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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Sure! Thanks mate! I will try that! post updated above, added source code link.
  2. Take a quick check about the velocities and animations and tasks using the following functions: getPedTask() getPedSimplestTask() getElementVelocity() getPedAnimation() setTimer() / addEventHandler("onClient(Pre)Render"...) Use someone of those functions (in rough format) to see what occurs when.
  3. qaisjp


    local badman = { "i", "like", "to", "say", "bad", "words", "cos", "its", "so", "fu", "fun!!!" } function oyestfu(msg, lolT) _G["cancelEvent"]() for i,v in ipairs(badman) do if string.find(string.lower(msg), v) then msg = string.gsub(string.lower(msg), v, "<I_Love_You>") end end r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source)..": "..msg, root, r,g,b) end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, oyestfu) Send me a pm and i will give you the one i made from af server. Please note i am not sure how to restore the capitalization.
  4. qaisjp


    I'm making a custom-seats resource that does exactly this, the only things you need is attachElements, but you need heavy maths and shit to make justice to getPedOccupiedVehicle, enter_exit keys, killing, and etc. so if you try doing this remember to make a custom getPedOccupiedVehicle and stuff, this way all will be good.
  5. ^^ *bump and double post* Please can we have input from the mta team of this? Idea for the gore mod: shoot arm, arm ped bone alpha 0, show some body part
  6. Also I aimed this idea for The_GTA's resedit, since he should disable the debug whilst editing (it interferes with the viewing and stuff)
  7. Ideas: Achievements and Point system
  8. *bump* ideas...or anything?
  9. Actually, what i think you should do is not go according to mouse movement but go according to the camera matrix. That way it is more accurate and doesnt occur when the mouse is visible.
  10. and he wanted to make a variable of the same name and enable a variable on that side with the same name he can edit very simply.
  11. Hey guys, I'm here to explain a new gamemode I am developing. I just started yesterday and I am getting off to a good start. This gamemode is only for Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.1+ Blood Derby Ever played the DD maps? I always had the concept that Destruction Derby was supposed to be in the Bloodbowl Stadium, until I became more familiar with MTA:SA, I realised this changed. The problem with most maps, is that if you fall off, you are dead; In my gamemode, the true destruction is in the derby and blood will be shed! (actually "blood" came from bloodbowl, not the actual blood ) Links Google Code Road Map Dynamic Dropping System Somehow when dropping a barrel make it roll... when throwing a mine dont just plant it there, make it fly in the air onto ground Images When you camp you fly out, blue marker may only be for testing, might put alpha to 0: CAMPER What do you think about this? Any ideas? Any snippets? Any specific colshape codes given ? This is the topic! Owned by Alternative Gaming Services and Scripted by Qais/qaisjp
  12. qaisjp

    Weird thingy

    Ooooooh! LMFAO! So max isnt 100, its 1000 O_O. Thanks! (Please close this to prevent any unneeded bumps)
  13. qaisjp

    Weird thingy

    Nonono, lol. It automatically goes on fire when use my script, i dont want it to go on fire!
  14. qaisjp

    Weird thingy

    I'm making a small gamemode and part of it contains this: function onVehicleStartExit(player, seat, jack, door) if ACTIVE[player] == true then setElementHealth(source, 100) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setTimer(setElementAlpha, 50, 101, source, getElementAlpha(source)-1) setTimer(destroy, 5050, 1, source) killPed(player) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit", root, onVehicleStartExit) When ACTIVE[player] is false, everything is normal. But when it is true, I die (yay) but the vehicle goes on fire . This isn't possible... Help me please EDIT: After testing without killPed, it goes on fire...
  15. yes I think it has a NOT operator. lala = false if not lala then print(tostring(lala)) end == > false
  16. SERVER: triggerClientEvent(player1, "send_Data", root, "fooPlayer0", fooPlayer0) CLIENT: function recData(varname, value) _G[varname] = value outputChatbox("fooPlayer1 value is "..fooPlayer1.." ! Cool, right :D") end addEvent("send_Data", true) addEventHandler("send_Data", root, recData) Probably wouuld work.
  17. setDebugLevel I don't know whether this should support server side support or not, but I will just explain for client. setDebugLevel(int level) Arguments: level : The debug level, allowed: 0-3 What do you think about the suggestion?
  18. Please refrain from backseat moderating "OOPS, I just moderated xD"
  19. qaisjp

    dx collisions

    Are you making "Mario returns to San Andreas!" game?
  20. createPed fxDrawSparks Use them ^^
  21. No problemo, what I mean by PK, means that if someone 'kills' you from very nearby or using a melee weapon, you don't go into injured mode, you immediatly die.
  22. Yes please do so and change that password to a random one and send it me, then please suspend [AFS]Qais, thanks again.
  23. Isn't there that thingy Mr.Kayl made? interpolateBetween and stuff ?
  24. Skin textures are available though, use the same method as he said but only the TXD part and the model id as the skin id.
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