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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. When i get home for sure i can make you one . .
  2. use : g guiGetScreenSize -- Make sure to read the wiki page and read examples.
  3. You can make a table would be much easier. i can't make an example i'm in the phone but maybe you can use search or make it yourself so try to do it
  4. Wiki : This event doesn't support cancellation. Use setElementModel with the old value to reverse. استعمل : setElementModel واسترجع الشخصية القديمة للاعب من الحدث اللي فوق ..
  5. That's true LoPollo's find where is the problem i guess as he said you are missing the event attached to so just use 'root'. Also i'm pretty sure there's an error for that in the client side? there's not?
  6. how do you handle ' citycheck ' function? you send a traigger from the client or there's an event in the server or how? and you didn't answer my questions how is the plr is it defined also what's the source.
  7. is the plr defined? how is the source? show us the client part.
  8. aMyLabelOne = guiCreateLabel ( x,y,width,height,'FaHaD',false ) aMyLabelTwo = guiCreateLabel ( x,y,width,height,'Artisz',false ) aMyPositions = { { x,y,width,height,aMyLabelOne }; { x,y,width,height,aMyLabelTwo }; -- Usage = { x,y,width,height,label } -- This how to use this put your label values inside this table -- X = Your label x -- Y = Your label y -- Width = Your label width -- Height = Your label height -- Label = The label verible -- And see the results is should out put the labels text -- You have to replace the x,y,width,height in the table and labels in here to see the results. } function isMouseInPosition ( x,y,width,height ) if ( not isCursorShowing( ) ) then return false end local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local cx, cy = getCursorPosition ( ) local cx, cy = ( cx * sx ), ( cy * sy ) if ( cx >= x and cx <= x + width ) and ( cy >= y and cy <= y + height ) then return true else return false end end addEventHandler ( 'onClientClick',root, function ( button,state ) if ( button == 'left' and state == 'up' ) then for _,aValue in ipairs ( aMyPositions ) do if isMouseInPosition ( aValue[1],aValue[2],aValue[3],aValue[4] ) then outputChatBox ( guiGetText ( aValue[5] ) ) end end end end ) @Artisz PS. This is just an example. + Also i forgot to put 'break' so add it to the code.
  9. isCursorInPosition Use this useful function to get the cursor details x,y,width,height .
  10. what are you trying to click? which element? player? vehicle or what?
  11. You have a missing 'r' in the function name in the addEventHandler function so ; function MemberClick ( button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, clickedElement ) if ( button == 'left' and state == 'up' and clickedElement ) then outputChatBox ( getElementType( clickedElement ) ) end end addEventHandler ( 'onClientClick',root,MemberClick ) and this should not give you false anymore because you have to make sure that you have clicked an element . Regards, @Artisz
  12. Can you be clear ? i didn't get what you want by gunmods? you mean a script give you a gun?
  13. Welcome to my room.

    1. Show previous comments  45 more
    2. iPrestege



      وانت من وين طلعت :lol:

    3. Vunili


      من تحت الأرض O.o

    4. ./BlackBird#


      لا تسألني انا بنفسي م اعرف

  14. That's an awesome work what you are working it's look prefect i would recommend you to make sure that there's no more lag because i hate lag and if there's some lag and i can't play as i want then i will just leave the server : O YEAH so you should make it less laggy 50 - 55 FPS at least anyway you did a great job in the map and i liked the HUD and radar it's just perfect! Wish you a good luck and i'm going to follow this so keep this work on! @ThatsMe
  15. %^!"@ASDk@hasdj£!%£^$!"£.sda
  16. iPrestege


    are you sure that dxWindowSetMovable existing function in dx gui resouce? check that.
  17. iPrestege


    the error because this function is not a mta function use exports as you did to create the window to set the dx window moveable i'm not sure if there is any more errors i'm posting this from my phone so try that and tell us if there is anymore errors
  18. https://www.multitheftauto.com/download/ حمل من هنا اول شيء الغ تثبيت اللي عندك بعدين ثبت هذي بعدين بعد ماتثبتها شغل ام تي اي كـ مسؤول او بصلاحيات مسؤول
  19. استعمل الوظيفة اللي فوق + رجاءاً عند طرح كود استخدم محرر الاكواد وحدد اللغه البرمجية LUA بحيث يسهل قراءة الكود لذلك استعمل الوظيفة اللي عطيتك فوق وشيل الشخصيات فيها ومثال الويكي واضح وسهل .
  20. تقصد اطفاء؟ الشخصية؟ يعني ترجعها لشكلها الاصلي؟ استخدم : bool engineRestoreModel ( int modelID )
  21. المفترض اذا name ترجع لاسم مود وهذا شيء اكيد باستخدام الوظيفة يعني بدل name بـ 'اسم المود' ex. 'freeroam'
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