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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Well, there's really nothing to do... Unless you could sign in to Game-Monitor and add your server manually, or just keep restarting your server
  2. This is normal, Game-Monitor is having a little problem with their database...
  3. Jaysds1

    Real Time

    true, so, you've got your question solved am I right?
  4. Jaysds1

    copy text

    you could use that: setClipboard or you could use: setElementData(localPlayer,"clipboard",THE TEXT) --and getElementData(localPlayer,"clipboard") Just a suggestion
  5. Jaysds1

    Real Time

    oh, ok, Since you have trigger server event then you have to use setTimer.
  6. Jaysds1

    Real Time

    ok, try this: tiempoRealLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.8525,0.0430,0.1152,0.0559,"Tiempo",true) guiSetFont(tiempoRealLabel,arialBoldFont) setTimer(function() local tiempoTabla = getRealTime() local minutos = tiempoTabla.minute local horas = tiempoTabla.hour guiSetText(tiempoRealLabel,tostring(horas).." : "..tostring(minutos)) if minutos == 00 then triggerServerEvent("onPayDay",localPlayer,minutos,horas) outputChatBox("PAY DAY",0,200,50) end end,5000,0) -- How much seconds of delay?, I switch to five but perhaps can be more
  7. Jaysds1

    Real Time

    It's outputChatBox("PAY DAY", 0, 200, 50 ) another one local tiempoTabla = getRealTime(localPlayer)
  8. np, I hope everyone enjoys it and learns from it.
  9. Well, I'll try making more of these, I'll start on the weekend, not now though
  10. ok, it might be the defined variable then... If the event handler works for the first one and you tried making another function and it was not working, it might be the defined variables EDIT: Ya, I can't find any solutions
  11. Ya,ya,ya I still enjoy MTASA better ^SAME VIDEO^
  12. well, this is off-topic...
  13. I'm not sure... It has something to do with the event handlers
  14. I know, but I'm doing it for fun
  15. add this server-side: fadeCamera(source,true)
  16. lol, I found my mistake, copy the code again please and tell me if it works
  17. try this: GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space","down",theR) local renders = {lsT,lvT,sfT} for k,b in ipairs(renders)do removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,b) end setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function bLV() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 2137.7775878906, 1480.8577880859, 10.8203125 ) end end function bSF() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, -1695.2707519531, 950.0751953125, 24.890625 ) end end function bLS() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) end end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") setElementPosition(ped, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLV) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") setElementPosition(ped,-1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bSF) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") setElementPosition(ped,756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLS) end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end
  18. wait, copy it again, I edited it
  19. Sorry, but we can't make anything for you, we could only help by showing you how to... You could use the guieditor to help with your work.
  20. A: lol, ok (There's no way to stop the spam ) Q: Who has school tomorrow?
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