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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Srry, but if your hosting a server, your suppose to script it, but if it's for GTA then it wont work with MTA, because some servers might kick you out.
  2. If you have a router then here's how to open it: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=33722&hilit=+Port+Problems
  3. lol, srry, my wireless keyboard needs to charge.
  4. ok, when you put a server on the linux, make sure it's linux supported
  5. try this: function pedLoad ( name ) local ped = createPed ( 120, 0, 0, 6) if( ped ) then local result = setPedOnFire( ped, true ) if( result ) then outputChatBox("good") else outputChatBox("bad2") end else outputChatBox("bad1") end end addEventHandler ( "oncientResourceStart", resourceRoot, pedLoad )
  6. Did you put your server on it already?
  7. Try removing your ip in the mtaserver.conf file then try using "openports"
  8. Wow, I never thought of that
  9. Post your server.log here using
  10. you could use this: setVehicleDamageProof
  11. Jaysds1

    Can't Set Next Map

    ok, here: MapCycler VoteManager
  12. 1. DX Can never be defined 2. try creating the rectangle before the text
  13. Jaysds1

    Can't Set Next Map

    You sure? It works for me
  14. If the server is on your computer then there's no need for the IP and type in the console "openports" and tell me what you see.
  15. Jaysds1

    Next map

    ok, create a file in the mapcycler folder and call it script.lua and add this to it: addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function() if(getAlivePlayers()==1)then triggerEvent("onRoundFinished",resourceRoot) end end)
  16. Jaysds1

    Can't Set Next Map

    here's the admin2 resource: http://www.filedropper.com/admin2
  17. Jaysds1

    Next map

    What other resources are you using? Something has to trigger the mapcycler to the next map.
  18. Jaysds1

    Can't Set Next Map

    Wait, do you have a resource named admin2 in this folder [admin] ?
  19. Can you download the latest MTA and download this AMD Driver Auto-detector. Download this Live Update 5 program (From your Computer Manufacturer):Live Update
  20. Jaysds1

    Can't Set Next Map

    Try using the new Admin Panel (admin2), add this to the ACL.xml: <object name="resource.admin2"></object> and this to mtaserver.conf <resource src="admin2" startup="1" protected="0" />
  21. Jaysds1

    Next map

    If your using Mapcycler to cycle through your maps then here's some details: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Mapcycler
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