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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk


    What you want to do? addEvent ( 'onPlayerPickUpRacePickup', true ); function zaa ( vehicle ) if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) ) setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b ); end ) addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerVehicleEnter', root, zaa ); addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerPickUpRacePickup', root, zaa ); Simple.
  2. drk


    Have you changed r,g,b,r,g,b to your color?
  3. drk

    destroy vehicles

    Obviously, if it's the full code, will never work.
  4. Here: http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/8923/semttulonnr.png I can't show with other images, with others, quality decreases much more.
  5. So, wait a moment. I need take a photo.
  6. Tell me why you need screenshots of the shitty quality of image. In what will the images help?
  7. Stop fight tehtrorollking. Stop acting like a noob.
  8. drk

    Ping Bug!

    And it's on wrong section.
  9. Try: http://pastebin.com/0v4efuDd
  10. drk

    destroy vehicles

    mainwindow = guiCreateWindow ( 750, 250, 240, 180, "Car menu", false ) elveh = guiCreateButton ( 0.05, 0.35, 0.4, 0.15, "Delete vehicle", true, mainwindow ) selowner = guiCreateButton ( 0.55, 0.55, 0.4, 0.15, "Select driver", true, mainwindow ) closebutton = guiCreateButton ( 0.30, 0.8, 0.4, 0.15, "Close", true, mainwindow ) guiSetVisible ( mainwindow, false ); addEvent ( 'onOpenMenu', true ); addEventHandler ( 'onOpenMenu', root, function ( ) if ( not guiGetVisible ( mainWindow ) ) then victimemt = getElementData ( source, 'adminclickselplayer' ); -- why you need this?? guiSetVisible ( mainwindow, true ); showCursor ( true ); end end ) function selectOwner ( ) local theCar = getElementData ( source, 'adminclickselplayer' ); -- source not defined local occupant = getVehicleOccupant ( source ); guiSetVisible ( mainwindow, false ); if ( occupant ) then setElementData ( source, 'adminclickselplayer', getPlayerName ( occupant ) ) triggerEvent ( 'onOpenMenu', occupant ); else outputChatBox ( 'This vehicle does not have a driver!', 255, 0, 0, false ); end end function disable ( ) guiSetVisible ( mainwindow, false ); local theCar = getElementData ( source, 'adminclickselplayer' ) -- source not defined local occupant = getVehicleOccupant ( source ) if ( occupant ) then for _, k in ipairs ( getElementsByType 'vehicle' ) do destroyElement ( k ) end end end That's a really mess X-SHADOW. What is source? Also, start tabulating your code.
  11. createObject ( tonumber ( guiGetText ( edit ) ), 200, 300, 100 );
  12. drk

    Help :?

    No problem
  13. drk

    Need help

    Oh, sckatchof, sorry for can't help you yesterday and for being a bit rude. I'm very busy with my gamemode
  14. drk

    Need help

    He didn't put that, you are giving him wrong information. @sckatchof: You must add the resource to the "acl.xml", "Admin" group. No? addEvent ( 'triggerData', true ); addEventHandler ( 'triggerData', root, function ( playerName ) local plsayer = getPlayerFromName ( playerName ) local playerip = getPlayerIP ( player ); local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( player ); local accountname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ); triggerClientEvent ( source, 'setText', source, playerName, ip, playerSerial, accountname ); --> trigger setText end ) addEvent ( 'setText', true ); addEventHandler ( 'setText', root, function ( player, ip, serial, account ) guiSetText ( LabelName, "Name : " .. tostring ( player ) .. " " ); guiSetText ( LabelIp, "IP : " ..tostring ( ip ) .." " ); guiSetText ( LabelSerial, "Serial : " ..tostring ( serial ) .." " ); guiSetText ( LabelAccountName, "Account Name : " ..tostring ( account ) .." " ); triggerServerEvent ( 'ListInfo', localPlayer, player, ip, serial, account ); --> Trigger ListInfo end ) addEvent ( "ListInfo", true ); addEventHandler ( "ListInfo", root, function ( playerName, ip, serial, account ) local plsayer = getPlayerFromName ( playerName ) local playerip = getPlayerIP ( ip ) local playerSerial = getPlayerSerial ( serial ) --> getPlayerSerial ( getPlayerSerial ( player ) ) local accountname = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( account ) ) --> getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( account ) ) ) ) end )
  15. drk

    Need help

    No. I said that it's wrong. You put: getPlayerIP ( getPlayerIP ( player ) ) . I said that you put this and it's wrong.
  16. drk

    Need help

  17. drk

    Need help

    What don't work? What you put?
  18. drk

    Need help

    What you are doing is: Example: getPlayerIP ( getPlayerIP ( playerName ) )
  19. Maybe because you never call function check and callServerFunction not exists?
  20. drk

    Need help

    Maybe show what's argument playerName, ip, serial and account?
  21. Oh. Wait. Copy my code again.
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