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Everything posted by xerox
i wont even start on where my vid is.. its got stuff that i only saw being done on the last batch of stunt vids, and i was pulling it way too long ago, but yesh, i notice everyone is back in the game... there is lots to do, and LC hasnt been given a decent look-in yet either Nos, andy, sm crew, bloody and samurai, lb, the rest of the crew... lets keep it up!
ive tried to get wheelman unbanned, but things have prevented me from doing this so i wont go any further into this, as for you kung, your in... ill have to edit the list some time
been a fan of lbtrw's editing skill since stunt mania 1 (i have the whole set =) and from talking with him hes a nice guy as well =P sick stunts as always, we all gotta hook up and have a session at some time yes, i am still workin on my vid... dont ask why its taken this long =P *downloads latest vid and hopes there are 360 flips and 360's in there (yes they are possible in real life now)
what about chaoswolf... he has disapeared (into a tour of duty ;-P j/k) again anyway, great to see the sm are back
will you be hosting stunt vids again? - you hosted some great vids... yes im still workin on mine =)
mta is really incomplete without blasta - we are the longest running group in mta full stop and are comprised of all the big players so in essence if blasta died so would mta (toooo deep i know) Blasta is around and i mean we occasionally get togeather (like once in a blue moon) and do stuff, but everyone is dealing with their own gangs and stuff... but its all good btw, great to see you back archon
.... wow, thats phat man Great work, love the colours
I won't even start on how big an influence GGM was on this project To have 0.2 completely superceeded out of no where turned heads fast (even though it finished in, i believe late 2002. That project was completely ahead of its time in my mind. Barna's efforts are well and truely appreciated here, and coding anything like this is a mission... In regards to gtat its improving in leaps and bounds imho, I still love the work draco and his team are putting out, keep it up guys
maybe change the colour of skins so they have a red or blue hue to them or something for a laugh, but as long as people are wearing their gang tags things generally work out. Maybe an FF script further down the line =)
glad to see everyone finally taking notice of jordan's 1337 editing st33z.. yeah, anyway.... a great vid as always, and definantly a massive influence on stunters in general. Keep it up man
they changed? yeah, days when bill would spam unchallenged, and I didnt have this nasty neverwinter nights and RL addiction anyway, as for an hq, i never really bothered thinking of blasta's, im guessing a nice hq would be the mansion in LC (we do run t'ings after all) or maybe like ah yes... Donald Love's pad, or maybe the airport, i dunno
doesnt really matter as the 'other' tab in mta actually shows the 0.4 servers.. but stilll useful... hurry up and update filters ase =)
the hack and slash techniuqe =) glad to hear a report.. sounds like we lost more in friendly fire... BLASTA - the US Army of mta =) j/k
ok - might be best to repost thread and request locking of this one... if you dont mind the spam thats cool.
simple answer, you seem to be a master coder... please release your own gta mp modification. until then stfu... thanks =) ******************** Thread Closed I ban next time i see this pointless stuff
chill ransom, im glad you went to the effort of trying to organising things not everyone is gona turn up on time, and when people are in a serv they dont ususally bother to alt tab back =) if you wanna leave then thats cool, but you'll be welcome back... forget about it =)
those glitchy spins are sometimes 'luck' to land (over i think 900*) but yeah, make sure you land forwards (always helps =) and use yah 6 and 9 keys to control the landing.. its usually the control after the landing that does the most if you are going at some speed it find... though i guess its up to personal prefernce
i dont know if the game actually records the height in real-time... just the mex height Would be nice if its possible *that weird intercom sound*This is your captain speaking, we are currently crashing into a helicopter at.... you get the point
pretty much agree on that as for time, stating all times in gmt, and possibly another european or US time is a good idea (a pain for me since im gmt+12-13). And yes, the start time should be made clear, maybe state the meet and abuse/greet time AND the start time. Allow 15-30 mins at the most i guess Server should be decided on before match (few hours or so if poss) and preferably made priv or cleared out, as for rules on ping etc thats up to whoever is on at the time 1 person from each group should lead, though thats pretty obvious imo
heh, cant be bothered converting that to nz local time anyway, everyone try and make it so we can have like at least 4 people on
thanks for the info - it shows that we dont even need to advertise on slashdot for hits now =) (note to self, why havent we done that yet?)
well we need that ourselves glad to see some old school regulars returning as well (as they always do around release time =)
yeah, everyone try and be there, My timezone is a pain, but if im around im in!
if we win we ban em anyway cause they suck =), if we lose we ban em and the person whos idea this was *looks at #*G*(*$#@(*4*#($($*|2*(*@#&(#@$&*Y*#$(#@&$(**** can commit harekare to make it up... either way we win =)