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Everything posted by GTX
Use processLineOfSight to check which object ID is below you or an object.
You can save it anywhere, as long as it's correct JSON syntax in the file. file = fileOpen"Json.lua" if file then table = fromJSON(fileRead(file, fileGetSize(file))) end
Of course... creating editbox is great idea... every frame? Not. edit = guiCreateEdit(...) guiSetAlpha(edit, 0) -- No need for properties. addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() -- DX functions. end )
You can't hide binds... Unless you set a macro out of MTA.
local deathTimer function theLocator ( ) local allLocations = { "Las Venturas", "San Fierro", "Whetstone", "Flint County", "Red County", "Los Santos" } local allPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) local allVehicles = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) for index, thePlayer in ipairs ( allPlayers ) do local theLocation = getElementZoneName ( thePlayer, true ) for index, allLocations in ipairs ( allLocations ) do if ( theLocation == allLocations ) then if not isTimer(deathTimer) then deathTimer = setTimer(killPed, 10000, 1, thePlayer ) end else if isTimer(deathTimer) then killTimer(deathTimer) end end end end for index, theVehicle in ipairs ( allVehicles ) do local theLocation = getElementZoneName ( theVehicle, true ) for index, allLocations in ipairs ( allLocations ) do if ( theLocation == allLocations ) then if not isTimer(deathTimer) then deathTimer = setTimer(blowVehicle, 10000, 1, theVehicle ) end else if isTimer(deathTimer) then killTimer(deathTimer) end end end end end
function thisistest(score) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, hello) end addEvent("justfortest1", true) addEventHandler("justfortest1", root, thisistest) addCommandHandler("removedx", function () local dim = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if (dim == 1) then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, hello) end end )
This is not a request forum. We won't script for you. Use pre-made DX GUI.
What do you mean when map ends?
You can't. You can only "fake" value. local healthValue = (getElementHealth(vehicle)-250)/750*100 This will get vehicle's health 0-100.
Upgrade all command just upgrades deprecated functions. It is totally different.
I didn't understand a thing you say. What are you even trying to do???
local mysql = exports.mysql function saveFunc(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition, rotPosition, nameLocation, descriptionLocation) local insertid = mysql:query_insert_free("INSERT INTO locations SET x='" .. mysql:escape_string(tonumber(xPosition)) .. "', y='" .. mysql:escape_string(tonumber(yPosition)) .. "', z='" .. mysql:escape_string(tonumber(zPosition)) .. "', rot='" .. mysql:escape_string(tonumber(rotPosition)) .. "', name='" .. mysql:escape_string(nameLocation) .."', description='" .. mysql:escape_string(descriptionLocation).."'" ) if (insertid) then outputChatBox("Location:"..nameLocation.. "has successfully been saved!", source, 0, 255, 0) else outputChatBox("An error occured! Please contact an Administrator!", source, 255, 0, 0) end end addEvent("saveFunc:saveLocation", true) addEventHandler("saveFunc:saveLocation", root, saveFunc)
It's same way multigamemode works. You can't magically start race for one dimension and stop the other at the same time.
