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Everything posted by drk
LOL Get the ip from the site, open MTA:SA and join the server with the ip provided by the site with same port as the server.
Because the first check if the player have team, the second checks if team name is 'Team 1'.
Dude you need join from external IP! You can't join by local server. http://www.whatismyip.com/ Get your IP from here and join.
addEventHandler ( 'onMarkerHit', root, function ( sPed ) if ( source == sMarker and getPlayerTeam ( sPed ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( sPed ) ) == 'Team 1' and getElementModel ( sPed ) == 0 ) then outputChatBox ( 'Awesome.' ); end end )
Ok. I wrote my code and it seems to work now. Here: local countryNames = { ["AD"] = "Andorra", ["AG"] = "Antigua - Barbuda", ["AI"] = "Anguilla Arabia", ["AL"] = "Albania", ["AM"] = "Armenia", ["AR"] = "Argentina", ["AT"] = "Austria", ["AU"] = "Australia", ["AW"] = "Aruba", ["BA"] = "Bosnia", ["BE"] = "Belgium", ["BG"] = "Bulgaria", ["BH"] = "Bahrain", ["BM"] = "Bermuda", ["BN"] = "Bronei ", ["BO"] = "Bolivia", ["BR"] = "Brazil", ["BS"] = "Bahamas", ["BW"] = "Botswana", ["BY"] = "Belarus", ["BZ"] = "Belize", ["CA"] = "Canada", ["CC"] = "Cocos", ["CH"] = "Switzerland", ["CI"] = "Ivory Coast", ["CL"] = "Chile", ["CN"] = "China", ["CO"] = "Colombia", ["CU"] = "Cuba", ["CY"] = "Cyprus", ["CZ"] = "Czech", ["DE"] = "Germany", ["DK"] = "Denmark", ["DM"] = "Dominica", ["DO"] = "Dominican", ["EC"] = "Ecuador", ["EE"] = "Estonia", ["EG"] = "Egypt", ["ES"] = "Spain", ["ET"] = "Ethiopia", ["FI"] = "Finland", ["FR"] = "France", ["GB"] = "Great-Britain", ["GL"] = "Greenland", ["GY"] = "Guyana", ["HR"] = "Croatia", ["HU"] = "Hungary", ["ID"] = "Indonesia", ["IE"] = "Ireland", ["IR"] = "Iran", ["IS"] = "Iceland", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["IN"] = "India", ["JO"] = "Jordan", ["JM"] = "Jamaica", ["jp"] = "Mexico", ["KW"] = "Kuwait", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["LU"] = "Luxembourg", ["LV"] = "Latvia", ["MA"] = "Morocco", ["MC"] = "Monaco", ["MT"] = "Malta", ["MX"] = "Mexico", ["NG"] = "Nigeria", ["NL"] = "Netherlands", ["NO"] = "Norway", ["PA"] = "Panama", ["PE"] = "Peru", ["PH"] = "Philipines", ["PK"] = "Pakistan", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["PT"] = "Portugal", ["QA"] = "Qatar", ["RO"] = "Romania", ["RU"] = "Russia", ["SA"] = "Saudi Arbia", ["SE"] = "Sweden", ["SI"] = "Slovania", ["TO"] = "Tonga", ["TR"] = "Turkey", ["UA"] = "Ukraine", ["UK"] = "United Kingdom", ["US"] = "United States", ["UY"] = "Uruguay", ["VN"] = "Vietnam", ["YE"] = "Yemen", ["YU"] = "Yugoslavia", ["ZA"] = "South Africa" }; addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function ( ) local myCountry = exports [ 'admin' ]:getPlayerCountry ( source ); setmetatable ( { theCountry = myCountry or 'N/A' }, countryNames ); if ( countryNames [ myCountry ] ) then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. ' has joined the game from ' .. countryNames [ myCountry ], root, 255, 100, 100, false ); else outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. ' has joined the game from N/A', root, 255, 100, 100, false ); end end )
Script needs admin rights. Also: Client-side: function info ( ) local row = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GridListePlayer ) playername = guiGridListGetItemText ( GridListePlayer, row, 1) playerip = getPlayerIP ( localPlayer ) playerSerial = getPlayerSerial() accountname = getAccountName() guiSetText ( LabelName, "Name : " .. playername .. " " ) guiSetText ( LabelIp, "IP : " ..playerip .." " ) guiSetText ( LabelSerial, "Serial : " ..tostring(playerSerial) .." " ) guiSetText ( LabelAccountName, "Account Name : " ..accountname .." " ) triggerServerEvent ( "ListInfo", localPlayer, playername, playerip, playerSerial, accountname ) end Server-side: addEvent ( "ListInfo", true ) addEventHandler ( "ListInfo", root, function ( playerName, ip, serial, account ) -- something with playerName -- something with ip -- something with serial -- something with account end )
That's because your country is not in the table. You must add it to the table.
