He means SQLite.
There is two ways: Using executeSQLQuery in every query (The Query needs a certain string to define what to do That string can be found @ each SQLite function WIKI Page) or using the functions like (executeSQLCreateTable, executeSQLDelete).
I use executeSQLQuery.
All you can do with SQLite is: creating a table , deleting a table , inserting a row with values, updating a row to set the values we inserted before , Select a row to retrieve the values , deleting a row .
Let's start by creating a table: (2 ways)
--executeSQLCreateTable(string tableName , string columns in table with the type) see below
executeSQLCreateTable("tableName", "column1 TEXT,column2 NUMBER,column3 TEXT,column4 NUMBER")
--executeSQLQuery(string theQuery) see below
executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tableName (column1 TEXT,column2 NUMBER,column3 TEXT,column4 NUMBER")
If you take a look at executeSQLCreateTable wiki page @ the top you will find: