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Everything posted by ArtiGamer

  1. hmmm mebe there wil be 1 at the next version...
  2. yea then i need some help...
  3. We are downing that LC wil be in VC and whit multiplayer the beta wil be out soon and for more info you can vised the GTA-WO forum here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/ thx
  4. hmm If you did read the rules you can see NO WAREZ!! and if i look at the forum i see a warez forum... and its not what i had in mind its 2 dark. I hope blocker wil help me... Or are you good at making boards?
  5. hmm mebe thats r8 bete thats why no 1 is regestering at the forum ... plz register.
  6. ArtiGamer


    yea you need to make a new host and new host until it woks. i had that 2.
  7. nice to see a other mafia in at the place
  8. but we need more ppl.
  9. Admin plz fix this... I made the same topic like this and I askt Redspike to make it a spiky post... PS: still thx for the help.
  10. ppl please register at the forum.
  11. plz ppl post some more are you all dead?
  12. But that is a lil forum/part this is a whole new forum whit own look.
  13. ArtiGamer

    GTA-WO Forum

    I made a forum for GTA-WO i downt think there are mutch ppl that readed my other post at the GTA-WO section. So i am posting it here: Its not 100% ready but register please and post things. There is a competition and you can win. Its 96% ready. (need to do background/skin) the site: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/index.php If you register and login set it "Log me on automatically each visit " you wil login and go to an other site you just need to go back to the forum and you are loged in. the same whit logout.
  14. LoL I am only 13 years old and beleve me i have no rules . I am woking and for that mony i can get games. And if i have games i can add mods like GTA-WO
  15. furst off all you need to hve all the missions then you need 100 secret packeges of you have that then its at 2 places. 1 heli is some more to the left from the ducks. The second heli is at the marine. (try to get it whitout the cop uniform). ___________________________________ The Don
  16. licky licky guy I wil leave the forum like this, when i wil see a good webhost i wil copy the forum and past there. Oh yea i have some new emotions at the site _________________________ The Don
  17. I hate lycos i want a webhost whit no ads/popups/bars and whit php and ftp. Is there 1? ____________________________ The Don
  18. I have msn : [email protected] plz edit me to your list. thx ________________________________ The Don
  19. ArtiGamer

    hell or heaven

    LOL so you mean we are just smart monky's? _______________________________ The Don Vised the GTA-WO forum here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/index.php[/b]
  20. Nice site's you got there I like it _______________________________ The Don Vised the GTA-WO forum here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/index.php[/b]
  21. I completed it whit cheats and i got evrything what you post (exept the bodygourds) _______________________________ The Don Vised the GTA-WO forum here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/index.php[/b]
  22. ArtiGamer

    hell or heaven

    I think we are from mars... The piramides there the face there and the ice...Mebe i am thinking nuts but why are thows things there? ________________________________ The Don Vised the GTA-WO forum here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/artigamer/phpBB2/index.php
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