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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk

    Map Pack

    No. You used Engeative . Learn to talk with us with a proper english.
  2. You wanna change quit reason text? Then: addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit', root, function ( reason ) if ( reason == 'Quit' ) then reason = 'Left'; elseif ( reason == 'Timed out' ) then reason = 'Lost connection'; -- more and more end end ) I think this work too: local reasons = { [ 'Quit' ] = 'Left'; [ 'Timed out' ] = 'Lost Connection'; } addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerQuit', root, function ( reason ) if ( reasons [ tostring ( reason ) ] ) then reason = reasons [ tostring ( reason ) ] [ 1 ] outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. 'left the game. Reason: ' .. reason, root, 255, 255, 255, false ); end end )
  3. drk

    Car paint

    The code will get automatically your account on login, in my code change R, G, B to your color and add R, G, B again with second rgb color.
  4. drk

    Buy Maps

    Maybe you can tell us what's wrong? I will not see 200 lines of code oO
  5. Apenas disse que os brasileiros não gostam de estudar nada, apenas usam coisas dos outras, problemas? Não estou me tentando fazer superior a ninguém, se você não entende isso... Como o RaceXtreme disse, se alguém fizesse isso, poderia ser uma boa ajuda para os brasileiros, mas, eles iriam dizer que não entendiam do mesmo jeito...
  6. drk

    Is there any tool?

    You can use the tool "QT to LUA" ( I think it's the right name ). Search in the forums
  7. drk

    Is there any tool?

    Use the script guieditor. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=141 Put it in the server, start it. Press SHIT + G and right click on the screen.
  8. drk

    Car paint

    1st - You need check if account name is in ACL Group, not player name. 2nd - setVehicleColor have three optional arguments: 2 - [ R, G, B ]; 3 - [ R, G, B ]; 4 - [ R, G, B ] And you're using the first required color package and COLOR R of argument 2 ( optional ).
  9. Eu falo do jeito que eu quiser, problemas?
  10. drk

    Car paint

    LOOOOOL Your code is wrong again X-SHADOW. addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', root, function ( _, acc ) if ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) and isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.' .. getAccountName ( acc ), aclGetGroup ( 'Admin' ) ) ) then setVehicleColor ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ), R, G, B ); end end )
  11. drk

    Help again

    Have you triggered "stopCarRadio" event?
  12. drk

    Car paint

    We will not give you the full script. Script by yourself. We only help making.
  13. drk

    Help again

    X-SHADOW, your code is completely wrong.
  14. drk

    Help again

    LOL What is that X-SHADOW
  15. Replace them with other objects, easy.
  16. drk

    Car paint

    It's not so hard. -- Anyway, if you're interested in creating your own, if you need help, post in Scripting section.
  17. drk


    You need get total time and subtract the current time passed.
  18. drk

    Help again

    Like: triggerClientEvent ( 'playRadioCar', root )
  19. drk

    Help again

    playSound3D plays the sound only for localPlayer.
  20. drk


    Final time - Time passed = Timeleft
  21. drk

    Skin take

    Here isn't creating LOL I'll try again later.
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