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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk

    Help again

    addCommandHandler has no source. You need define in function. Example: addCommandHandler ( 'blabla', function ( player, command ) -- something end ) Here, player is the source player.
  2. drk

    Help again

    Where is 'source' defined X-SHADOW?
  3. Ah, I don't understand I don't have any image here and I can't start my server but my friend created a image 500 x 600, png type and it worked perfectly.
  4. drk

    Help again

    Copy my code again.
  5. drk

    Help again

    addCommandHandler ( 'radio', function ( player, command ) if ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) ) then local carRadio = createObject ( 2232, 1016.2437133789, -2473.1711425781, 7.6930656433105, 0, 2, 30 ); local x, y, z = getElementRotation ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) ); triggerClientEvent ( 'playRadioCar', root, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) ) attachElements ( carRadio, getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ), 0, -4, 0.45 ); setObjectRotation ( carRadio, x, y, z ); outputChatBox ( 'Here is the radio!', player ); end end )
  6. drk

    Help again

    You need create the object every time a player types /radio and attach the created object to the vehicle.
  7. What are you talking about? LOL
  8. createVehicle returns a vehicle element. You can't put it on a element data.
  9. But my friends create images without this "power of 2" rule and the images appears with a good quality Maybe the problem is my pc Need buy a new one
  10. But tell me a thing, in what this admin panel will be useful? You can easily create your own system if you use commands, see: addCommandHandler ( 'kick', function ( player, command, id, reason ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.' .. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ), aclGetGroup ( 'Admin' ) ) ) then id = getPlayerFromName ( id ) kickPlayer ( id, player, reason ); end end ) Isn't so easy?
  11. But with images, continues the same shit
  12. drk

    Skin take

    Your code doesn't work too. createPickup returns false.
  13. showPlayerHudComponent ( 'radar', false ); Client-side.
  14. drk

    Skin take

    if ( lockSkins[ skin ] ) then
  15. drk

    don t work!!

    Server-side: addCommandHandler ( 'give', function ( ped, cmd ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( ped ); local shield = createObject ( 1337, x, y, z ); local shield2 = createObject ( 1337, x, y, z ); attachElements ( shield, ped, 0, 1, 0 ); attachElements ( shield2, ped, 0, 1, 0.2 ); triggerClientEvent ( 'rep', ped ); end ) Client-side: addEvent ( 'rep', true ); addEventHandler ( 'rep', root, function ( ) engineImportTXD ( engineLoadTXD ( "sh/riot_shield.txd" ), 587 ); engineReplaceModel ( engineLoadDFF ( 'sh/riot_shield.dff', 587 ), 1337 ); engineReplaceCOL ( engineLoadCOL ( 'sh/riot_shield.col' ), 1337 ); end )
  16. drk

    Gui help

  17. drk

    Gui help

    Obviously, you haven't handled any function to the button "close_button".
  18. Lua is flexible and easy to understand. If you know C# and Pawn, will be not hard for you to learn Lua.
  19. You must change MySQL details and put your MySQL user / password / host.
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