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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. addCommandHandler("removemods",function() for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("txd")) do destroyElement(v) end end
  2. I know this is a foolish idea, but it is a useful idea. Video compatibility. The feature could show a video. Maybe it could be streaming or could be something like a dx function. Where it shows a part of a video for one frame. ------------------------------ Ways you could use it: dxDrawVideo(string videoPath, float onScreenX, float onScreenY,float positionValue, float alpha, string color = nil ) videoPath = "trailer.avi" onScreenX = 0 onScreenY = 1 positionValue = positionValue + 0.001 (position of video to show) alpha = 255 (alpha of video) color = nil (can use tocolor - without alpha option) Use this with onClientPreRender. It could show that part of the video for one frame. Note: It could also play the sound of that frame for one frame. Not noticeable if you dont use onClientPreRender. --------------------------------- Using the above method you could keep videoPath as a stream but positionValue is nil. I like this idea, what do you think about it? Is it even possible?
  3. the barrels thingy mustve been made client side by the looks of it, maybe respawn rate was different. check if it made by script or not
  4. for i,v in pairs(tableOfIdiots) do if v == getLocalPlayer() then outputChatBox("You are an idiot!", v) break end end
  5. qaisjp


    I want to remove the login command and I tried removeCommandHandler("login") and that returns false. The reason for this is that I need loggin in only via GUI. If I cancel the onPlayerLogin event I won't be able to log in at all. All I need is the removal of the command. Secondly how do you remove the message "You logged in" when logging in (via gui)
  6. wtf is even that? lol all he did was add function and end. -.-
  7. qaisjp


    Why does that happen, and is there any way you can force the skin to show <
  8. Check logW variable although i suppose u have already done it
  9. qaisjp


    Just kidding. Why does the skin texture stay the same on other servers? If you have been on previous server after opening mta, why does the skin texture remain the same and not change?
  10. outputDebugString("start") pVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) vehLog = {} outputDebugString("if start") if not vehLog[pVeh] then logX, logY = guiGetPosition ( logPane, false ) outputDebugString("getpos") lodW, logH = guiGetSize ( logPane, false ) outputDebugString("getsize") vehLog[pVeh] = guiCreateScrollPane ( logX, logY, logW, logH, false, mainWnd.window ) outputDebugString("createscroll") outputDebugString(tostring(isElement(vehLog[pVeh]))) guiSetVisible ( vehLog[pVeh], false ) outputDebugString("setvis") end outputDebugString("if end") i know it isnt clean code but take a check and see if it does it in order (if start ... getpos ... getsize.. createscrolll ... true .. setvis...if end)
  11. I don't think someone wants to reveal their email address just to ask what kind of scripting work you need -.-
  12. I'm not against your post but please be a little more specific... what do you want in your server.
  13. Serial ban ftw! A monkey can get out of an IP ban.
  14. +1 that answers both questions. Thanks Cast
  15. 1) Is hm = { jaja = "hi" } the same as hm = { ["jaja"] = "hi" } 2) will hm ={ jaja = "jo" } function lolo()if hm.jaja == hm["jaja"] then return true end end return true?
  16. Mate, never ever change topic title and main post just to say it is solved. Just put [sOLVED] to the start of the title and a message at the start of the main post. otherwise people who have the same problem wont know what to do.
  17. * Maybe the "image" could be an image element.
  18. qaisjp


    So testmanny = "hi" outputChatBox(_G("testmanny")) would output "hi" to chatbox? but local pfft = "hi" outputChatBox(_G("pfft")) wouldn't?
  19. qaisjp


    What the hell does _G(...) do?
  20. No problem, glad you solved your problem.
  21. Wow, i can't wait for all of this! If you need any assistance, I may be of use!
  22. Probably an okayish idea: image engineImportTXDImage(element TXD_Element, string filename) This could return an image for use in dxDrawImage and guiCreateImage. Maybe edit ...draw/create image for compatibility for the 'image item' This could allow you to load specific images from a txd and import them for use as a viewable image (and not on a model) What do you think about this idea?
  23. I don't really know what to say about the idea but i suppose setCameraFOV should be setPlayerFOV(element thePlayer, float/int newLevel)
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