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Everything posted by JR10

  1. How can you be so sure, that it's built in the Basemode. AFAIK Basemode is compiled, if it's not working and it's built in, then probably there is settings for it in the meta.xml.
  2. JR10


    Help with what, /register command is not hard coded, you must make one yourself. addCommandHandler("register", function(player, cmd, name, password) local account = addAccount(name, password) if account then outputChatBox("Thank you " .. getPlayerName(source) .. ", you're now registed, you can login with /login",player) end end) To add your account as admin, You must close the server. close the server >> open acl.xml >> find "Admin" group >> add to Add a resource: close the server >> open acl.xml >> find "Admin" group >> add
  3. I just hope it's useful, and that I didn't make any mistakes.
  4. JR10

    Chat Disable?

    You used it server side, so when the resource start, all the players won't be able to use the chat box. But when a player joins, he will be able to use the chat box. Because we used the loop, if you want it server side, use onPlayerJoin.
  5. JR10

    Chat Disable?

    for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do toggleControl(player, "chatbox", false) end
  6. JR10

    Chat Disable?

    toggleControl(player, "chatbox", false)
  7. root = getRootElement() addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function(_, account) local kills = getAccountData(account,"kills") local deaths = getAccountData(account,"deaths") if not (deaths and kills) then return end setElementData(source,"kills",kills) setElementData(source,"deaths",deaths) outputDebugString("Player score set") end )
  8. What the hell, change your name, one is enough already
  9. There is NO Commands in the whole script Add this to the script: addCommandHandler("exp", function(player,cmd,exp) if not tonumber(exp) then return end setElementData(player, "exp", tonumber(exp)) end) Try: /exp 10 You will be level 1
  10. There is no commands at all in the script.
  11. JR10

    if check dont work

    It's done and he already released it.
  12. JR10

    Vehicle ID

    And another problem is duplicates , you can have two elements with the same ID.
  13. He means SQLite. There is two ways: Using executeSQLQuery in every query (The Query needs a certain string to define what to do That string can be found @ each SQLite function WIKI Page) or using the functions like (executeSQLCreateTable, executeSQLDelete). I use executeSQLQuery. All you can do with SQLite is: creating a table , deleting a table , inserting a row with values, updating a row to set the values we inserted before , Select a row to retrieve the values , deleting a row . Let's start by creating a table: (2 ways) --executeSQLCreateTable(string tableName , string columns in table with the type) see below executeSQLCreateTable("tableName", "column1 TEXT,column2 NUMBER,column3 TEXT,column4 NUMBER") OR: --executeSQLQuery(string theQuery) see below executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tableName (column1 TEXT,column2 NUMBER,column3 TEXT,column4 NUMBER") If you take a look at executeSQLCreateTable wiki page @ the top you will find:
  14. A: outputMTAForum(getThisTopic(), "$"..math.random(100000, 100001) Q: Wouldn't oceans be deeper if sponges didn't live there??
  15. A: Ask your mother Q: Who is that guy over there??
  16. A: Both equal Q: Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?
  17. A: No comment. Q: What do frogs eat with their hamburgers?
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