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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Jaysds1

    MTA in Vice City?

    um, Do you mean MTA: 3/VC or did you seen it in SA?
  2. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    start the server then type in the console "start editor" then connect to your server using these url's: mtasa://
  3. You could type in the console "start YOURMAP NAME" or in-game "/start YOURMAP NAME".
  4. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    Start your server and type in "start editor" then try connecting to your server by: or mtasa://
  5. Here's the reason why your getting kicked: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide Try moving your MODS in to another folder, or create a folder and put them in there.
  6. I think that's polish: http://translate.google.ca/#auto|pl|Hi but this is nothing
  7. Jaysds1


    hmmm, can you see it in Gamemonitor sometimes?
  8. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    Can you start "Map Editor"?
  9. Where's the place located? LS , LV, SF?
  10. Sorry, this is not in the correct section... Client support is only for MTA help... I suggest this go in "General" for "Other"... Plus it's going to be hard to find people with those kinda languages...
  11. Jaysds1


    Hi, Can you show us what the console says when it's first started? (You can shut it down and start it and get the server log and post it here using or at pastebin.)
  12. Do you have any programs open for GTA or MTA or Video Recording?
  13. ok, if you host your own server, there should be a console that pops up when starting it... in that console, type in "start realdriveby". If your server is being hosted by a hosting company like (Cranked Hosting) then there should be a Game Panel where you have options like starting/stopping your server or restart... now I would go in-game on to my server and type in "/register myusername mypassword" then go in to my Game Panel and stop it then edit the ACL.xml file.
  14. While in map editor you could press "World Object" and go to the object you want the name for and select it.
  15. sorry, I just got home and searched my server folder... there should be a folder called race and in there you could add your maps. (MTA San Andreas 1.x\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gamemodes]\[race]\[maps]) Make sure you use the race gamemode for your maps.
  16. sorry, you have to be logged in to type in "start realdriveby". If you don't have an account, open your console and type in "addaccount USERNAME PASSWORD" then go back in game to login by typing in "login USERNAME PASSWORD" and please note that your username has to be add to the acl.xml, under the admin group.
  17. Jaysds1

    Timed out

    so, your server/console automatically closes? Can you type anything in before it closes?
  18. oh, a driveby... Type in your server/console, "start driveby" and see what it would say.
  19. when you download MTA, there should be a resource called "mapcycler" in the "[manager]" folder. Type in "start mapcycler" in your server/console.
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