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Everything posted by iPrestege
اخر واحد المفروض يشتغل معك شغال تمام؟ ولا ابيض؟
ورني الكود كامل اللي تحط فيه الالوان مستحيل يطلع ابيض
math.random ( 100,255 )
It's server side you at least open the functions and you will know that even if you know the events you will know it's a SERVER SIDE CODE.
I'm only in the forums. Any way start learning scripting because no one is going to do it for you unless you ask someone to do it for $. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scripting_Introduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Introduction_to_Scripting_the_GUI https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/123-tutorials/ https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page
For add a warp check box use this : {'chk', id='Disable Warp', onclick=toggleDisableWarp}, -- And on click this use data to set toggle warp : setElementData getElementData -- and set the data for the localPlayer and edit the server part open -- fr_server.lua search for this function 'warpMe' -- and add a check if getElementData so you get the data if it was true then return to something like -- outputChatBox message that you can't warp to this player And about no knifing i think you need if i was right i'm not sure what are you exactly trying to do but this what you want : onClientPlayerStealthKill cancelEvent Also about disable deathmatch : -- To disable deathmatch do as what i said in warp create a new checkbox -- Use data setElementData getElementData toggleControl -- if you want to disable fire and aim ..etc use this also addEventHandler ( 'onClinetPlayerDamage' ) cancelEvent
You have to edit the freeroam so edit warp function and add checkbox and check if the player the other player wan't to warp to is checked that box so not allowed to warp return for a chatbox message like you can't warp to this player! And about disable knife you mean the player can't die if someone knifed him? Also i don't understand what you mean by disable dethmatch?
Hi forum administrators and dev's, I was wondering about a problem in the new created topics the topic views count from last saturday 8PM+ In my country time are still in ZERO '0' So i thought that a cache problem but now it's a three days i don't think that's a cache issue and if it was a cache issue i think it should be fix it or something like that so i was wondering if anyone is taking care of this? Some screenshots info : - @darkdreamingdan @Jusonex @jhxp Regards,
A. For sure not me but i know a guy who post some of that crazy stuff. Q. Can you erect a tent?
معليش بس مانقدر نساعدك متى يعطيهم؟ السكين عند السباون؟ لازم تعطينا معلومات كاملة
صحيح حطة ترو وأخر سؤال مافهمتة وترا خبصنا موضوع الرجال .
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GiveWeapon اخر ارقمنت يحط السلاح كالسلاح الحالي للاعب : Syntax bool giveWeapon ( ped thePlayer, int weapon [, int ammo=30, bool setAsCurrent=false ] ) Required Arguments thePlayer: A player or ped object referencing the specified player (or ped) weapon: A whole number integer that refers to a Weapon ID. Click here for a list of possible weapon IDs. Optional Arguments NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments. ammo: A whole number integer serving as the ammo amount for the given weapon. For weapons that do not require ammo, such as melee, this should be at least 1. setAsCurrent: A boolean value determining whether or not the weapon will be set as the players current.
player? البلاير اللي حطيتة انت يرجع للاحداثيات حق الاكس اللي بيصير للاعب سباون فيها + صاحب الموضوع وش مشكلتك يعني اذا صار لة سباون تبي تسحب كل الاسلحة ؟ ولا سلاح معين وهل السلاح يصير في يدة على طول؟
66 تنبية في المنتدى نشكر جراند العرب على ازالة الحظر وتفهم المشكلة السابقة بيننا @solidsnake @Nu9aif
يارجال وش هالحكي خرابيط
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerSpawn',root, function ( ) setTimer ( giveWeapon,250,1,source,aWepID,aWepAmmo ); end );
لعله فية مشكلة او شيء ملف مضروب حاجة زي كذا وتسبب الاق الافضل تجنبها وابحث عن البديل .
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerSpawn' ) giveWeapon
Client : wnd = guiCreateWindow(396, 226, 514, 400, "بواسطة الغرياني", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) guiSetAlpha(wnd, 0.82) guiSetVisible(wnd,false) soal = guiCreateEdit(46, 83, 427, 39, "", false, wnd) soall = guiCreateLabel(225, 56, 225, 27, "هنا السؤال", false, wnd) flos = guiCreateEdit(46, 200, 131, 43, "", false, wnd) egabaa = guiCreateLabel(406, 177, 77, 23, "الاجابه", false, wnd) egaba = guiCreateEdit(373, 200, 131, 43, "", false, wnd) floss = guiCreateLabel(70, 177, 77, 23, "عدد الفلوس", false, wnd) ersal = guiCreateButton(205, 266, 121, 41, "ارسال", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(ersal, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") close = guiCreateButton(205, 331, 121, 41, "اغلاق", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(close, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") function open ( ) if guiGetVisible ( wnd ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd,false ) showCursor ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( wnd,true ) showCursor ( true ) end end bindKey("F5","down",open) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick',root, function ( ) if ( source == close ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd,false ) showCursor ( false ) elseif ( source == ersal ) then local _text = guiGetText ( soal ) local _flos = guiGetText ( flos ) local _egaba = guiGetText ( egaba ) if ( _text ~= "" and tonumber ( _flos ) and _egaba ~= "" ) then triggerServerEvent ( 'soal',localPlayer,_text,_flos,_egaba ) end end end ) Server : addEvent ( 'soal',true ) addEventHandler ( 'soal',root, function ( text,flos,egaba ) if ( text and flos and egaba ) then _flos = flos _egaba = egaba outputChatBox ( "السؤال هوا :"..text,root,255,255,255 ) end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerChat',root, function ( message ) if ( message and message == _egaba and _egaba ~= nil ) then givePlayerMoney ( source,_flos ) _egaba = nil end end )
استعمل : destroyElement( myTexture )
الوظيفة هذي تجيب الاحداث اللي مضافة بنفس الحدث
if ( attacker and getElementType ( attacker ) == 'player' and attacker ~= source ) then معذرة نسيت احطها
rot = 0 function aRender ( ) if myTexture then rot = rot + 0.20 local w,h = dxGetMaterialSize( myTexture ) dxDrawImage( 200, 100, w, h, myTexture,rot ) end end addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender',root,aRender ) setTimer ( removeEventHandler,10000,1,'onClientRender',root,aRender ) جرب هذا بعد عشر ثواني يشيلة
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerWasted هذي لتجاوز البارمتر الاول لان القاتل في الحدث عند موت الاعب هو البارمتر الثاني اول بارمتر هو اللي عدد الرصاص اللي قتل الاعب