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Everything posted by Jusonex

  1. You've to start MTA via opening C:\Program files\MTA San Andreas 1.6\Multi Theft Auto_d.exe. To be able to debug it then, click Debug --> Attach to process --> Select gta_sa.exe --> Attach.
  2. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mysql
  3. Try compiling it once again. It could be an incorrect build order (due to dependencies not being set up correctly).
  4. It isn't illegal if the name isn't a registered trademark (which is true for almost all servers). The moral requires that you ask the previous namebearer though (if possible) - at least if we're talking about a "non-standard" name.
  5. It's a problem with your script. Please ask in https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=91 and supply the entire code.
  6. Bist du dir sicher, dass du nicht den falschen Ordner angegeben hast/im falschen Ordner geguckt hast? Am besten dokumentierst du die Schritte der Installation mal mit Screenshots. Das einzige, was ich mir vorstellen könnte (wenn der Pfad richtig ist) ist, dass ein Antivirenprogramm das Programm in irgendeinen anderen Ordner - warum auch immer - gesandboxt hat. Diese Variante halte ich jedoch für äußerst unwahrscheinlich. Welches Antivirenprogramm verwendest du denn?
  7. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p ... s&id=12744
  8. apt-get install ia32-libs lib32ncursesw5 lib32readline5 or use the 64-bit server from https://linux.multitheftauto.com/
  9. function addEventHandlerMultiple(events, ...) for k, event in pairs(events) do addEventHandler(event, ...) end end
  10. Jusonex


    Delete the files you added to C:\Windows\system32\ and reinstall MTA. If it does not help, please create and post an MTADiag log: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/MTADiag.zip (extract the archive and run MTADiag.exe).
  11. This thread is not up to date. The last player record was just a few days ago: Highest: 25728 players - 2016 Jan Sun 31st 17:00
  12. Try uninstalling or disabling Razer InGameEngine for MTA temporally.
  13. Since when do you have the problem? Has it ever worked? Which service pack are you using? (Press the Windows key + Break)
  14. Jusonex

    Weird Ping Problem

    Check if something is downloading in the background. You can do that by sorting the network tab in the task manager. If you can't see something suspicous, run MTADiag (https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/MTADiag.zip) and post a link to the log here.
  15. Jusonex


    No. An error is only thrown when triggering an event to the server. mta.triggerEvent calls triggerEvent internally. Yes, that's what I think either. In general: Calling toggleBrowserDevTools opens the Chromium dev tools window which provides a proper console (remember to enable devmode using setDevelopmentMode(true,true) before though).
  16. MTA's scripting API design forbids functions that can be exploited by bad people to damage inexperienced server owners. If you definitely need it to implement a specific feature, you can write a server module that provides the desired functionality.
  17. It's indeed worth thinking about it. But some comments to your "good for" list: It's normally better to separate web services and the MTA server. The integrated web server shouldn't be used as a webserver to host a fully-featured webpanel, but to provide an interface for internal communication between external webpanel and MTA server. You can also store these files in a database (or even on the file system) and download/access them via fetchRemote instead. You can already do this via HTML5 file system APIs. Proper FTP will not work. Implementing such a feature would indeed help to create a generic file uploader. I'm not sure if this is necessary though.
  18. Jusonex


    The Javascript SDK has nothing to do with CEF. It's part of the resource web access system. Where exactly did you get the ReferenceError error message? The problem is that you forgot adding the event before binding it using: addEvent("onCEFLoginRegister")
  19. There's the PHP SDK: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/PHP_SDK (You cannot use it to execute console commands, but you can call Lua functions which is even more powerful).
  20. I hope you know what you are doing... The umask command changes the creation mask for the current process and its childs. Create the following startscript for the MTA server then: #!/bin/bash echo "Setting umask..." umask g+w # In case you want to pass octal numbers: Keep in mind that you have to negate them before echo "Starting MTA now..." ./mta-server64
  21. You will have to wait until it expires.
  22. The crash occured while playing a GTA sound effect. Your audio files are either corrupted or do not exist at all. Run MTADiag and paste the log here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=31668 You could also try reinstalling GTA immediately. In case you're using a pirated game, buy GTA:SA: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Where_to_buy_GTASA
  23. Looks more like a server problem. Do you use a VPS/dedicated server or a managed gameserver?
  24. Port 80 and you cannot change it.
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