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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Well, try to make it, i already gave u numerous functions
  2. yeah! attachElements(player, sound)
  3. im not gay to suck ur balls, ball sucker. he editid his post
  4. This is not a ;o russian forum, go to the subforums to speak this .. russian language.
  5. yes, but you can always record the honk or you can bind a key to "horn" that set's the vehicle emergency lights off (setVehicleEmergencyLights), it should also set sound off
  6. unbindKey() bindKey() triggerClientEvent() triggerServerEvent() playSound3D() createColTube() isElementInColshape()
  7. It's very simple (for me atleast) createObject() attachElements() guiGetScreenSize() triggerServerEvent() triggerClientEvent() addEvent() addEventHandler() createProjectile()
  8. That would result in a less player count, not many players like typing in shit every time to play.
  9. Well I mean bodyparts lol, it would be cool.
  10. Very simple function iif(a,b,c) if a then return b else return c end end then spawnCars(iif(players<4, 2, iif(players>4 and players<8, 6, iif(players>8, 10, 10))))
  11. Idea: code.google.com Make a project, get TortoiseSVN, Use SVN subversion ofc and put your current progress on there Examples: Handling Editor and Blood Derby
  12. qaisjp

    Login GUI

    Store the data in an XML file, but make sure it's secure
  13. tim260, this is the server error, not resource error, try closing all programs/opening mta as admin/delete mods/deathmatch/resources folder!
  14. *Sorry for double posts but this is an announcement* Source code updated, now this will actually work when using in a server, however it is not using any vehicle creation methods yet!
  15. qaisjp


    no problem twisted
  16. Why would you need an if statement! can't you just do addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", root, cancelEvent)
  17. qaisjp


    Someone lock this please, this sounds like it is going way offtopic and it looks like the problemo is resolved-o.
  18. qaisjp


    Use 3dt resource by TheKid
  19. (sos) can the onPlayerLogout event be cancelled tho?
  20. can onPlayerLogout event be cancelled
  21. URL Fail Jay, didnt close the starting part and made incorrect ending part.
  22. All my questions will be here, so scroll the last page or w/e to get the latest questions! can account data be saved as a table?
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