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Everything posted by GTX

  1. All I found is (I doubt it'll be useful to you.) setPedVoice However, you can use playSound3D to play sound, but you'll need to download sounds.
  2. Check doesPlayerHaveLiceForVehicle function. setElementData(localPlayer, "carLicence", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "planeLicence", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "chopperLicence", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "bikeLicence", false) setElementData(localPlayer, "boatLicence", false) This should remove local player's licenses.
  3. It is simple: local houses = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `housingdata`") If this is your full script, don't expect it to magically work For the database, you will need a module. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Modules/MTA-MySQL Put it in /mods/deathmatch/modules and then use loadmodule if your server is started. Otherwise put it in mtaserver.conf to load it every time you start the server. Everything is explained on wiki. Good luck.
  4. You don't need to pass parameter or source. Use client addEvent("test", true) addEventHandler("test", root, function(text, textpass) local account = getAccount(text, textpass) if account then if logIn(client, text, textpass) then outputChatBox("You are now Logged In", client) else outputChatBox("unkown Name.", client) end else outputChatBox("pasword as Wrong", client) end end )
  5. Hmm, as far as I know, you must edit scoreboard itself?
  6. GTX

    CEF is slow. Why?

    Creating browser with lower resolution might lower the lag, but it can still be noticed. CEF isn't fully done yet imo. It's not optimized.
  7. GTX

    Steam video

    With CEF, this is possible. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CEF_Tutorial
  8. Hi, I have a laptop and when I run MTA, it crashes after the black screen for 4 seconds. Here's MTADiag: http://pastebin.mtasa.com/492030369
  9. tonumber and tostring are pretty self-explanatory. tonumber converts i.e strings to number and tostring converts to string.
  10. money = tonumber(money:gsub("$", ""):gsub(",", ""))
  11. GTX

    Help convertMoney

    No, you don't. No one does that.
  12. You can't. Only if you want to load mods for only 1 player.
  13. You cannot add custom objects into MTA (nor assign whole new ID). Might be possible in future.
  14. GTX

    Destroy objects

    Note that the object must be near the player in order to use getGroundPosition otherwise it returns false. Wiki: It is required that the point is near enough to the local player so that it's within the area where collision data is loaded. If this is not the case, an incorrect position will be returned.
  15. Use this tool: http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=9172
  16. GTX


    Put your languages in table like: languages = { ["English"] = { ["label1"] = "Welcome." }, ["Slovenian"] = { ["label1"] = "Dobrodošli." } } Then with getLocalization function you can use something like this: languages[getLocalization()["name"]]["label1"] -- If your client is English, it would return "Hello.", if Slovenian, "Dobrodošli". Or you can get texts however else you want. languages["English"]["label1"] -- Returns Hello. Note that this is just an example.
  17. As far as I remember, you can get flags somewhere in CTF gamemode (Included in default MTA resources) EDIT: Try 2993?
  18. GTX

    Help MTA Browser

  19. Wow... idk what failed. I awnsered the same.. but i have tried it.. and dind't worked My post is more detailed. I tried and it works.
  20. You'll have to do it on your own. Use callRemote and PHP mail function.
  21. I think you'll have to edit it in your web server. Otherwise there would be no sense in external web server option. Also, server sided files are NOT downloaded from web server. You should use Apache Alias which points at your resource-cache/http-client-cache and your web server. That's what I used. (If you're using different servers to host web site and MTA server then you can't do that)
  22. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Set ... undEnabled Note: The values for group and index can be determined by using the client command showsound in conjunction with setDevelopmentMode
  23. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/index.php?title=Meta.xml The map for a gamemode, possible parameters are: src: .map file name (can be path too eg. "maps/filename.map") dimension: Dimension in which the map will be loaded (optional)
  24. 1. Don't connect to MySQL database every time you register. 2. Free the query result (mysql_free_result) 3. MySQL module is outdated and deprecated. Use DB functions.
  25. No, right now you have it on true.
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