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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. but he's still going to have to use the string.format to edit how the money's going to look like.
  2. Jaysds1

    MTA V?

    The features they have mostly came from us, but it's ok, I wanted to see GTA San Andreas like that
  3. When you go in-game, try accessing your Admin Panel, if you can't, then there's your problem
  4. he could try "string.format"
  5. Well, I've found a extra "end " in the "onPlayerWasted function, try this: addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local kills = getAccountData(account,"kills") local deaths = getAccountData(account,"deaths") local headshots = getAccountData(account,"headshots") if not kills then setAccountData(account,"kills",0) end if not deaths then setAccountData(account,"deaths",0) end if not headshots then setAccountData(account,"headshots",0) end end) function updatePlayerStats(ammo, attacker, weapon, bodypart) local account = getPlayerAccount(attacker) if account then local kills = getAccountData(account,"kills") local headshots = getAccountData(account,"headshots") setAccountData(account,"kills",kills+1) if bodypart == 9 then setAccountData(account,"headshots",headshots+1) end end if not attacker or attacker == source then return end local accountS = getPlayerAccount(source) if accountS then local deaths = getAccountData(accountS,"deaths") setAccountData(accountS,"deaths",deaths+1) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(),updatePlayerStats) function getPlayerStats(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if account then local kills = getAccountData(account,"kills") or 0 local headshots = getAccountData(account,"headshots") or 0 local deaths = getAccountData(account,"deaths") or 0 local ratio = string.format("%.2f", kills / deaths) outputChatBox("[sTATS]".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .."'s Stats: Kills: ".. tostring(kills) .." (".. tostring(headshots) .." Headshots), ".. tostring(deaths) .." Deaths, Ratio: ".. tostring(ratio).."", getRootElement(), 50, 255, 0) end end addCommandHandler("stats",getPlayerStats) addCommandHandler("st",getPlayerStats)
  6. Jaysds1

    FPS going shit.

    Download this program and tell us everything in your CPU Section. Speccy EDIT: After Download and the program is open, click on "File" at the top left corner and click on "Save Snapshot" or "Save as Text file".
  7. Jaysds1

    Lag Spikes/FPS Drops

    lol, get this program to watch your computer more: Speccy
  8. Can you run the MTA Diag again and press n for no, so you could get a generated log and post it here please.
  9. Do you have any scripts associated with cars/vehicles?
  10. Jaysds1

    Server Problem.

    Download and install this MTA Diag then post the generated log.
  11. Don't mine some of their posts yusuf, all I can tell you is that your going to have to make your own or use the guieditor for now. The DxGui Creator is only for personal use, as it says in the description "DxGui Creator[For personal use]".
  12. Jaysds1


    Try this: bindKey("lctrl","down",function(key,keystate) outputChatBox("#005a5aWho wants to me in the ass?",0,0,0,true) end) ctrl isn't a real key, so it's either rctrl or lctrl
  13. Jaysds1


    On community? Or another file-sharing? I think he means on a file-share site.
  14. Can you post your crash error and use this MTA Diag and post the generated log.
  15. Nah, He just needs help setting up his server.
  16. Can you provide a DX Diag or run MTA Diag please: DxDiag: MTADiag:
  17. No, he means, when you try to delete a version off his resource, it doesn't delete, I think it reloads when you try to delete the version. It happened to me before.
  18. Jaysds1

    Server Problem.

    Is ServerFFS a good host?
  19. ok, try deleting "Trainer", then Uninstall MTA and install it in another folder called "MTA San Andreas 1.x" then try again on CIT Server.
  20. do you have any mods on your GTA?
  21. Wait, why isn't it working then?
  22. Try this: addCommandHandler ( 'matrix',function ( _PED, _CMD ) if ( exports.global:isPlayerHeadAdmin ( _PED ) ) then outputChatBox ("Matrix:"..getCameraMatrix(_PED), _PED, 255, 255, 255, false ) else outputChatBox ( 'youre not headadmin!' ) end end)
  23. It says that it's from your GTA SA, so try deleting the "gtasa.set" file located in your "GTA San Andreas User Files", and if it still persists, then I'm going to need a screenshot of your GTA San Andreas Folder.
  24. Sorry, this topic was suppose to be closed/locked, I don't make resources for free anymore, as you can read from my Signature:
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