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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    oh, btw, When changing your MTAServer.conf settings, you have to shutdown your server then start it again.
  2. is this "Rob Bank" a race map?
  3. ok, but How are you going to start it?
  4. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    well, try this: http://pastebin.com/f5Xys4KN
  5. ok, since your using the race gamemode, it's in a script.
  6. Come on, try it, I heard in some other topics that the admin panel offers those things, What MTA are you running? 1.3? 1.4?
  7. ok, make sure the "Admin" resource is started.
  8. Well, try cleaning your PC out, maybe the dusts might be effecting it or try stopping some running programs or exit some tray programs.
  9. Jaysds1


    Did map editor worked anytime before?
  10. I use fraps I use the same thing
  11. Jaysds1

    Help with admin panel

    well, is the resource "admin" stopped when you try to open your admin panel? if not stop it then start the admin-esp.
  12. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    Now can you post some screenshots of your web folder please?
  13. try keeping the sounds in the same folder as the scripts, meaning don't put them in the sounds folder.
  14. , sorry robhol, Good luck with your Editor
  15. well, your going to need to use getElementVelocity and calculate the speed.
  16. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    ok, do you have Team Viewer?
  17. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    wait, do you have all the resources in your resources folder?
  18. Here's the youtube vid: and there's another topic about this but not sure if your way is the same as it: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=43877&hilit=+mac BTW, nice
  19. Jaysds1

    Maps question

    and the other maps are DM Maps, but ya, try searching Google Bing
  20. Jaysds1

    The sun

    well, your going to need to use the time right now, there's no function for getting the sun position or checking if the sun is up...
  21. Jaysds1

    ERROR CRC mismatch

    nah, those have to be redirected to : '/mods/deathmatch/resources'.
  22. well, that looks good, can you play the sounds your self? BTW, try this: addEvent( "Zomb_Moan", true ) function Zmoan ( ped, randnum ) if (isElement(ped)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( ped ) local sound = playSound3D("sounds/mgroan"..randnum..".ogg", Zx, Zy, Zz) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 20) end end addEventHandler( "Zomb_Moan", getRootElement(), Zmoan )
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