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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Jaysds1


    try this: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",guiRoot,function() if getElementType(source)=="gui-edit" then count = 0 addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(button) if button ~= "backspace" then count = count + 1 elseif button == "backspace" then count = count - 1 end end) end end,true) EDIT: lol, I made this
  2. well, you have to edit the server.lua, here's the part you want: local names ={"Team 1","Team 2","Team 3","Team 4","Team 5","Team 6"} local tags ={"%[T1%]","%[T2%]","%[T3%]","%[T4%]","%[T5%]","%[T6%]"} local colors ={"ff000","ff000","ff000","ff000","ff000","ff000"} local acls={"none","none","none","none","none","none"}
  3. well, can you put a link to the downloaded resource please.
  4. Did you download it from the Community site?
  5. Do you have any mods or programs that modifies GTASA in anyway? BTW, why did you take out some parts from it?
  6. try starting a local server then start "editor" after, load your map from there.
  7. Are you saying that you created the script? if you didn't then we can't, because it's a simple script and most of us got other things to do, but if you did then can you post the script here. sorry.
  8. For the getElementRotation, since it's a ped, the value is only from 0(facing north) to 360. anyways, try this: function binds(player) --forgot the player argument x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(player) -- the player has only one value, so the ry and rz will be nil bindKey("1", "down", cam1) --lua is case-sensitive bindKey("2", "down", cam2) bindKey("3", "down", cam3) bindKey("4", "down", cam4) bindKey("5", "down", cam5) end addCommandHandler("test", binds) function cam1() setCameraMatrix(x,y,z,rx,ry,rz) end function cam2() end function cam3() end function cam4() end function cam5() end
  9. Jaysds1

    Strange View

    ok, please download and run that.
  10. Towncivilian, give him the MS Visual C++ Download, Maybe he needs to reinstall it.
  11. sorry, try this now: http://pastebin.com/sCf8hU33
  12. For some reason when you add any functions to the setTimer which includes a handlingfunction it says that's it's not added, anyways, try this: http://pastebin.com/S6yf2iak
  13. Jaysds1

    Strange View

    That's caused by your graphic needing to be updated(I had the same problem.)
  14. Sorry, I meant this: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=36481&hilit=ModLoader
  15. , why didn't I think of that? Nice to hear it's working , have fun on MTA.
  16. This is very useful for people who has problems with scripting. thanks Aero
  17. Try using this: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=43438
  18. , you see, so GTA V would be very unpopular for the MTA community...
  19. oh, snap, I never read his first post right, thanks AeroXbird.
  20. wait, Let's see how good your Windows 7 is, run the Windows Experience Index please.
  21. why? Anyways, try using these: unbindKey bindKey setControlState BTW, Sorry Solid for making this difficult.
  22. ok, add this to the Default ACL Group(not at the top. In the list): name="function.setVehicleColor" access="true" /> and add this in every other Group ACL List: name="function.setVehicleColor" access="false" /> in the script you would need to use this: HasObjectPermissionTo
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