local countryNames = { ["AD"] = "Andorra", ["AG"] = "Antigua - Barbuda", ["AI"] = "Anguilla Arabia", ["AL"] = "Albania", ["AM"] = "Armenia", ["AR"] = "Argentina", ["AT"] = "Austria", ["AU"] = "Australia", ["AW"] = "Aruba", ["BA"] = "Bosnia", ["BE"] = "Belgium", ["BG"] = "Bulgaria", ["BH"] = "Bahrain", ["BM"] = "Bermuda", ["BN"] = "Bronei ", ["BO"] = "Bolivia", ["BR"] = "Brazil", ["BS"] = "Bahamas", ["BW"] = "Botswana", ["BY"] = "Belarus", ["BZ"] = "Belize", ["CA"] = "Canada", ["CC"] = "Cocos", ["CH"] = "Switzerland", ["CI"] = "Ivory Coast", ["CL"] = "Chile", ["CN"] = "China", ["CO"] = "Colombia", ["CU"] = "Cuba", ["CY"] = "Cyprus", ["CZ"] = "Czech", ["DE"] = "Germany", ["DK"] = "Denmark", ["DM"] = "Dominica", ["DO"] = "Dominican", ["EC"] = "Ecuador", ["EE"] = "Estonia", ["EG"] = "Egypt", ["ES"] = "Spain", ["ET"] = "Ethiopia", ["FI"] = "Finland", ["FR"] = "France", ["GB"] = "Great-Britain", ["GL"] = "Greenland", ["GY"] = "Guyana", ["HR"] = "Croatia", ["HU"] = "Hungary", ["ID"] = "Indonesia", ["IE"] = "Ireland", ["IR"] = "Iran", ["IS"] = "Iceland", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["IN"] = "India", ["JO"] = "Jordan", ["JM"] = "Jamaica", ["jp"] = "Mexico", ["KW"] = "Kuwait", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["LU"] = "Luxembourg", ["LV"] = "Latvia", ["MA"] = "Morocco", ["MC"] = "Monaco", ["MT"] = "Malta", ["MX"] = "Mexico", ["NG"] = "Nigeria", ["NL"] = "Netherlands", ["NO"] = "Norway", ["PA"] = "Panama", ["PE"] = "Peru", ["PH"] = "Philipines", ["PK"] = "Pakistan", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["PT"] = "Portugal", ["QA"] = "Qatar", ["RO"] = "Romania", ["RU"] = "Russia", ["SA"] = "Saudi Arbia", ["SE"] = "Sweden", ["SI"] = "Slovania", ["TO"] = "Tonga", ["TR"] = "Turkey", ["UA"] = "Ukraine", ["UK"] = "United Kingdom", ["US"] = "United States", ["UY"] = "Uruguay", ["VN"] = "Vietnam", ["YE"] = "Yemen", ["YU"] = "Yugoslavia", ["ZA"] = "South Africa" }; addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function ( ) local country = exports [ 'admin' ]:getPlayerCountry ( source ); country = country or 'N/A' setElementData ( source, 'Country', country ); outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source ) .. ' has joined the game from ' .. tostring( getElementData ( source, 'Country' ) ), root, 255, 100, 100, false ); end ); Try.
local marker = createMarker(781.4, -1360.2, 13.2, 'cylinder', 3, 0, 0, 255, 100) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit',marker, function(hitPlayer) if (hitPlayer == localPlayer) then guiSetVisible(win,true) showCursor(true) end end) function closeWindow() guiSetVisible(win,false) showCursor(false) end I forget this every time
Client-side: local marker = createMarker( 781.4, -1360.2, 13.2, 'cylinder', 3, 0, 0, 255, 100 ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit', root, function ( ) if ( source == marker ) then guiSetVisible ( win, true ); showCursor ( true ); end end ) function closeWindow ( ) guiSetVisible ( win, false ); showCursor ( false ); end
You don't know what you're saying. A good scripter don't need much time to use the fucking setElementData and other things. It's so easy. I don't think someone will donate or will choose you. If you're good scripter like you say, show your skills.
