debug.setfenv"/> <KeyWord name="debug.sethook"/> <KeyWord name="debug.setlocal"/> <KeyWord name="debug.setmetatable"/> <KeyWord name="debug.setupvalue"/> <KeyWord name="debug.traceback"/> <KeyWord name="deleteResource"/> <KeyWord name="deref"/> <KeyWord name="destroyElement"/> <KeyWord name="detachElements"/> <KeyWord name="detachTrailerFromVehicle"/> <KeyWord name="detonateSatchels"/> <KeyWord name="doesPedHaveJetPack"/> <KeyWord name="dofile"/> <KeyWord name="dxConvertPixels"/> <KeyWord name="dxCreateFont"/> <KeyWord name="dxCreateRenderTarget"/> <KeyWord name="dxCreateScreenSource"/> <KeyWord name="dxCreateShader"/> <KeyWord name="dxCreateTexture"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawImage"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawImageSection"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawLine"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawLine3D"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawMaterialLine3D"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawMaterialSectionLine3D"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawRectangle"/> <KeyWord name="dxDrawText"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetBlendMode"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetFontHeight"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetMaterialSize"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetPixelColor"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetPixelsFormat"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetPixelsSize"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetStatus"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetTextWidth"/> <KeyWord name="dxGetTexturePixels"/> <KeyWord name="dxIsAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetAspectRatioAdjustmentEnabled"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetBlendMode"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetPixelColor"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetRenderTarget"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetShaderTessellation"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetShaderTransform"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetShaderValue"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetTestMode"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetTextureEdge"/> <KeyWord name="dxSetTexturePixels"/> <KeyWord name="dxUpdateScreenSource"/> <KeyWord name="engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture"/> <KeyWord name="engineGetModelIDFromName"/> <KeyWord name="engineGetModelLODDistance"/> <KeyWord name="engineGetModelNameFromID"/> <KeyWord name="engineGetModelTextureNames"/> <KeyWord name="engineGetVisibleTextureNames"/> <KeyWord name="engineImportTXD"/> <KeyWord name="engineLoadCOL"/> <KeyWord name="engineLoadDFF"/> <KeyWord name="engineLoadTXD"/> <KeyWord name="engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture"/> <KeyWord name="engineReplaceCOL"/> <KeyWord name="engineReplaceModel"/> <KeyWord name="engineRestoreCOL"/> <KeyWord name="engineRestoreModel"/> <KeyWord name="engineSetAsynchronousLoading"/> <KeyWord name="engineSetModelLODDistance"/> <KeyWord name="error"/> <KeyWord name="executeCommandHandler"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLCreateTable"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLDelete"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLDropTable"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLInsert"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLQuery"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLSelect"/> <KeyWord name="executeSQLUpdate"/> <KeyWord name="fadeCamera"/> <KeyWord name="fetchRemote"/> <KeyWord name="fileClose"/> <KeyWord name="fileCopy"/> <KeyWord name="fileCreate"/> <KeyWord name="fileDelete"/> <KeyWord name="fileExists"/> <KeyWord name="fileFlush"/> <KeyWord name="fileGetPos"/> <KeyWord name="fileGetSize"/> <KeyWord name="fileIsEOF"/> <KeyWord name="fileOpen"/> <KeyWord name="fileRead"/> <KeyWord name="fileRename"/> <KeyWord name="fileSetPos"/> <KeyWord name="fileWrite"/> <KeyWord name="findInTable"/> <KeyWord name="fireWeapon"/> <KeyWord name="fixVehicle"/> <KeyWord name="forcePlayerMap"/> <KeyWord name="fromJSON"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddBlood"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddBulletImpact"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddBulletSplash"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddDebris"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddFootSplash"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddGlass"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddGunshot"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddPunchImpact"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddSparks"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddTankFire"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddTyreBurst"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddWaterHydrant"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddWaterSplash"/> <KeyWord name="fxAddWood"/> <KeyWord name="gcinfo"/> <KeyWord name="generateACCommand"/> <KeyWord name="get"/> <KeyWord name="getAccount"/> <KeyWord name="getAccountData"/> <KeyWord name="getAccountName"/> <KeyWord name="getAccountPlayer"/> <KeyWord name="getAccounts"/> <KeyWord name="getAircraftMaxHeight"/> <KeyWord name="getAircraftMaxVelocity"/> <KeyWord name="getAlivePlayers"/> <KeyWord name="getAllAccountData"/> <KeyWord name="getAllElementData"/> <KeyWord name="getAnalogControlState"/> <KeyWord name="getAttachedElements"/> <KeyWord name="getBanAdmin"/> <KeyWord name="getBanIP"/> <KeyWord name="getBanNick"/> <KeyWord name="getBanReason"/> <KeyWord name="getBanSerial"/> <KeyWord name="getBanTime"/> <KeyWord name="getBanUsername"/> <KeyWord name="getBans"/> <KeyWord name="getBirdsEnabled"/> <KeyWord name="getBlipColor"/> <KeyWord name="getBlipIcon"/> <KeyWord name="getBlipOrdering"/> <KeyWord name="getBlipSize"/>
  14. This is not a combo box, it's something called Dx
  15. Why would we do that? The marker is mainly made to do things when it gets hit, Not to check if he is actually in the marker or no then do things, this is a serious issue, things must stay logical, you have to trigger onMarkerHit only when the marker is actually hit.
  16. I couldn't understand a single word, please explain more.
  17. Well, actually for checkpoints, if you go under them, you will be considered as you hit the marker. EDIT: i think it should be reported as an issue, not suggested.
  18. is it just me or everyone is speaking about a different topic? now 1: for word break. it works perfectly for me, but if you have problems with it, use /n to create a new line. 2: making it suit every resolution: you can easily do it by doing this: local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() local scale = x/(your resolution) then dxDrawText(number*scale,number*scale.....etc)
  19. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OOP
  20. server: function play(player,cmd,link) triggerClientEvent("onSoundPlayRequest",root,link) end addCommandHandler("playfromurl",play) --client addEvent("onSoundPlayRequest",true) function play(link) playSound(link) end addEventHandler("onSoundPlayRequest",root,play)
  21. You don't need to get the result, as it as an INSERT query, you would only need it in SELECT query, which means you should use dbQuery with dbPoll
  22. i usually use a table for it, this way: clicks = { {x , y, h, w,} } addEventHandler("onClientClick",root, function () you loop through the table and check which index it clicked end )
  23. Thank you, i installed it directly and it's very helpful. EDIT: i found a small error, when pressing CTRL + Space and writing xml, you will find a function called xmlNodeFindChild, but the function is called xmlFindChild.
  24. Arnold-1

    [HELP] Please

    Show us a screenshot of your bans tab in the admin oanel, what is exactly unknown?
  25. you can find a freeroam server, but you if you can move a meter without being hit with a RPG, i will pay you 100$. well. not really, but the freeroam servers are full with annoying retards, it's not funny anymore.
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