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Everything posted by l2ebel

  1. post all your mta modding plans here my plans for mods: sea wars: new boat, map...models, a round based gamemode in which 2 team have to fight each other on the sea there could be all kind of boats form big military like boats for 5+ passengers to fast jetskis all weapons allowed exept of rpg and sniper another way it could be played is like: everyone starts with 1 jetski and infinite rocket ammo (you can leave the jetski and you just stand on it while its still moving and shoot) plane wars: passengers are attached to a plane and can use all weapons in a fight of planes...simple like that... could also be implemented into ctf, and maybe even bombers and players attached to cars ninja mod (kinda tenchu online mod for gta ): new models (maps, players, weapons) dm or manhunt or whatever with new weapons like shurikens (ninja throwing stars) katana that kills in 1 hit from behind (stealth kills) and if possible a grappling hook to climb arounf the map and suprise victims from above... i have many other ideas like maybe a destruction derby mod or a mod designed for dodo duels.... exiting times
  2. i think the ability to stand on a car/plane w/o sliding off would have to be coded: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=4804&start=0 but i think standing on a boat w/o sliding off like in sp will be the same in mta...i hope so
  3. yeah the demand of all the non piloting players
  4. what Talidan means with the glue feature is this: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=4804&start=0 it would/will rock for ctf
  5. its either the biggest joke anyone ever played on me or you guys just made my dreams come true i dont know what else to say but thank you ..im speechless...
  6. -updated welcome to DK Mike, and get ready for turf wars > we are now 6 members in total so we might be able to choose a gang hq
  7. JIMMAYY: dont open multiple threads for the same problem, if you want your avatar back then pm MrBump
  8. ROFLMFAO damn quig you got me laughing there for like 5 mins
  9. woooo thanks man and we even have admins to get this thing rolling
  10. weve gotten way off topic here so ill lock this one and ppl, plz stop the flaming, i pmed JIMMAYYY and told him how to use the forum and i hope we wont have any further problems....lets give him a chance...
  11. wow im so proud why dont you just get a life and use your superbrain for something productive?
  12. which game? gta3 or vc? there should be plenty of uk vc servers and theres at least 1 uk server for gta3 (im swiss and my ping is about 40-50 there) sometihng must be wrong or maybe nobody was playing at that moment and you had the players-not empty modifier on in ase
  13. l2ebel


    dont open a new topic and say that other ppl should post pics, you gotta make the start, if you dont then the thread is just totally useless locked
  14. wait till theres a player slot free >_< force connect to a full server doesnt work, at least not to my knowledge if its the same on every server, even if it isnt full than your ase must be screwed then i would try to reinstall ase adn mta and see what happens but it might be just a firewall
  15. edu you better hide under some big fat rock cause you just stole my opportunity to be #10000 LIVE IN PHEAR!
  16. this has been suggested many times, just do a Search around this section
  17. http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=9440 Nutz: pm
  18. Dodo Duel (DD) is a game in which ppl stand on the hill behind salvatores house and try to shoot the dodo(s) and the dodo(s) try to dodokill the ppl on the hill (fly into them) heres an awesome video by erorr404 showing what dodo duel is about: the general rules: -the green gunner position has been declared cause ppl tend to stand near obstacles such as the bush, wooden benches or the cliff, so if you want to shoot the dodo make sure you stay in the green area -do not place any cars in the red and green marked area, if anyone should drive a car on the hill then shoot the car or jack him and remove it -if you come with a car to the hill than park it in the yellow area, but plz destroy your cars regularly (the more unsynched cars blowing up at the same time = the more chance for a game crash) -if a pilot should have an unexpected landing on the hill (gunner stoping a dodo, yes, it happens) than the pilot MUST use the same dodo to take off again. as soon as the dodo landed on the hill the gunners MUST NOT shoot it, if someone does he should be killed by the other gunners the cardinal rule is that nobody shoots anyone on the hill with some exeptions like: -someone starts shooting other ppl on the hill (mostly ppl in the server that have nothing better to do, those ppl should be killed right away, best is you dont even aim at anyone so that no accidents happen, in mta you never know where the the bullets hit) just try to act as a team and dont kill everyone that accidently hits you with a bullet while the dodo swoops by, this happens sometimes -someone drives a car on the hill (jack him/blow the car up and kill him) -someone shoots a landed dodo _____________________________________________________________ how many gunners and how many pilots are playing at the same time is undefined, this will be mostly set in the server all weapons are allowed, you might also do turismo to get cash for an ak or flamer ************************************************************* i would like to organize a dodo duel session on the next sunday 5.9.2004 9pm GTM +1 (you might switch the 5 and 9 if youre from the us), nothing competive, just for fun and to let ppl get to know this game go here for a time converter: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc the server is not set yet, but i will post the adress till sunday ppl who want to record some clips are also welcome, they can have a nice view from the top of the mansion
  19. its hard to do a dodo duel competive, even harder is to find ppl who would actually do it, i dont care what we would do, the normal attack/defend/ffa rounds or just duels...im up for anything, just wanna blast some beef
  20. hmm maybe we could just have a 5vs5 unofficial gangwar...i dont care against who...
  21. problem solved...and i think its better to lock this before some n00b asks where to dl a 1.1 exe
  22. damn wtf are yall so damn quiet? PARTAY!! 10000!! woooo!
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