local cjclothesmarker = { [1]={x=1648.5601806641,y=1732.7150878906,z=10.671875,dim=0,int=0} } local cjTable = { ["Torso"] = 100, ["Hair"] = 130, ["Legs"] = 150, ["Shoes"] = 170, ["Left Upper Arm"] = 110, ["Left Lower Arm"] = 110, ["Right Upper Arm"] = 110, ["Right Lower Arm"] = 110, ["Black Top"] = 120, ["Left Chest"] = 120, ["Right Chest"] = 120, ["Stomach"] = 140, ["Lower Back"] = 140, ["Extra1"] = 200, ["Extra2"] = 230, ["Extra3"] = 260, ["Extra4"] = 250 } addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () for index, pos in pairs(cjclothesmarker) do local cjmarker = createMarker(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z-1, "cylinder", 1.6, 247,187, 7, 120) setElementInterior(cjmarker, pos.int) setElementDimension(cjmarker, pos.dim) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",cjmarker,onCJMarkerHit) end end) function onCJMarkerHit(player, dim) if not dim then return end if getElementType(player) == "player" then if getElementModel(player) > 0 then outputChatBox("Clothing Shop: You need the CJ skin to be able to buy clothes.",player,255,0,0) return end local result = {} local texture, model -- get all clothes result.allClothes = {} result.playerClothes = {} for type=0,17 do table.insert(result.allClothes, {type = type, name = getClothesTypeName(type)}) texture, model = getPedClothes(player, type) if texture then result.playerClothes[type] = {texture = texture, model = model} end end triggerClientEvent(player,"cjshop:show",player,result) end end addEvent("cjshop:buy",true) addEventHandler("cjshop:buy",root, function (n) local cashToPay = 0 if cjTable[n] then cashToPay = cashToPay + tonumber(cjTable[n]) end if getPlayerMoney(client) >= cashToPay then outputChatBox("CJ Shop: you don't have money to buy clothes.",client,255,0,0) for index, cloth in pairs(tempTable) do addPedClothes(client, cloth[1], cloth[2], getTypeIndexFromClothes(cloth[1], cloth[2])) end saveNewClothing(client) takePlayerMoney(client, tonumber(cashToPay)) outputChatBox("Clothing shop: Come back soon!",client,0,255,0) else outputChatBox("Clothing shop: You need "..tonumber(cashToPay) .." to buy this clothing.",client,255,0,0) end end) function saveNewClothing(player) for type=0,17 do local texture, model = getPedClothes(player, type) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(player),"clothes_".. type,tostring(texture) ..",".. tostring(model)) end end cjwindow = guiCreateWindow(519,174,313,332,"CJ",false) guiSetVisible (cjwindow, false) buybtn = guiCreateButton(13,297,131,27,"Buy",false,cjwindow) rejectbtn = guiCreateButton(170,297,131,27,"Cancel",false,cjwindow) cjGrid = guiCreateGridList(9,20,295,274,false,cjwindow) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(cjGrid,0) guiGridListAddColumn(cjGrid,"CJ Clothes:",0.85) addEvent("cjshop:show",true) addEventHandler("cjshop:show",root, function (cjTable) guiSetVisible(cjwindow,true) showCursor(true) guiGridListClear(cjGrid) for i,v in ipairs (cjTable.allClothes) do local row = guiGridListAddRow (cjGrid) guiGridListSetItemText (cjGrid, row, 1, v.name, false, false) end end) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function () if (source == rejectbtn) then guiSetVisible(cjwindow,false) showCursor(false) elseif (source == buybtn) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(cjGrid) if row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 then guiSetVisible(cjwindow,false) showCursor(false) local clothes = guiGridListGetItemText (cjGrid, guiGridListGetSelectedItem (cjGrid), 1) triggerServerEvent("cjshop:buy",localPlayer, clothes) else outputChatBox("CJ Clothes Shop: You didn't selecte your clothes.",121,180,23) end end end)
Remove the loops. They're completely unnecessary. function sortRecords() table.sort(toptimes, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) -- Note that a[1] must exist and must be your timestamp. end
It should work. I never set any number in the script I gave you.
It does work. I used: local tablex = { [1] = {900,"WonderfulNick52"}, [2] = {100,"WonderfulNick52"}, [3] = {1,"WonderfulNick52"}, [4] = {69,"WonderfulNick52"} } table.sort(tablex, function(a,b) return a[1] < b[1] end)
guiGridListSetItemText (cjGrid, row, 1, v.type, false, false)
It does work, you just don't use it correctly. It is better and convenient using ORDER BY than table.sort, because if you use table.sort, it needs to process data twice.
Just use table.sort, you don't need to loop or anything. If you're using MySQL you can use ORDER BY.