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Everything posted by l2ebel

  1. same same same same err.. negative
  2. gta3: black rob - by a stranger vice: was all gay... x_X sa: hard to say, i like ice cube - it was a good day pretty good
  3. l2ebel

    Work out

    use your bmx alot
  4. even they should quit vc, as Boro said it was fun, but now we got 'another story to tell ppl', so focus on sa, even if u create a perfect mta:vc release pp will get bored. Why Coz hanging around in the same area for 3 years isn't ppl's definition of 'fun'. SA is the primary target, kthxbye. lol youre so naive, just cause you like sa better doesnt mean vc wouldnt be played, theres lots of ppl who cant get along with the ps2 controls of sa and thats the only reason i prefer vc i dont even want vice itself, i never liked it... the map sucks, the characters are reatarded and the radio stations are completely gay, i only want blue on vice as a mod base cause vc has proper 3rd person controls (fps style)
  5. hey.. wheres the "focus on vc blue" option? meh i guess ill just vote for a blue release, even if its sa
  6. thanks for the nice comments =) ingame pics as promised: wip media galery: http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media.php or direct links (warning, big file sizes): http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media/bc4.jpg http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media/bc5.jpg http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media/bc6.jpg http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media/bc7.jpg and 1 for njr1489 ;P http://brophy.mpanther.co.uk/media/b8.jpg some things might be a bit changed, of course the smoke particles wont be in, i might scale the model a bit smaller and black dragon might edit the anim so that the scopes match the players eyes perfectly edit, almost forgot, polycount is at 1159 and the model currently uses one 256x256 body textures and one 64x64 reflection map most probably ill scale the body tex to 128x128 as you see almost no difference in 3rd person edit2, whoops, fixed njr
  7. lighten up your monitor ;s i might post some hopefully better visible pic tomorrow, might also change the red stuff into blue cause it looks so evil in red, i like it tho >
  8. done with the bowcaster screens: ingame pics tomorrow =)
  9. gta3 cars do have reflections that kuruma is dead ugly, every zmod n00b could do better
  10. l2ebel

    PCJ Spawner!

    put the main.scm into your gtavc\data folder then start a new game
  11. l2ebel


    i wish it had
  12. cause i choose that one brahahaaaaaa!
  13. l2ebel


    make your pc explode
  14. i'm talking bout the MTA-version of the game, wisey if they cant run mta then sp wouldnt run any better, at least on my system it doesnt matter that much wether i play sp or mta, uses both about the same resources (client only of course)
  15. you can strafe jump in aiming mode?
  16. err a game community usually exists out of ppl who bought/play the game and you say half of the peeps who got the game cant run it?
  17. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=petition
  18. oh thank god... does this game have any recoil anyways? i thought it was still instant hit and the dynamic crosshair was just to make an illusion of recoil, no?
  19. One thing I noticed in GTA3/VC single player was that Claude/Tommy would face the camera when they're coming out of garage. Then, when they're out of the garage, the camera would zoom in to the normal view and if you press forwards again, you'd end up walking into the garage again. That's probably why they changed it in SA. lol i dont think thats the reason, its actually quite a challenge for me to exit a garage with the new sa controls, i always keep walking back in as soon as i come out o_O bonjovi: there are tons of reasons, dont you play fps?
  20. ..erm both of em r same both is a yes, no matter which one you vote for with it you "sign" the petition, the problem is that you cant only have 1 poll option in a poll, thus i had to add 2, ill change them into text now, guess it will be easier to understand then
  21. nice vid guys, cant wait to hit the roads with bicycles in mp
  22. please, think before you post both is a yes, no matter which one you vote for with it you "sign" the petition, the problem is that you cant only have 1 poll option in a poll, thus i had to add 2, ill change them into text now, guess it will be easier to understand then
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