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Everything posted by drk

  1. Easy. Learn: http://www.lua.org/ To create it you can use: - For saving top times -> MySQL or SQL - For GUI -> Drawing functions, Images or the shitty GUI functions
  2. drk


    ReFleX add your script to the acl.xml ( group Admin ). Admin Panel -> Resources Tab -> Manage ACL -> Double click in Admin Group -> Add object -> Type "resource.yourJoinquitResourceName" -> Ok -> Restart resource or maybe not needed Note: Change "yourJoinquitResourceName" to your joinquit resource name, understand?
  3. drk


    You need Kenix. You need admin rights to get a player data from admin panel.
  4. drk


    I think you need, idk.
  5. drk

    need some help

    'oldteam' data is wrong. setElementData ( localPlayer, 'oldteam', getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) ), true )
  6. drk


    Yeah. It's server-side.
  7. drk

    DxGui Creator

    But anyway, it's not the same
  8. drk

    Win sound!

    Server-side: addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerWasted', root, function ( ammo, killer, weapon ) if ( killer and killer ~= source ) then if ( #getAlivePlayers() == 1 ) then triggerClientEvent ( 'play', source ) end end end ) Client-side: addEvent ( 'play', true ) addEventHandler ( 'play', root, function ( ) playSound ( 'sounds/win.mp3', false ) end ) Not tested.
  9. @@GanJaRuleZ As far as I know, outputChatBox converts to string automatically.
  10. No need to post again Jector .-. Kenix posted already.
  11. Then, you should create your own. If the code is compiled is because the scripter have reasons to or don't want to anyone edit it.
  12. We don't help people who steals scripts and we will not decompile the script for you.
  13. drk

    table find

    Oh thanks! I read about setmetatable and I put it to work Tnx Kenix
  14. See my last reply again.
  15. You get any error? And are you HeadAdmin? Test this: addCommandHandler ( 'matrix', function ( _PED, _CMD ) if ( exports.global:isPlayerHeadAdmin ( _PED ) ) then outputChatBox ( 'passed if. Is HeadAdmin' ) local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = getCameraMatrix ( _PED ) outputChatBox ( a .. ', ' .. b .. ', ' .. c .. ', ' .. d .. ', ' .. e .. ', ' .. f .. ', ' .. g .. ', ' .. h, _PED, 255, 255, 255, false ) else outputChatBox ( 'youre not headadmin!' ) end end ) And tell me what output.
  16. drk

    don t work!!

    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetWeaponProperty You need learn all. See function requirements. Anyway I tabulated and organized your code. Client-side: addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerWeaponFire', localPlayer, function ( w, a, aIC, x, y, z, elem ) if ( w == 26 ) then triggerServerEvent ( 'setIt', localPlayer ) end end ) Server-side: addEvent ( 'setIt', true ) addEventHandler ( 'setIt', root, function ( ) setWeaponProperty ( 'sawnoff_shotgun', 'pro', 'maximum_clip_ammo', 1000 ) end )
  17. getCameraMatrix ( server-side ) return 8 numbers. Is your script server-side??
  18. drk

    table find

    Hi. I need help with "find a string in the table". Here the code: -- Anims by Ezz Anim = { } Anim.__index = Anim local validTypes = { pulseOut = true, fadeIn = true, fadeOut = true, move = true, moveResize = true } function Anim:Create ( aElem, aType, aTable ) if ( validTypes [ aType ] ) then outputChatBox ( "Passed statement" ) end end If I use "if ( validTypes [ aType ] ) then" and I put "myAnim = Anim:Create ( myElem, pulseOut, { } )" or other thing in pulseOut it doesn't output nothing. If I put "if ( not validTypes [ aType ] ) then" when I put something who isn't in the table it output anyway. Any help?
  19. Good job dude! Keep it up.
  20. LOL? Start editor and edit the map lol What the problem???
  21. drk

    Need help

    LOL? local myMarker = createMarker(2489.1613769531, -1668.5617675781, 11.800, 'cylinder', 2.2, 255, 0, 0, 150) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", root, function ( g_Ped, m_Dim ) if ( source == myMarker and getElementType ( g_Ped ) == "player" ) then timer = setTimer ( setPedOnFire, 1000, 0, g_Ped, true ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", root, function ( g_Ped, m_Dim ) if ( source == g_Ped and getElementType ( g_Ped ) == "player" ) then killTimer ( timer ) end end )
  22. drk

    Need help

    Why are you unable to add that setTimer? LOL
  23. drk

    Need help

    Show client and server code ( the updated code ).
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