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Everything posted by xerox

  1. finally iggy has hit it on the head btw - what is the latest on gtaT - seems draco has been VERY quiet as of late
  2. yeah yeah - we all kinda went away - but now the MAIN MAN of vck, an original BLASTA member, the MIKIRO... he is back I tell you, back to pimping all you lame glitchers in the 0.1 stylee thats right, *BUMP*
  3. A. only if i kick it like a hacky =p Q. anyone for hacky sack?
  4. A. please scale down ya sig burro Q. anyone else's sig needs to be reduced?
  5. Regarding signatures.. Can we please keep things friendly NO flaming each other in sigs with stupid pics Friendly jokes are one thing, attacking and accusations are another I wanted to just be in the background, but If I have to come back and just be an asshole by banning people on spot then I shall. I am refering to vass, garrotte and those who are using the kfc cheats sig in particular. I know the situation and I dont really care, just get rid of it .... and to sexy and robpol. Rob's makes me laugh, death/sexy/gary B's is just an accusation no matter what proof you think you have. Just keep the flaming to a minimum and REMOVE THE OFFENDING SIGS OR BE BLASTED off the forums... thankyou
  6. A. i havent played it Q. is the GTA:SA ending cool?
  7. A. iKNOW what iWANT - yeah its a cheesy campaign but Ill end up buying an ipod or something like it Q. best mp3/ipod type player on market?
  8. and just as everybody kinda turns up all at once they all leave the next day? Why did I issue a key to every member so they can just walk in and out when they please? - should have locked it from the outside when they were all here =P anyway - we is not dead ****BUMPAGE***
  9. A. soap bar Q. know what it is? (not that any of you wash)
  10. xerox

    Australia Rep Team

    was about to say that - ratez is a kiwi =) anyway, glad to see the 'locals' coming on strong
  11. A. ive answered this once before - oh wel... what was the question again?... j/k Q. the completely weridest song you have ever heard? - try beat rodney dangerfield rapping (rapin' rodney) find it and laugh at how *****'d it is, or try find william shatner (yes.. that star-trek.. guy!) and henry rolling's - I can't get behind that)
  12. tbph i didn't think much of the vid heres why - the grinds went on for WAY too long and there were just too many of them. The other stunts were tight (the true flips were crazy), the editing etc was all great and typical b-ware quality but there were too many grinds and they should have been sped up sometimes Just my opinion as I liike varied stunt vids =)
  13. A. guess so Q. liking the new and improved (somewhat slowed down) blast thread?
  14. and nuff said to that seems killing someone in this game is lame, and anyone with skill is as well, hense why I don't really play much dm anymore
  15. A. depends if you want oli to show you a new level of pain or not Q. change sig or die?
  16. A. id prefer if you didnt put it up at all Q. no stupid things to click?
  17. your all welcome to fly all the way to nz and meet me =P btw Ill be in europe in 2006 so watch out bump =) - i can get past customs now =p
  18. long as i can transfer over stuff im happy as for grinds, interesting that r* have messed with the clipping system for the fences
  19. A. thanks - loads gun Q. where are the llamas?
  20. yeah well, mines on option 3, if it bugs you delete the offending file - and the 2 files next to it just to be sure, and maybe to really make sure you should format your drive then if you seriously want to make sure you never get another virii, take a sledgehammer to the hard drive and buy a 486 with no external media outlets or serial/usb/firewire ports... now your virus free =P
  21. A. he should be really fit, chasing that rabbit all the time! Q. elmer would win if he worked out? (i mean caught that wabbit)
  22. i wont post my opinion, but i will say this VOTE VOTE VOTE V O T E dont vote dont complain later on. So if you are old enough please do, whatever your decision.
  23. nice one mad boy you wonder why you get pulled over for speeding at twice the limit then tell the officer - why you pull me over i didnt ram you at all, just those 2 cars over there You wonder why your in a comba (yes i know thats bs) after trying to ram a truck off the road with your regular road car you tell people you have Vechicsplophobia (alme i know) - fear of random exploding vehicles - and that the best solution is to get into the nearest vehicle, or on a bike to avoid the blast (even if its 1 metre from the explosion) yeah the best ones were taken =) your adicted when you ignore all traffic regulations (might have already been said)
  24. you yell out escape when your about to be hit by someone irl and think you'll just wait for them to get bored and leave =p (or freak the shit outta them) You think about trying to 'glitch spin' off the back of trucks with your bike - which you learnt to steal by playing gta =) When you say to othes that your a full member of 'whatever' gang irl - and start thinking of a stupid hand signal to give others to show your part of your gang
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