Yes i tested..but..look in this lua local countryNames = { ["AD"] = "Andorra", ["AG"] = "Antigua - Barbuda", ["AI"] = "Anguilla Arabia", ["AL"] = "Albania", ["AM"] = "Armenia", ["AR"] = "Argentina", ["AT"] = "Austria", ["AU"] = "Australia", ["AW"] = "Aruba", ["BA"] = "Bosnia", ["BE"] = "Belgium", ["BG"] = "Bulgaria", ["BH"] = "Bahrain", ["BM"] = "Bermuda", ["BN"] = "Bronei ", ["BO"] = "Bolivia", ["BR"] = "Brazil", ["BS"] = "Bahamas", ["BW"] = "Botswana", ["BY"] = "Belarus", ["BZ"] = "Belize", ["CA"] = "Canada", ["CC"] = "Cocos", ["CH"] = "Switzerland", ["CI"] = "Ivory Coast", ["CL"] = "Chile", ["CN"] = "China", ["CO"] = "Colombia", ["CU"] = "Cuba", ["CY"] = "Cyprus", ["CZ"] = "Czech", ["DE"] = "Germany", ["DK"] = "Denmark", ["DM"] = "Dominica", ["DO"] = "Dominican", ["EC"] = "Ecuador", ["EE"] = "Estonia", ["EG"] = "Egypt", ["ES"] = "Spain", ["ET"] = "Ethiopia", ["FI"] = "Finland", ["FR"] = "France", ["GB"] = "Great-Britain", ["GL"] = "Greenland", ["GY"] = "Guyana", ["HR"] = "Croatia", ["HU"] = "Hungary", ["ID"] = "Indonesia", ["IE"] = "Ireland", ["IR"] = "Iran", ["IS"] = "Iceland", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["IN"] = "India", ["JO"] = "Jordan", ["JM"] = "Jamaica", ["jp"] = "Mexico", ["KW"] = "Kuwait", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["LU"] = "Luxembourg", ["LV"] = "Latvia", ["MA"] = "Morocco", ["MC"] = "Monaco", ["MT"] = "Malta", ["MX"] = "Mexico", ["NG"] = "Nigeria", ["NL"] = "Netherlands", ["NO"] = "Norway", ["PA"] = "Panama", ["PE"] = "Peru", ["PH"] = "Philipines", ["PK"] = "Pakistan", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["PT"] = "Portugal", ["QA"] = "Qatar", ["RO"] = "Romania", ["RU"] = "Russia", ["SA"] = "Saudi Arbia", ["SE"] = "Sweden", ["SI"] = "Slovania", ["TO"] = "Tonga", ["TR"] = "Turkey", ["UA"] = "Ukraine", ["UK"] = "United Kingdom", ["US"] = "United States", ["UY"] = "Uruguay", ["VN"] = "Vietnam", ["YE"] = "Yemen", ["YU"] = "Yugoslavia", ["ZA"] = "South Africa" } function onJoin( ) local country = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry( source ) if not country then country = 'N/A' end setElementData( source,'Country', country ) outputChatBox( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " has joined the game from " .. country ~= 'N/A' and countryNames[ tostring( country ) ] or 'N/A', root, 255, 100, 100 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, onJoin ) When player join,writing only: N/A and nothing else.. You cant test it in a local server , your ip will be and that is your localhost ip address .. you need to test it in another server He can simply join from external IP.
I tried GUI Image / DirectX Image and I get the same.
It doesn't work with local. You need join from external IP or from other machine.
You've fucked up Console account. The way is joining the server, login in as admin and add Console account to Console group.
You need add tables to the MySQL / SQL or whatever fucking data store where the script save data.
LOL ExiloGaming. You are kidding us, no? Remove the line who says "
I don't like, as Yazuka said, it's like Mario Kart sounds
LOL If you don't know about SQL, better learn. It's very easy to use SQL.
Maybe you can get the player team when he dies then when he spawns again set the team again, no?